Chapter 1148 Introducing Objects

Half an hour later, Jin Dou weakly supported the wall and walked out of the toilet.

Other people in the apartment were busy, the staff was busy setting up the live cameras, and other guests carried their luggage into the room to check the environment.

Only the little Chinese doctor waved at Jindou and said, "Come here, I'll show you."

Jin Dou has a natural affection for "Wen Qingtian", so he rushes over.

The little Chinese doctor pinched Jindou's pulse, checked Jindou's tongue, and finally came to a conclusion: "Diarrhea caused by mild enteritis is not serious, and it can be cured with some medicine."

Jin Dou was so moved that his eyes watered: "Thank you, Sister Qingtian!"

Sister Qingtian was so kind to him!Everyone else ignored Jindou along the way, only "Wen Qingtian" cared for him.

This care has nothing to do with interests, it is purely from the heart.

The little Chinese doctor and Jin Dou walked and chatted, and went upstairs.Fu Jun was downstairs, watching the backs of those two people leaving, feeling more and more uncomfortable.

As he walked, the little Chinese doctor met several old ladies who had returned from farming.Probably because the little Chinese medicine doctor looks very iconic and has a clean breath on her body. Several old ladies sized her up and asked enthusiastically.

"I know a nice guy who owns a factory at home, and he's a perfect match for you."

The little Chinese doctor didn't take it seriously at all, just said "sorry" casually, and entered the room.

Fu Jun froze in place, and instantly smelled a faint medicinal fragrance, which was light, gentle and more alluring than the most expensive perfume.

Another old lady curled her lips and retorted with reason: "He killed / people before, but he hasn't killed anyone now. I went to his house for a drink a few days ago, and I wasn't killed."

There are a lot of fresh herbs growing in the wild, and some of them can cure diarrhea. The little Chinese doctor picked out a few of them and prepared to take them back to make medicine for the golden beans.


"I don't know who the owner of the golf course is. It's a luxury." The little Chinese doctor murmured, walking slowly in the field Kan'er, squatting and teasing from time to time while pulling herbs.

Little Chinese doctor: ...

The little Chinese doctor has nothing to do, wandering outside the apartment.The apartment rented by the program team is in a beautiful suburb, with a golf course nearby, and farmland and water puddles in the distance, where farmers can be vaguely seen working.

That child is also very poor.

"Oh, this little face is handsome, white and pretty."

"The girl is not a local, is she?"

When he ran back to the apartment, he ran too fast and accidentally bumped into Fu Jun head-on, hitting his chest firmly.

The little Chinese doctor looked at the luxurious golf course, and then at the green farmland separated by a wall. The gap between the rich and the poor was so wide that he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This evil capitalist...

Excuse me, goodbye.

An old lady was dissatisfied: "You mean the man who opened the factory? He is a murderer who just got out of prison. Why do you introduce this kind of person to her?"

The afternoon is the rest time for the guests, no shooting.

The little Chinese doctor ran away with herbal medicine in hand.

He caressed his chest, still vaguely retaining the tenderness of a woman's touch, Fu Jun sneered: Is this Wen Qingtian throwing herself into her arms on purpose?

Diarrhea almost collapsed.

Hook your shoulders and hang your back, what's the proper way?
If Fu Jun remembers correctly, Jindou and the little Chinese doctor, Fu Jun and Zhang Qiaoer, Lin Xiaorou and Hemenda, the three pairs of guest rooms are adjacent to each other, so it is convenient for visiting and filming. This is the arrangement of the program group.

Fu Jun lowered his eyes, took out his mobile phone and called the director of the program group.He wants to live next door to Wen Qingtian, so as to create more opportunities for chance encounters.

It's so hard to get.

Fu Jun was about to go back to look for the little doctor, when the phone rang suddenly. It was a call from the program director: "Young Master Fu, the program team has decided to let Miss Wen Qingtian leave and replace her with another female star."

Fu Jun's eyes suddenly changed, and he was furious: "Without my consent, you dare to change the guests at will?"


  make up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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