Chapter 1152 Public opinion
When Fu Jingyi rushed over, Tianbao had just fallen asleep, her chubby little face was still stained with tears, and her little hands clenched the quilt uneasily, as if she was still having a nightmare.

Fu Jingyi came from the family meeting room, and was delayed for a while on the way.

Father Fu closed the door of his granddaughter's room, called Fu Jingyi into the study, and scolded him, "Look at you, you're busy with your shitty job all day long! Your daughter doesn't even know when she's wronged, do you still look like a father?" ?Since you have decided to bring Tianbao home, you must fulfill your duties as a father!"

Fu Jingyi: "."

There is no rebuttal, and it is not easy to refute.

Father Fu gouged out his eldest son's eyes deeply, and scolded: "You can't even take care of your own daughter. No wonder the little Chinese doctor refused to follow you back then. You don't even care about your loved ones. You deserve to be single." !"

Fu Jingyi: "."

"If you have time to spend more time with Tian Bao and Xiao Falcon, these two children don't have a mother, but at least they should have a father's love in childhood! When you were young, I would wear you wherever I went! I will teach you to manage the family and teach you carefully when you are three years old. This is how you are successful today!" Father Fu recalled his own child-rearing experience and was very proud.

Fu Jingyi euphemistically reminded: "But when you sent Xiao An to Pang Zhi's home, Xiao An was also your own son, my own brother, and he had no fatherly love in his childhood."

A small arrow pierced Fu Fu's heart.

I've been too busy with work recently, and I've been worrying about the little Chinese medicine practitioner, so I've indirectly neglected my child.

At the same time, scandals about "Wen Qingtian" also broke out on the Internet.

A large number of Internet trolls squeezed into the Internet, quickly occupying the risk of public opinion.Netizens who didn't know the truth quickly turned their backs, setting off waves of public opinion attacking Wen Qingtian.

The little Chinese doctor packed his luggage that day, hailed a taxi and went back to Wen Qingtian's small medicine shop.Once the door is closed, you can lie down freely.

Father Fu rubbed the bridge of his nose, confidently: "That was also to save Fu Jingan's life. There were too many people who wanted to kill me back then - don't change the subject! From now on, you must spend time with Tian Bao and Xiao Falcon every day, otherwise I will not recognize you This son!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Fu Jingyi was speechless.

"I knew it! This Wen Qingtian is definitely cheating! Ancient acupuncture has long been extinct, and she is only in her early twenties, how can she master this old acupuncture?"

Wang Qiang, the director of "100 Points of Heart", issued a statement on Weibo, declaring that "Wen Qingtian"'s so-called acupuncture and moxibustion medical skills were maliciously fraudulent.

In addition, Wen Qingtian also viciously beat the director in the program, the program team decided to expel Wen Qingtian from the guest group, and replaced Wen Qingtian with another popular traffic floret to participate in the program.

"My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's neighbor's eldest son is a medical student, and his school's professor also thinks that Wen Qingtian's video is fake. The so-called live broadcast is just playing a pre-recorded video!"

"Beat the director. Tsk, this woman is really cruel."

"Impossible, even the live broadcast can be faked? I don't think Wen Qingtian doesn't look like that kind of fake person? Besides, it's impossible for Wen Qingtian to cooperate with a fake with a celebrity like Dr. Xiao."

"Your mother died upstairs? How much does it cost to be a sailor? Pull me to make money together. If you have money, everyone can make money together!"

"It's still the conscience of the program group, kicked the fake vain girl out of the program group, give the program group a thumbs up!"

(End of this chapter)

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