Chapter 1156 I am Gu Xiaoying

Fatty was quite satisfied with his appearance, flung his hair coquettishly, blinked at Jindou, and rolled his eyes.

Golden Bean: .
Jindou had goosebumps all over his body, shaking his arms.That's right, this dog can't get rid of the stinky habit of eating shit. This is the fat man who needs to be beaten in memory.

"Every fat man is a potential stock. Fat man, I have lost weight. Although my appearance is not as good as my boss, but now I am walking on the street, there are a lot of girls asking for their phone numbers." Bean showing off.

Jindou pouted, what a big deal.

Who is not a handsome guy?

"I'm not talking nonsense with you." Jindou held the milky white coffee cup and took two sips before saying, "Sister Qingtian is a good person, she cured my gastroenteritis, and she is very kind to me——now she is being arrested The villain forced her out of the program group and was splashed with dirty water, I have to help her. If you don't make good suggestions, let's not waste time."

The fat man raised his handsome eyebrows: "Don't, I am the head of the Fu family's chief bodyguard anyway, and I have some power in my hands."

Jindou felt disdainful.

just you?

System: [Host, because your points are too low, the current energy of the system is not enough to support the investigation.Ask the host to work hard to earn points, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk. 】

Fatty is becoming more and more interested in this woman named "Wen Qingtian". He has mastered superb acupuncture techniques and has the ability to wake people up from charms.
"Fatty, you still have a computer to record, it's mysterious, like a police detective in a TV drama." Jin Dou poked his head curiously, wanting to see what's on the fatty's computer.

The little Chinese doctor said casually: "It's okay, everything is settled. When will you be back?"

Fatty was confused, clicked on the hot news on the computer, and saw the news that the director was detained.The fat man opened his mouth, what's the matter?Fat Lord, I haven't done anything yet, why did the director go in by himself?
Fatty didn't want to claim credit, so he quickly explained: "Jindou, you misunderstood, Fatty, I—"

Jin Dou thought for a while and said, "It's quite miraculous to say the least. As soon as I got close to Sister Qingtian, I felt like a drunk who took sober medicine and instantly sobered up. Hehe, Sister Qingtian is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. What special medicine."

Zhang Qiaoer's back was covered with a layer of cold sweat.

Mr. Fu said: "I won't take care of you in the future, you have to protect yourself. By the way, get in touch with my Xiaojun more, Xiaoju still likes you very much--Also, director Wang Qiang is a ruthless guy, and there are many people outside. Fewer fans. Stay away from Wen Qingtian these days, and be careful not to be implicated."

Unable to figure it out, Zhang Qiaoer suppressed her doubts and asked the makeup artist to touch up her makeup to prepare for a new round of shooting.

The little Chinese doctor nodded: "Yes."

The door-to-door delivery is cheap, so I'm embarrassed not to take advantage of it.

President Fu's tone was dull, and he rubbed the center of his brows: "Qiaoer, the Patriarch has come forward in person, I can't go against the Patriarch's will."

After a brief chat, we hung up the phone.

"Senior sister, I have seen all the public opinion on the Internet! I am really sorry for causing you trouble." Wen Qingtian's tone was full of apology.

Quickly opened Weibo, Weibo hot searches have exploded.

She hurriedly called the boss of Shinhwa Media, cleared her throat, and spoke as gently as possible: "Uncle Fu, I'm Qiaoer. The program team suddenly changed directors, do you know about this?"

Sometimes Zhang Qiaoer couldn't help but wonder, what exactly is the system?It seems to know the world very well.There are many people who are smarter than her and more powerful than her. Why did the system choose her?

"Yo, the computer screen saver is your son?" Jin Dou felt that the computer screen saver photo looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

I hope my first love is not married yet.
"Which girl is so pitiful that you actually fell in love with it." Jin Dou sat back in his seat, took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Wen Qingtian, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the news sent by the news website.

The fat man recorded Jin Dou's words on the computer.

Zhang Qiaoer was stunned.

In the outskirts, a medicinal herb shop.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Fat man: "."

System: [Think about your teacher in the nursing home, if you can't win Fu Jingyi and earn points, the best teacher for you will lose his life. 】

The director was detained and ruined.

The "100 Points of Heart" program team broke their wrists and announced the appointment of a new director to ensure the fairness of the program content and no longer oppress the guests.Wen Qingtian will also be invited to return to the show to continue filming the variety show.

Jindou only saw the computer screen saver, which was a cute and pretty child, and it was a hand-painted photo.Jin Dou only glanced at it for less than half a second, and the fat man calmly closed the computer screen.

Fatty:? ?

Wait for the day when he is on vacation, and then go to find his first love.

#Well-known director Wang Qiang has been detained on suspicion of multiple crimes#
#影后XX issued an article rebuking Wang Qiang for workplace harassment#
#Wen Qingtian was slandered#
Jin Dou rubbed his eyes, thinking he was wrong.Yesterday, the public opinion was still overwhelmingly vilifying Wen Qingtian, but it has only been a long time since the public opinion on the Internet turned around.

The fat man paused while typing on the keyboard.

【system!what happened?Did Fu Jingyi fall in love with Wen Qingtian?The last woman he asked to personally protect, I remember, was a little Chinese medicine doctor!Look it up, there must be something tricky in this warm and sunny day! 】

Zhang Qiaoer was stunned, why did Fu Jingyi get involved?What the hell happened?

"I'm going to do a project abroad next time. I can't intervene in the affairs of Shinhwa Media for the time being. You can do it yourself." Mr. Fu had a particularly headache. He never thought that he just used his relationship to drive away Wen Qingtian, but it turned out that Wen Qingtian was behind the scenes. With Fu Jingyi's backing?

Jin Dou tilted her head and recalled the scene at that time, and she was quite puzzled: "This thing is very strange to say. Zhang Qiaoer just appeared on the stage, and I was stunned! At that time, I thought she was a fairy descending from the earth. But after looking at it a few more times, I think Zhang Qiaoer looks just like that.

Wen Qingtian: "There is something wrong with the medicinal materials dealer here. I only purchased a small amount of medicinal materials. I may have to come back a few days later until I have purchased enough medicinal materials. But senior sister, don't worry, I will take the medicinal materials I have already purchased. Mail it back! Your true face will not be discovered."

The fat man rolled his eyes, and patiently explained to Jindou: "I don't have a picture of my goddess when she was a child, so I hand-painted it from memory."

The little Chinese doctor brought a chair for the elderly and lay comfortably in the backyard, taking a nap in the fragrance of medicinal herbs and the warmth of the sun.She is not in good health and needs more exposure to the sun to replenish calcium.

Zhang Qiaoer: [But I really can't win Fu Jingyi.]

In a daze, the phone rang.

Zhang Qiaoer finished shooting the photo in the morning, sat down and took a sip of slimming tea, and suddenly received a notice to change the director of the program group.


Not only does the director need to be changed, but Wen Qingtian, who was expelled, also has to come back.

The fat man continued to ask, "Did you wake up by yourself, or was there someone or something around you that made you wake up?"

Zhang Qiaoer finally persuaded Mr. Fu to let him send away the obstacle of Wen Qingtian.It's only been one night, and everything is out of her control.

This system seems to be an omnipotent golden finger, but it is also a knife hanging around her neck.

Jin Douxu muttered, "I apologize to you. I doubted your ability before, but now I admire you very much! Come, come, I'll treat you to this coffee, you can order whatever you want!"

Looking at his computer from the fat man's point of view, one can see densely packed top-secret information, and names such as [Zhang Qiaoer], [Ming Family Top Secret], [Zhang Family], etc. are written on the folders.

And the chief bodyguard?
However, Jin Dou glanced at the fat man's tall, burly and handsome face from the corner of his eye, and felt a little unbalanced in his heart.Why are they all men, this fat man is so masculine!

The fat man had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly canceled the page.

Jin Dou's eyes widened: "Your first love is so young—wow, fat man, I misunderstood you! Let's understand."

Over the years, the fat man has always been busy, and the tasks in his hands are one after another, endlessly.He seldom has time to think about his first love, so he has to draw the goddess in his memory and make it into a screen saver, and glance at it a few times a day.

"You'd better not brag." Jin Dou said angrily.

Zhang Qiaoer froze in place, squeezed the phone tightly, and quickly called the system in her mind.

The sun was shining, and the little Chinese doctor took out several medicinal materials from the warehouse to dry.The stone floor in the backyard is covered with layers of herbs, and the air is filled with the fragrance of herbs and the smell of sunshine.

Guest apartment.

It's so strange, it's not that I haven't seen beautiful women before, so I won't be fascinated by her like that.Is Zhang Qiaoer the reincarnation of Daji?Or witchcraft? "

Jin Dou was stunned.

Chinese medicine?

Jin Dou wondered, could this fat man also be a fan of Zhang Qiaoer?
Feeling upset, Jin Dou said in a bad tone, "Just ask."

It took Jin Dou a long time to react, and she looked at Fatty in surprise, "Fatty, you are amazing! If you do what you say, Sister Qingtian can really return to the show!"

"Waiter, bring the drink list!" Jin Douxi interrupted Fatty's words, and handed the coffee shop's drink list to Fatty boldly, "Come, order whatever you want, I'm treating you."

It was Wen Qingtian calling.

The fat man tapped his fingers on the keyboard and asked, "Jin Douer, do you still remember the live broadcast of the program group's variety show in the nursing home? When Zhang Qiaoer appeared on stage, everyone was shocked by her beauty. I watched the live broadcast, but you didn't either. Exception. But later, you seem to have no interest in Zhang Qiaoer, why? Is she not beautiful enough?"

Sit up straight.

The fat man carried a high-precision computer with him, and he turned on the computer in front of Jindou: "I can help you solve Wen Qingtian's crisis, but you have to answer a few questions for me seriously. It's about Zhang Qiaoer."

Overnight, the powerful boss of an entertainment company fell into the quagmire from a high place.

The fat man said calmly, "It's not my son, it's my first love."

This Wen Qingtian, when did he get involved with the Patriarch?
Now the head of the family and the old head of the family are attacking together. He, a small branch of the family, has been revoked of all responsibilities in the company and exiled abroad to work on projects.

The little Chinese doctor squinted his eyes, and leisurely continued to enjoy the warmth of the sun shining on his pores.Not long after she closed her eyes, she suddenly heard rustling footsteps, approaching her gradually.

who is it?

Could it be another staff member from the program team who came to persuade her to go back?
The little Chinese doctor was about to scold, when a clear boy's voice sounded like a bell in the wind:

"Hello, Aunt Qingtian, I'm Gu Xiaoying."

 Typo poke me
(End of this chapter)

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