Chapter 1116 Being hunted down?

In the past, Zhang Youde was seriously ill, and it was the little Chinese doctor who saved him with acupuncture, and did not take any money. Zhang Youde always remembered it in his heart.He was shocked when he saw his savior on the verge of dying, and immediately called the accompanying doctor for treatment.

The little doctor was seriously injured.

His whole body was covered in blood, there was hardly a piece of good flesh on his body, and he was dying.Later, Zhang Youde took her back to Country A after many twists and turns, and treated her with top-notch medical facilities. The little Chinese doctor barely woke up after lying on the hospital bed for more than half a year, but she suffered a severe brain injury and lost all her memories.

Both of her legs were badly injured and it took a year and a half of rehab before she could barely walk.

It wasn't until this year that I was able to walk like a normal person.But the walking time should not be too long, it will cause a burden to the legs.

Although she lost her memory, the little Chinese doctor never gave up looking for her own memory. She always felt that she had lost something very important.

"Xue'er, Dad rescued you in a mountain torrent. I don't know your real name, but you call yourself a little doctor of Chinese medicine." Zhang Youde sighed, "The torrent happened strangely, and so did your injuries—I have a reason. I suspect that you are being hunted down by someone."

As soon as these words came out, the Zhang family siblings all stared wide-eyed!


Zhang Ling'er was so frightened that she clenched the little doctor's hand tightly: "Father, you can send more people to protect my sister!"

Zhang Qian patted his chest: "Dad, I will assign my bodyguard to my sister. Although my sister can't be my daughter-in-law, I will always love her!"

But the little Chinese doctor frowned and asked Zhang Youde: "Are you sure I'm being hunted down?"

Zhang Youde nodded seriously, with a serious look on his face: "When I first met you, you looked flustered, as if you were avoiding someone. At that time, you gave me acupuncture treatment, and I asked you a few words. You replied , there is someone who has been chasing you, you have to avoid him."

"In that flash flood, you had car fragments and cut marks on your body. I rescued you from the flood, and you kept chanting the name 'Fu Jingyi' in a coma. I have reason to suspect that you offended Fu Jingyi, the current head of the Fu family. , was hunted down by someone he sent, and accidentally fell into the flood!"

The Fu family is so powerful, the little Zhang family is no match for the Fu family.

Over the past three years, Zhang Youde has tried his best to protect the little Chinese doctor and prevent her from being persecuted by the Fu family.

"Son, listen to me, I'm here to protect you." Zhang Youde looked at the little doctor, he really took care of the little doctor as his own daughter.

The little doctor said nothing.

Fu Jingyi?
Thinking of this name, the little Chinese doctor's mind ached.She pressed her temples and thought depressingly, I really have a grudge against this Fu Jingyi, just thinking about him gives me a headache, and my heart feels empty.

The little Chinese doctor believed Zhang Youde's words.

She and this Fu Jingyi must have a sworn feud!
How about finding a chance to kill Fu Jingyi?Maybe the memory can be restored - the little Chinese doctor was thinking wildly.

"Let me just say it! There must be something wrong with Fu Jingyi who is not married at the age of 30." Zhang Linger clenched her fists angrily, "These chaebols are all beasts in private! It's over, if Fu Jingyi takes a fancy to me, my whole life will be ruined."

Zhang Qian clicked twice next to him: "Sister, look in the mirror. There are so many beauties around Fu Jingyi, even if he is blind, he can't see you, a shrew—oh, don't slap me in the face! You don't slap people in the face! Help me, sister!" Sister, I was wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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