Chapter 1128 Paternity Test
Over the past few years, Fu Jingyi has not given up on tracing the whereabouts of the little Chinese medicine practitioner.It's a pity that I searched all the places where she might go, but there was no clue. It was not until recently that I found out that the little Chinese doctor went to the deep mountains and old forests to buy medicine three years ago.

She was driving a black SUV.

But this off-road vehicle appeared in Father Fu's personal warehouse and was sealed.

The broken and rusted off-road vehicle has been seen again.The car body was seriously damaged, and the things in the car had been soaked, some had become moldy, and some had decayed into ash.There were still deep bloodstains inside the car, big puddles and small puddles, which turned into old black puddles with the passage of time.

Father Fu looked at the overturned off-road vehicle and remained silent for a long time.

Fu Jingyi said calmly: "Father, you need to give me an explanation." There are countless storms in the calm.

Why did the off-road vehicle that the little Chinese medicine doctor disappeared before appear here.

What did Father Fu hide?
An indescribable pain filled Fu Jingyi's heart, and some truths were finally about to be revealed.

There was a dead silence all around.

Father Fu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.He worked hard to hide it for several years, and he knew that one day he would be discovered, but he didn't expect the time to come so early.

In the end, Fu's father sent someone to fetch a yellowed and old photo.

Handed it to Fu Jingyi.

"This was taken by the funeral home. When I went there, apart from the ashes, only this photo was left." Father Fu sat down with gray hair, as if he had aged instantly.

This is a photo from three years ago.

In fact, Fu Jingyi was not the only one who was looking for the little doctor back then, but Fu's father was also looking for it secretly, hoping to help his son.By accident, Fu's father found out the whereabouts of the little Chinese medicine doctor in the mountainous area of ​​southwest China.

Sudden mudslides and mountain torrents erupted. When Fu's father rushed to the mountainous area, he only found the broken off-road vehicle washed ashore by the flood.

Mudslides and flash floods killed a total of 8 people, 6 men and 2 women.Most of the corpses were claimed by the family members. Only the corpse of the last pregnant woman has not been claimed for a long time. The funeral home has limited space and can only be cremated after taking photos of the corpse.

Later, Fu's father rushed to the funeral home, only to get a pot of ashes and a photo.In the photo is a woman whose face cannot be seen clearly. After being soaked in water for a long time, her whole face is swollen, rotted and blackened, which is extremely terrifying.Her figure is very similar to that of a little Chinese doctor, and she is also wearing the coat of a little Chinese medicine doctor. Her abdomen is high and swollen, and her body is covered with blood.

"The off-road vehicle was damaged, and the little Chinese doctor died, leaving only a pot of ashes and this photo." Fu's father sighed, "I was afraid you would be sad, so I kept it a secret."

But Father Fu also knew that he couldn't hide it for too long.

Fu Jingyi looked at the yellowed photo with an unpredictable expression, and his eyes fell on the big gray coat - it was indeed the coat of the little Chinese medicine practitioner.

He remembered it clearly.

He bought it for her himself.

Father Fu was nervous and worried: "Jingyi, you must not do anything stupid—I put the ashes in the ancestral hall and offer them incense every year."

Fu Jingyi didn't say anything, and left with that photo, her back as heavy as a mountain.

Putting aside family affairs and all work, Fu Jingyi went to the Fu Family Ancestral Temple and found the ashes of the little Chinese doctor.A small porcelain jar, filled with a lover who was once in his prime.

He held the urn blankly, his heart was cut one by one by a rusty knife, painful and paralyzed.He had secretly dreamed countless times, dreaming that the little doctor of Chinese medicine died in a foreign land, and after waking up, he frantically searched for her. As long as he couldn't find anyone one day, maybe she was still alive.

But he finally found it.

He fell into unprecedented pain and loss.

Fu Jingyi locked herself in the manor for five consecutive days.

Father Fu couldn't see him, so he was very anxious.

He dialed Fu Jingan's number and told Fu Jingan to come back and think of a solution: "I didn't want to tell your brother the truth, he found out by himself! What should I do now? I want the white-haired man to give the black-haired man?"

"What sin did I do in my last life! The two sons I gave birth to are worse than the other! Fu Jing'an, don't talk back to me. Back then you almost died a dozen times because of Tangtang. Don't think I forgot!"

"Hurry up and come back to me. If you can't persuade your brother, I don't recognize your son!"

After scolding Fu Jingan, Fu's father still felt choked up.

For a long time, Fu Jingyi has been calm, calm, and shows no signs of emotion or anger. She is the most qualified heir cultivated by the family, just like a natural machine.But now Fu Jingyi was out of control, and he was devastated by the blow.

Father Fu was worried, and his hair turned gray again.

Noah's Ark Village.

Tianbao played in the village for several days, saw all kinds of interesting and magical technologies, and met a group of interesting and lively old men and old ladies.

Tianbao is so happy to leave!

"Our Noah's Ark Village is not an ordinary village. The most powerful brains in the whole of China are here." Gu Xiaoying was proud, and took Tianbao to visit the biology studio.

Tianbao looked around, saw a technological instrument not far away, and asked curiously, "Xiao Falcon, what is that?"

Gu Xiaoying glanced at it, raised the corner of his mouth, and introduced: "This is a super DNA detector, equipped with top-notch computer equipment inside. Just put the sample in, and you can test the blood type, the health of the blood sample in the shortest time, and even do a paternity test. The speed is extremely fast, no manual intervention is required, and the results can be produced in as little as 10 minutes."

Tianbao opened her mouth wide in surprise: "It's really so powerful? I don't quite believe it."

Gu Xiaoying was aroused to win: "Of course, this instrument was jointly developed by my brother Mingfei! Brother Mingfei is the smartest person in the world! The machine he researched is absolutely fine! If you don't believe me, let's try it." —give me one of your hairs, with follicles."

Sweet Baby narrowed her eyes, pulled a strand of hair and handed it over.

Gu Xiaoying also pulled his hair.

Two hairs were put into the instrument storage box.

Tianbao tilted her head suspiciously, watching the machine running beepingly, and asked curiously: "No, why did you put our hair in it? Can it be identified, can I still be your mother?"

Gu Xiaoying: "."

That's right, why did you put their hair samples in, what kind of parent-child relationship can their two three-and-a-half-year-old children have?This is not stupid.

So Gu Xiaoying took his hair out of the sample box, thought for a while and asked, "Tian Bao, do you have any other hair samples?"

Before Tianbao thought of leaving, she pulled out some white hairs of her father.

So she took out a small handkerchief, took out a white hair and handed it over: "This is my father's hair, you can experiment with it."

Put the two hairs into the instrument, and the instrument starts.

After 10 minutes, a sample paper was printed.

Tianbao picked up the test result and looked at it, her eyes suddenly widened: "Huh?"

Seeing Tianbao's reaction, Gu Xiaoying was stunned for a moment: "Why, are you really my mother, Tianbao?"

Tianbao pointed to the result: "It said, [there is a genetic relationship, confirm the biological relationship], what does this mean?"

 Update update, typos stamp me~~
(End of this chapter)

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