Chapter 1071 I'm Feeling Sad
Tang Tang: "Huh?"

Fu Jingan came over, took off Tang Tang's black cashmere coat, and threw it to the side of the road: "Okay, let's go home."

Tang Tang couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The two boarded the off-road vehicle and left quickly.Through the rearview mirror of the car window, Tang Tang saw Ming Sichen standing at the entrance of the cave in the distance.

The mountain wind passed by, messing up the ends of her hair, and Ming Si's deep blue eyes kept watching Tang Tang leave.

No one knows what he is thinking at the moment.

The Berke Academy shrouded in darkness.

Gu Mingfei entered the dreamland again.

In the dream, he met the princess.The princess did not wear the bright red sacrificial attire this time, but changed into the round-neck attire of the men's long sword in the Tang Dynasty. The material was luxurious and exuded royal nobility.

The male princess has a jade-like crown and is extremely handsome.

Gu Mingfei was dumbfounded, blinked, and stretched out his claws uncontrollably, trying to take off the princess's clothes——

"What are you doing?" The princess frowned displeasedly, and waved away Gu Mingfei with one sleeve.

Gu Mingfei stared at the stars and was very excited: "This is a broad-sleeved toga with cross-collared right lapel from the Tang Dynasty. This is the first time I have seen such a real dress! Can you take off the clothes and let me study them carefully?" ?"

The princess's pretty face blushed and turned white, turned white and turned red again, and finally said bitterly: "I can't! You are a disciple!"

Gu Mingfei sat down obediently, and explained seriously with a small face: "I am not yet an adult, not a disciple. I am just curious about ancient history."

The princess snorted coldly.

He poured a cup of tea and sipped it slowly.

In the dream, there is a palace world, beautiful and beautiful, the princess' bedroom is elegant and clean, revealing an antique flavor.The princess put down the celadon teacup, and looked up at the young boy in front of her: "Descendants of the Gu family, tonight is the last time we will meet in a dream."

Gu Mingfei looked over in surprise: "Last time?"

The princess nodded, with helplessness in her eyes: "I can feel that my other half's soul has already started the ceremony of becoming a god. The ceremony started, the soul merged, and I am a little bit sad that I will never meet you in my dream again."

Although this child is very long-winded, very strange, and often takes the initiative to touch the princess, the princess likes this little boy from the bottom of her heart.

Gu Mingfei has a pair of clean and clear eyes.

The princess liked his simplicity and kindness very much.

"No, reluctance? We met in a dream?" Gu Mingfei was terrified, waving his little hands, "I am still a child, and I don't like boys either, and I don't want to fall in love early."

With blue veins on her forehead, the princess gritted her teeth: "I didn't mean that!"

Gu Mingfei let out a long sigh of relief.

The princess rested her eyebrows, feeling that the soul was slowly peeling away, and she was about to leave. The princess looked deeply at Gu Mingfei: "It's useless to talk, you are a good boy, I believe you will become a great scholar, goodbye."

Gu Mingfei was also somewhat reluctant: "Goodbye."

The figure of the princess gradually dissipated, turning into red ashes bit by bit.

Gu Mingfei looked eagerly at
looking at
Half an hour later, the princess still hadn't disappeared.

Not only did it not disappear, but the part that turned into red ashes also began to recover.The princess was stunned for a rare moment, and looked down at herself: "I, I didn't merge with the other half of my soul? Could it be that the ceremony of becoming a god failed? Impossible, I feel that he has gathered the holy objects, and the spiritual spring is mature. It stands to reason that the ceremony Impossible to fail."

The princess thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out the reason.

But Gu Mingfei blinked and said excitedly: "The ceremony of becoming a god failed? Then you can still meet me in your dreams?"

(End of this chapter)

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