Chapter 1088
Tang Tang was warmly received by the whole village, and surrounded by enthusiastic old fans into the auditorium, the village chief personally received him with shaking hands.

It was the first time for Tang Tang to meet the village chief's grandfather. The old man was full of vigor, and he was very trendy in suits and leather shoes.Tang Tang stretched out his hand to him kindly: "Thank you village chief for letting me into the village."

The village chief's grandfather blushed and shook hands with Tang Tang tremblingly.

Then he rolled his eyelids and was so excited that he passed out.

Tang Tang:.
The village chief who fainted was sent to the hospital for first aid.

The welcoming ceremony was warm and grand. Tang Tang finally announced that he would hold a concert in the village tomorrow, and all the old men and women in the village left with satisfaction.

Tang Tang temporarily lives in Jindou's house.

Grandpa Jindou came to receive him in person and prepared a table full of dishes.At the dinner table, the fat man lowered his voice and asked Jin Dou, "Jin Dou, your grandpa. Is your grandpa the old Mr. Jin Xiang who researched missiles?"

Jin Dou bit the roast leg of lamb in his mouth, and nodded vaguely: "Yes, my grandparents are all studying weapons."

The fat man took a deep breath.

What a terrible village this is!
Fatty recalled the old men and old ladies he saw today, many of them were familiar faces.There are well-known old screenwriters, masters of intangible cultural heritage, top martial artists, and world-renowned professors
It is simply the big brother village in the starting point male channel article!

"But I remember, you said before that your family is raising sheep!" The fat man remembered what Jin Dou had said before. Jin Dou had said that his family was raising sheep.

At that time, the fat man thought that Jindou was an ordinary family of shepherds.

Jin Dou nodded and swallowed the last bite of the roasted lamb: "My dad raises sheep. The grassland outside the village is full of sheep from my family. That's right, my dad works in a research institute and is also researching sheep."

The fat man was already numb: "What kind of sheep does your father study?"

Jin Dou: "Clone sheep. Besides raising sheep, my dad is also researching cloning technology."

Fatty: Everyone is numb.

What kind of people is this family!What a wonderful village this is!
After Tang Tang finished his lunch, he felt very sorry when he thought of the fainting grandfather of the village chief.So Jin Dou was asked to lead the way. Tang Tan wanted to go to the hospital to visit the village chief's grandfather, and discuss with him about tomorrow's concert and the time to visit Mr. Yuan.

Jin Dou led the way and chirped, "Sister Tang, don't worry too much. The village head's grandfather is in good health. Besides, the doctors in our village are very skilled. As long as the village head's grandfather is still alive, he can save him. It’s really impossible to save lives, our village is also researching the technology of digitization of consciousness, which can present the consciousness of the village head’s grandpa with data and realize immortality in the sense of data.”

Tang Tang:.
A little bit incomprehensible.

Gu Mingfei was rather interested: "Consciousness digitalization? This exists in theory, but it requires highly developed artificial intelligence technology. Does Noah's Ark Village already have a large-scale artificial intelligence? Brother Jindou, can you bring I've met with experts in this area, and I'm very interested in these studies."

Jin Dou scratched his head: "Yes, but you have to apply to the village head grandpa."

Gu Mingfei smiled slowly.

The hospital is located in the east of the village with beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and sea, which is very suitable for recuperation.The hospital here occupies a very large area and has all kinds of facilities. It not only treats diseases, but also researches and develops drugs. It can be said to be a small medical research institute.

Jin Dou asked about the ward of the village chief's grandfather at the front desk, and took everyone there.

Knocking on the door of the ward, Jin Dou said, "Grandpa Village Chief, I brought Sister Tang to visit you. Are you feeling better? Is your blood pressure normal?"

In the spacious and bright ward, there is a faint fragrance of flowers.

The grandpa of the village head is giving a needle with his bare arms.

In front of the hospital bed stood an acquaintance in a white coat.Hearing the movement at the door, she turned around slowly and smiled at Tang Tang: "Tang Tang, long time no see."

Tang Tang:! ! !
Fu Jingan:! ! !

Jin Dou's eyes widened: "Little Chinese doctor? Why did you come to our village!"

The woman in front of her was in her early twenties, well-behaved and beautiful, with a fair and round face.Wearing a white coat, she could already see her slightly swollen belly.

The little Chinese doctor fastened the buttons to cover his lower abdomen, and looked at Fu Jing'an meaningfully: "It's a long story, I'm already a villager in Noah's Ark Village."

Crowd: ?
The little Chinese doctor was also quite helpless.

After she found out that she was pregnant, she immediately hid in her hometown of Medicine Valley.But Fu Jingyi tirelessly chased after her, wanted to take her back to get married, and even sent people to surround Yaogu heavily.

The little Chinese doctor didn't want to marry Fu Jingyi.

After thinking about it, she finally thought of a way to stay away from Fu Jingyi.She found a way to come to Huaguo, applied for protection from the government, and won an invitation letter from Noah's Ark Village with her excellent medical skills, and finally became a permanent villager.

No matter how long Fu Jingyi's hands are, there are places he can't get close to.Noah's Ark Village is a sanctuary for young Chinese medicine practitioners, where they can spend the rest of their lives carefree.

In the doctor's office, Fu Jingan's eyelids twitched after listening to the little doctor's account of the cause and effect. No wonder the elder brother always drank in the middle of the night a few days ago. It turned out that the little doctor could not be found.

Fu Jingan was puzzled: "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with my brother? You always avoid him?"

The little Chinese doctor took a sip of the anti-abortion medicine: "What do you know, I want freedom more than love."

She doesn't want to be a wealthy wife.

She just wants to be free and unrestrained to live her own life.

Fu Jingyi can give her all the love, but can never give her the freedom she wants.The little Chinese doctor is a rose that grows in the mountains, and she is unwilling to spend the rest of her life in a greenhouse.

"By the way, if you dare to disclose my whereabouts, I will not let you go." The little Chinese doctor threatened Fu Jingan by knocking on the table.

Fu Jing'an: "But you have my brother's child in your belly, you can't let the child have no father."

The little Chinese doctor didn't say a word, but lowered his head and took another sip of the anti-fetal medicine.

Then, she looked up and down Fu Jingan with sharp eyes, and seemed to find some strange symptoms. She was a little puzzled: "Fu Jingan, you should exercise more when you have time. You are too thin, like a bamboo pole, and not healthy at all."

Fu Jing'an: I can't tell which is the first person to say that I am in poor shape.

The little Chinese doctor narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said, "Extend your hand, and I'll take your pulse."

Fu Jingan stretched out his hand.

The little Chinese doctor pinched his pulse, the smile on his face gradually faded, and slowly became serious.The little Chinese doctor looked at Fu Jing'an, then at Tang Tang next to him: "Tang Tang, you also stretch out your hand, I'll feel the pulse."

Tang Tang also stretched out his hand.

The little Chinese doctor felt the pulse for a moment, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed deeply.

She asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with your two bodies? Your vitality is low, your blood vessels are weak, your organs are in a state of failure, and you can't live for three months."

 Watching the party with friends on New Year's Day, there is a program in which the master and apprentice fight and practice martial arts together

  The soul of my rotten girl is burning

  I excitedly told my friend: "Master and apprentice, both can write an article about master X apprentice!"

  I did not express the word X as the English letter X (A Kesi), so it is pronounced as the Chinese X "把".

  So it fell into my friend's ear

  It becomes
  Well, social death.

(End of this chapter)

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