Chapter 1134
"The show asks the guests to choose their favorite person. I really like that handsome guy who plays the erhu, but the director asked me to change my favorite person to the rich second generation Fu Jun! Bah!"

"After the first episode aired, the whole network scolded me! They said I had no common sense in life, said I wanted to become rich, and I was going to die of aggrieved! Isn't a pretty sister attractive? Isn't a long-legged sister beautiful? Why do I like that silly X rich second generation!"

As she spoke, Wen Qingtian's eyes turned red, and she tried her best not to let the tears fall.

She signed an agreement for the entire period of the variety show, and she cannot withdraw, otherwise she will have to pay sky-high compensation
"Don't cry, let me watch variety shows first, and help you find a way." The little Chinese doctor wiped away Wen Qingtian's tears and patted her on the shoulder.

Wen Qingtian threw herself into the little doctor's arms with a groan, crying non-stop.

After dinner, the little Chinese doctor turned on the computer and found the popular love variety show "100 Heartbeat" on the Internet. After the first season of "Heartbeat 100 Points" was broadcast, it instantly became popular on the Internet and dominated the hot searches across the country.

The program team strikes while the iron is hot and produces the second season non-stop.

The second season also invited 3 men and 3 women, a combination of celebrities + amateurs.At present, the first episode has been broadcast, which is the episode that Wen Qingtian participated in, and the popularity of the broadcast is extremely high.

The little Chinese doctor opened this program, held a cup of herbal tea, and watched patiently.Sure enough, as Wen Qingtian said, in the first episode, Wen Qingtian was maliciously edited into a "vanity", "hypocrisy" and "low EQ" villain. Whenever there is a picture of Wen Qingtian, the barrage is full of—

"The ugly girl is disgusting again!!"

"Can the program group code this [Plague] sunny day! I don't want to see this ugly face!"

"Still mocking Qiaoer for drinking noodle soup, Zaidi, you, Wen Qingtian, have been drinking fine milk and jade liquid since childhood? Do you look down on Qiaoer who came from an ordinary person?"

"Why does this guy have two faces? When he sees Fu Jun, the rich second generation, he can't wait to stick his whole body on it; when he sees the poor boy Jindou, he hides far away."

"Where did the program team find the green tea whore, it's just relying on defense!"

"I heard that the guest in the last episode is a super rich man! A rich man even richer than Fu Jun! [Plague] When you see a super rich man on a sunny day, you won't go back on purpose again, right? Give you a room card?"

Thanks to the blessing of Wen Qingtian, the "clown", the popularity of the first episode soared.Several other guests, relying on the temperature of the sunny day, soared.

The little doctor's eyes darkened.

The recording of the second period will be tomorrow.That night, the little doctor of Chinese medicine discussed with Wen Qingtian: "You don't need to be on the second episode of the show, I'll go to the variety show disguised as you. You go and help me find the medicine powder I need for my disguise and the medicinal materials I need for brain surgery.

My disguise medicine is not much left, I will disguise myself as you, and it will last for five days at most. "

Wen Qingtian's delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she took the little Chinese doctor's hand: "Senior sister, that program group is very hateful, the director will arrange the script of [Vanity Girl] [White Lotus] for you, and other guests will also target you. "

The little Chinese doctor doesn't care much: "I never care about the opinions of the outside world. People don't live their lives for others to see. I never care about public opinion scandals."

Despite losing her memory, the little Chinese doctor is still a free and easy person in her bones. Nothing can restrict her freedom, and nothing can make her lose confidence.

Wen Qingtian is still a little worried: "The second episode of the variety show will be broadcast live"

The little Chinese doctor narrowed his eyes, tilted his head to look at her, and said in a commanding tone, "Listen to senior sister."

Wen Qingtian blushed and nodded obediently.

Senior sister is quite scary when she is fierce.

If the gang of seniors and juniors from the Bock Academy saw it, they wouldn't be so envious of me!The little Chinese medicine sister has never been cruel to them, only I have this honor.

The two immediately made a decision on this matter, the little Chinese doctor Yi Rong will participate in this love variety show, and Wen Qingtian will go to buy medicinal materials.

The next day was bright, and Wen Qingtian made a hearty breakfast for the little Chinese doctor, and after patiently exhorting the precautions in the program, Wen Qingtian walked away reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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