Chapter 1066
She quickly lifted the quilt and tiptoed to the bedside. The lights in the bedroom were not turned on. There was a small garden outside the window, and the moonlight was so bright at night.

There were four skinny old men lying on the ground.

Sniped by bodyguards.

One of them was still breathing, trying to get up with his old body, cursing in a hoarse voice: "Ming Sichen, you family traitor! We worked hard to guard the spiritual spring for you and provide you with nourishment for the spiritual spring, but how could you Treat us? You actually want to give up Lingquan to a yellow-haired girl!"

"Ahem. If it wasn't for Miao Xiaojiao to tell the truth, us bad old men wouldn't know that you gave up hundreds of old people in your family for one woman!"

"We rely on the diluted spiritual spring to continue our lives, but you actually want to use a mature spiritual spring to save a foreigner!"

These people are the elderly and retired elders of the family.

The age is already over a hundred years old, and he drinks a little thin spiritual spring every month to maintain his life.Once the mature Lingquan is used to save Tangtang, the leftovers of the Lingquan are not enough to support the old people like them, and they will die soon.

Ming Sichen came out from the darkness, his black windbreaker flapped in the night wind, and his leather boots made a cracking sound like broken bones when they stepped on the dead leaves in the garden.He was like a demon walking out of the darkness, and the old men who collapsed on the ground couldn't help shaking.

"I, we are your elders after all! If you do something wrong, we are qualified to advise you." The old man in his dying years gritted his teeth and scolded.

Being able to survive to the age of a hundred in the Ming family, these old people can be regarded as having seen strong winds and waves.But facing the young Ming Sichen, the centenarians couldn't help but tremble.

Ming Sichen's methods are truly terrifying.

At a young age, his cruelty is no less than that of any generation of patriarchs.

Ming Sichen didn't have time to listen to these old men's nonsense, he only raised his hand slightly: "Kill it."

Immediately, a black-clothed bodyguard stepped forward to take orders: "Yes."

Ming Sichen has always disliked listening to nonsense, let alone being criticized.These so-called family elders are just blood-sucking insects attached to the family, and death is not a pity.

The old man's eyes widened: "I am your elder! You, you dare to kill me?"

As soon as the words fell, gunshots rang out.

The vitality in the old man's eyes was completely annihilated.Well-trained bodyguards stepped forward, dragged the four dead old men away, and threw them into the pool of the ancestral hall for nourishment.

The courtyard became quiet again, only the bright white moonlight was left shining on the lush courtyard.Ming Si Shen looked back at Tang Tang's bedroom window, there was no light, and Tang Tang was not awakened.

Tang Tang smeared and quickly returned to the bed, covered the quilt and pretended to sleep.

She witnessed with her own eyes that Ming Sichen sent people to kill several old men, and the picture was deeply etched in Tang Tang's mind.Tang Tang only felt terrible, and Ming Sichen's methods were cruel, like a killing god crawling out of hell.

Tang Tang has lingering fears.

There were slight footsteps outside the house, and Tang Tang quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.The bedroom door was gently pushed open, and Ming Si Shen Fang walked in slowly with light footsteps.

The room was quiet, and faint breathing could be heard faintly.Ming Si stood at the door, looking at Tang Tang sleeping peacefully on the small bed for a moment.

He stood still.

Tang Tang, who was pretending to be asleep on the bed, was upset and a little confused.What are you doing in my room without sleeping in the middle of the night?Do you stand?

Just as Tang Tang was fighting between heaven and man in her mind, she noticed that Ming Sichen was approaching, and the sound of footsteps stopped beside the bed.Then the quilt rustled, and Ming Sichen pulled Tang Tang's quilt that had fallen outside the bed back to the bed.

Tang Tang is a little confused, you don't sleep most of the night, just to cover me with a quilt?
(End of this chapter)

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