Chapter 1078

Tang Tang knew this younger brother too well, and he was born with a rambunctious mouth. He could talk about a simple matter from the beginning to the end to the end for days and nights.

Gu Mingfei made a small face, hugged the small teacup and said, "First, my sister, I am not playing truant. I left the Berke Academy with the signature of the headmaster himself."

This time, Gu Mingfei took a one-month long vacation. According to the rules of the Bork Academy, students in school cannot take more than ten days of vacation.

Gu Mingfei asked for a month of leave as soon as he asked for leave, and it stands to reason that he would be opposed by the school.But when he proposed to go home, all the school board members raised their hands in agreement, and the elderly principal almost cried, and immediately signed the leave note submitted by Gu Mingfei.

The principal even euphemistically stated that if you leave school, you should not come back, and you can take a lifetime leave.

Gu Mingfei continued: "Secondly, I came back this time to find a way to save my sister and brother-in-law. I chatted with that male princess for a long time, and he said that rebirth will be backlashed, but it is not impossible to resolve it."

Seeing that Gu Mingfei finally got to the point, Tang Tang's eyes lit up: "Is there a way to prolong the life of Fu Jingan and me? Really?"

Gu Mingfei nodded, then shook his head: "Academically speaking, nothing is 100% accurate. Even if there is an uncertainty of one ten thousandth, it does not mean 100% success—"

"Don't talk." Tang Tang rubbed his temples, "I'll ask you to answer."

Chatting with this younger brother is really hard sometimes.

He is obviously only fourteen or fifteen years old, and he is full of old-fashioned demeanor.

Fu Jingan smiled, poured a cup of tea for Gu Mingfei himself, and asked instead of Tang Tang: "Is the method of prolonging Tang Tang's life and me related to the Ming family?"

Gu Mingfei thought for a while, then shook his head: "It has nothing to do with the Ming family. The effect of the Ming family's Lingquan has been absorbed by you, brother-in-law, and it has lost the effect of prolonging life. I guess it will take at least a hundred years of Lingquan to restore some of the longevity effects. but--"

Fu Jing'an: "You mean, besides the Ming family, there are other people who can help me and Tang Tang resolve the backlash of rebirth. Who is it? Or what is it?"

Gu Mingfei: "Hua is the country with the longest history in the world. It has a long history of 5000 years. It is not that there are no people who have been reborn in history. There are also cases of longevity after rebirth. For example, Lu Zhi of the Han Dynasty Empress dowagers, such as Zhao Kuangyi of the Song Dynasty—”

Fu Jingan was thoughtful, and interrupted Gu Mingfei's words: "I understand, what you mean is that maybe Huaguo still has a way to eliminate backlash. Tang Tang and I need to find this person or item."

Gu Mingfei:
Fu Jingan touched his chin: "The Miao clan is a breakthrough, and there are other breakthroughs. Brother-in-law, where is the breakthrough?"

Gu Mingfei glanced at his brother-in-law: "My male princess friend told me that Huaguo also has experts who study the spirituality of homestays. These experts understand Fengshui, know the fate of the country, and resolve disasters. There have been these people with supernatural powers in the past dynasties, and they have contributed a lot to the stable country. However, they are all people under the state's key protection, and it is difficult to find out their identities."

China is the most special country in the world.

The history of 5000 years has never been cut off, even if there is only a little spark left, it will continue tenaciously.Behind it, there are capable people and strangers who have guarded the destiny of the country in the past dynasties.

The backlash brought about by Tang Tang and Fu Jingan's change of fate against the sky may be resolved by these capable people who guard the destiny of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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