Chapter 1123 The Most Handsome Is Still Me

The water in the pond was icy cold, and many goldfish were raised, and Gu Xiaoying drank a lot of strange-tasting pond water while splashing.

"Help help"

Tianbao was taken aback, and hurried to the pool. She wanted to pull up the little boy who fell into the pool, but found that the distance between the two was a bit far.

Tianbao hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I'll call someone to help you right away!" She took out the communicator to call the bodyguard, but she was in a hurry, and unfortunately, her foot stepped on a cobblestone.


Splashes of water—

Sweet Baby also rolled into the pool mellowly.

The two children can't swim, they are small, and they are scrambling and howling for help.At the very moment, a black figure descended from the sky like a wolf and quickly jumped into the water.

On one left and one on the right, they carried two wet children ashore and threw them on the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough" Gu Xiaoying wiped off the water on his face, and tried to open his eyes, "Thank you uncle for saving your life——huh? Brother Jing'an!"

His vision changed from blurry to clear, and he saw the savior.

The young man had picturesque features, and two strands of black hair were sticking wetly to his forehead, but it did not affect his overly outstanding appearance in the slightest.The one who rescued Gu Xiaoying was none other than Fu Jingan, the younger brother of Patriarch Fu.

Fu Jingan squatted halfway, looking at Gu Xiaoying and the little girl next to him.

Seeing an acquaintance, Gu Xiaoying leaned over excitedly and opened his paws to hug him: "Brother Jing An, woooooo scared me to death, I almost thought I would never see you again, woooooo."

After all, Gu Xiaoying was only a three-and-a-half-year-old child, who fell into the water and almost drowned, his little heart was so frightened that it was pounding.The bridge of the nose was sour, and tears fell down.

Clutching Fu Jingan's arm, he wailed non-stop, pouring out his grievances.

Fu Jingan felt sympathetic to Gu Xiaoying at first, until he saw the shiny snot stained on his sleeve. Fu Jingan pulled Gu Xiaoying's clothes corner expressionlessly, and wiped away the snot left by the child.

So dirty.

"Let's go, I'll take you back and change your clothes." Fu Jingan got up to lead the way, and glanced at the soft little girl again.

Tian Bao took the initiative to raise her claws: "Go to Tian Bao's room, Tian Bao has a lot of beautiful clothes."

Beautiful princess house.

As soon as Fu Jingan entered, he was dazzled by the overwhelming pink, it was like Princess Barbie's dream castle.Fu Jingan was speechless in secret, it seems that my old man really values ​​Tianbao.

Fu Jingan had heard about the elder brother bringing back an adopted daughter, but this was the first time he saw Tianbao today.The little girl is quite cute, her eyes are clever and full of aura, which reminds Fu Jingan of Tang Tang when she was a child.

The nanny sent a set of children's men's clothing.

The two children went back to the changing room, changed their wet clothes, and came out one after another.

"Hello, Uncle Jing An, I'm Tian Bao." Tian Bao greeted obediently.

Fu Jingan squatted down, pinched Tianbao's little face: "How old are you?"

Sweet Baby: "Three and a half years old."

The smile in Fu Jingan's eyes deepened.

Very nice.

He and Tang Tang will have more daughters in the future.

"I will send someone to build a fence around the pool. You two should be more careful when passing by the pool in the future." After a pause, Fu Jingan added, "It's better to learn how to swim."

The two cute babies nodded in unison.

Fu Jingan looked at the time on his watch: "I still have to pick up my wife, you two can play by yourself."

After Fu Jingan left, Xiao Tianbao lowered her voice and muttered to herself: "Uncle Jing'an looks even better than in the photo."

"Of course, the Gu family and the Fu family are not ugly." Gu Xiaoying raised the corners of his mouth proudly, "But I think I am the most handsome."

sweet baby:.
This man is so narcissistic.

 Fu Jingan: As expected of me, I have been making soy sauce all the time
(End of this chapter)

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