Chapter 1161
Zhang Qiaoer walked down the stairs with all kinds of flair.

The red dress is swaying, and the long black hair is permed into glamorous big waves, like a peerless beauty walking out of a picture scroll.The cameramen and handymen in the apartment were almost stunned.

Zhang Qiaoer's red lips were slightly hooked, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by everyone's eyes.She was supposed to stand on the top of the mountain and enjoy the admiration and pursuit of the world.

[System system, how long can your enhanced version of "Charming" last? ] Zhang Qiaoer asked in her mind.

The system's cold voice replied: 【Enhanced version of the "charismatic" ability, as long as you see the host himself or even hear your voice, you will surrender to your pomegranate skirt.The duration is 10 days. 】

Zhang Qiaoer is satisfied.

Her points have been cleared, and the system told her last night that she can "credit points" to the system.For the first time, Zhang Qiaoer knew that the system could be credited, and asked whether the system would have any negative impact on credit.The system told her that as long as the host can pay off the points in time, there will be no impact.

So Zhang Qiaoer gritted her teeth, credited ten points, and exchanged for the enhanced version of "Charming".

Zhang Qiaoer secretly said: [Ten days?Great, enough for me to complete the shooting of this variety show.In this show, I won the Popularity King and earned enough points to repay the debt. 】

System: [Yes. 】

very scary!
Jin Dou hugged her small arms silently, this Zhang Qiaoer was really evil, just as terrifying as Daji's reincarnation, and the man couldn't help but be addicted to it.

Fu Jun: "."

There seems to be a malfunction in the system, and an intermittent voice came: [Please wait a moment, we are - are - checking.It was detected that the host's "charismatic" ability has been disabled by 95%, and the specific reason is unknown. 】

"Brother." Gu Xiaoying hugged the game console, raised his chin, and was extremely proud.

Of course, Aunt Sunny still likes Xiao Falcon very much.She would touch my head, pinch my face, hold my hand - by the way, her homemade milk tea is very delicious!It's the best milk tea I've ever had!If our mother was still around, she might be like Aunt Qingtian. "

Fu Jun carefully held the fruit tea and walked towards the little doctor, muttering to himself: "This tea is sweet, and that woman Wen Qingtian must like it too."

Zhang Qiaoer was making fruit tea. She didn't like to bask in the sun, so she simply showed the demeanor of a good wife and mother and made fruit tea for other guests.After the show is broadcast, fans will definitely praise her virtuousness and demeanor.

Beside the little Chinese doctor, there is a feeling of mother returning.

Zhang Qiaoer:
What's going on recently, I hit a wall repeatedly!Drinking cold water will clog your teeth!

Fu Jun: ".You woman! Do you know my current status? If I stomp my feet, the whole country B will tremble three times!"

"I won't cheat, my brother never cheats my sister."

Study how her brain structure is different from ordinary people.

The more he offended Fu Jun, the worse Wen Qingtian's fate would be.

The sunny fields and the green crops are particularly pleasing.The taciturn Hemenda was particularly fascinated by the natural scenery. He brought an easel and oil painting materials and painted by the field.

The little Chinese doctor wanted to dissect her more and more.

Fatty: "Let me emphasize again, I'm not interested in Zhang Qiaoer! I approach her only to study her. This is called the spirit of scientific research and exploration."

With the blessing of "glamorous" ability, Zhang Qiaoer doesn't pay attention to Zhang Qiaoer who is just warm and sunny!
Wen Qingtian will only be reduced to a green leaf to set off her.

"Mr. Fu, you are back, come and taste the fruit tea I made myself." Zhang Qiaoer was overjoyed when she saw Fu Jun come back in a rage.

Zhang Qiaoer:
what happened!

Zhang Qiaoer's pretty face was flushed, and she poured him another cup: "It's just as long as you like it."

The little Chinese doctor frowned indistinctly, and said lightly: "Thank you."

After all, he is the most powerful branch of the Fu family. His father was transferred away, and the management of the family company fell into his hands.From now on, Fu Jun will be a powerful and rich second generation, playing a pivotal role.

Zhang Qiaoer knows Fu Jun. Fu Jun is a typical son of a rich family. He is arrogant and considers women as playthings.Fu Jun's interest in Wen Qingtian is only out of a man's desire to conquer. In Fu Jun's heart, Wen Qingtian is just a plaything that can't be put on the stage.

Zhang Qiaoer's technique of making fruit tea is quite good, and she learned from her teacher before.What she made today is "apple and orange tea", which cuts apples and oranges into small pieces and boils them with high-quality black tea.

The program group will gradually show each guest's specialty, Hemenda's excellent painting ability, Wen Qingtian's medical skills, Jindou's music ability, Fu Jun's aristocratic demeanor, Lin Xiaorou's sweet singing voice, and Zhang Qiaoer's alluring beauty.

Jindou rubbed his nose.

The little Chinese doctor let out an oh, didn't talk to the fat man, opened the suitcase, and packed it by himself.The fat man stood at the door, his scrutinizing eyes fell on the slender back of the little Chinese doctor.

Jindou pouted.

Fu Jun coveted her body as well as her temperament. His interest in her increased day by day, and her beautiful figure was always in his dreams.

Obviously, his facial features can be regarded as handsome at best, but there is something indescribably good-looking.Fu Jun even felt that the figure and temperament of the little Chinese doctor did not match this delicate face at all.

Zhang Qiaoer smiled and looked at Jindou next to him: "Brother Jindou, Mr. Hemenda's painting will be filmed in the morning, remember to arrive at the shooting location on time."

Little Chinese doctor: "Then you stomp."

Jin Dou sensed that something was wrong, and quickly pulled the little Chinese doctor back to the upstairs room, closed the door, and the fat man entered the room silently.

Tianbao was so excited when she heard that, she shook her two chubby legs: "Tianbao also wants to see her. Mom is gone, Tianbao dreams of having a mother, other children have mothers, but I don't have one"

Being close to the little doctor, Jindou felt that the world was much more awake.Jin Dou was terrified, so be good, I was confused by Zhang Qiaoer again just now?

Fu Jun's ears were flushed, he shook his sleeves angrily, and told Wen Qingtian, "Isn't it just a few broken herbs? Wen Qingtian, if you follow me, the whole country's medicinal material library will be open to you."

Jindou: Is this rich second generation mentally ill?

"I'm also kind enough to remind you, why are you talking to me in such an unfamiliar tone?" Zhang Qiaoer's voice was soft, revealing her grievances and pity.It stands to reason that this lovely and pitiful expression can make any man act.

"Drink a sip of tea to calm down." Zhang Qiaoer gently handed over the teacup, "Apple is rich in cellulose, trace elements in tea can promote absorption, and red dates and goji berries are added to help improve immunity, and can also beautify the skin , Many girls like to make fruit tea and give it to people they like."

Isn't this dog man conquered by his old lady's charm!
Just when Zhang Qiaoer happily thought that Fu Jun would stay in the gazebo to chat and flirt with her, she watched Fu Jun pick up the cup of fruit tea and walk towards the small hill beside the field.

Beautiful glass pot, sweet and delicious fruity aroma and tea aroma, the scene of the beauty making tea is very beautiful.The cameraman couldn't help but give her a lot of shots.

Such a shining golden self, this woman Wen Qingtian still sticks to her eagerly?
The little Chinese doctor dug up a wild mint with a small hoe, threw it into the basket of golden beans, and told Fu Jun, "Get out of the way."

The two little milk babies were full of emotions.

"Sunny, welcome back." Zhang Qiaoer smiled gently at the little Chinese doctor, with a gentle arc on her lips, as if she was really happy for Wen Qingtian's return.

After taking the fruit tea handed by Zhang Qiaoer, I took a sip, and it tasted very good.Fu Jun drank the whole cup in one breath, and commented: "It's delicious, give me another cup, and change to a clean cup."

Zhang Qiaoer stepped on her high heels and went back upstairs angrily.She stepped on the hem of the skirt and almost fell, but the cameraman didn't support her.The videographer who was obsessed with her felt that Zhang Qiaoer's walking movements were brutal, like a village girl, and her favorability plummeted.

Zhang Qiaoer could already foresee that in the future, Wen Qingtian would be tortured and tortured by Fu Jun in every possible way, and then abandoned at will.

Gu Xiaoying was happy.

After returning to Fu's house, Tianbao found that her father did not have any lovers, and lived a life of aristocratic single dog.

This woman is so damn stubborn!

Jin Dou was worried and told what he had been confused just now, a little scared: "I must contact Grandpa Yuan in the village and give me two evil spirit talismans! This Qiaoer is really evil!"

Jin Dou shook his head, curled his lips, showing a disgusted expression: "I know, the program team has already notified."

However, Jindou hid further, hiding behind the fat man.

Zhang Qiaoer stepped on high heels and walked downstairs gracefully.The cameraman has uncontrollably pointed the camera at her, and everyone around is immersed in her beauty.

Thinking of the little Chinese medicine doctor, happiness and sweetness appeared on Gu Xiaoying's face.

Idol singer Lin Xiaorou seemed determined to win Hemenda's favor, and she kept serving tea and water, and asking about her health.The director of the program group gave the cameraman a look, and the cameraman immediately took orders to take a close-up shot of the handsome couple.

Sweetie nodded sullenly.

The pungent smell of perfume made him take two steps back in disgust, and stood next to the little doctor.The little Chinese doctor has been exposed to medicinal materials all year round, and there is a faint herbal fragrance on his body, which is fresh and pleasant, refreshing and refreshing.

Fu Jun bumped into a wall at the little doctor's office, full of anger.

Fu Jun gritted his teeth and saw the thin sweat on the little Chinese doctor's forehead: "Are you thirsty, I'll pour you some water."

Zhang Qiaoer is very strange, this one named "Wen Qingtian" is also not simple.

He was supposed to be a brother!
Gu Xiaoying put the controller of the game console aside, and told Tianbao about Wen Qingtian: "She is really a very good auntie, she is very beautiful and likes to bask in the sun. She has a faint pleasant smell Medicinal fragrance, um, it smells very pleasant.

In his field of expertise, Hemenda shines.The lens faithfully records his handsome foreign appearance and the paintbrush in his hand. Anyone who knows a little bit about art can discover how proficient Hemenda's painting art is.

The fat man was thoughtful, and looked at the little Chinese doctor strangely: "Miss Wen seems to be very different from ordinary people."

"Brother, where do you think our mother will go?" Sweet Baby drooped her head, "Sweet Baby has never seen Daddy go looking for her"

Tianbao's eyes lit up instantly: "Really? Don't lie to Tianbao!"

Fu family.

But Fu Jun grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, so he didn't know how to collect herbs, and damaged several herbs.Jin Dou frequently threw contemptuous glances at her: "Fu Erdai, can you stop making fools of yourself? You ruined all the herbs that Sister Qingtian managed to find!"

"But it's amazing. I was fascinated by Zhang Qiaoer, a vixen, but when I got close to Sister Qingtian, my mind seemed to wake up instantly." Jin Dou laughed.

The little Chinese doctor rubbed his chin, thoughtfully: "This Qiaoer is really strange."

Tianbao was cursing in her heart, but she had a sweet smile on her face: "Brother~"

There is a touch of sadness in my heart.

Fu Jun was so angry that he glared at the little Chinese doctor viciously.This stare is a bit dazzling. The little Chinese medicine doctor who digs herbs is wearing a simple cotton and linen spring dress, the color is very plain, his long hair is tied casually with a hairpin, and two disobedient sideburns are hanging down to dig herbs. It looks so damn good. !

Gu Xiaoying rolled his eyes, and whispered to Tianbao's ear: "In a few days, brother will secretly take you to find Aunt Qingtian. She will definitely like you very much."

It seems that Fu Jun hit a wall with Wen Qingtian again!

This style of women chasing men is also a gimmick of the program group.

Tianbao also wants to secretly go to the little doctor.

[System system! !Didn't you say that this ability can last for ten days?It hasn't been 10 minutes since the exchange, why did it suddenly become invalid! 】Zhang Qiaoer was going crazy.

Jin Dou caught sight of Fatty's eyes, slid over to block Fatty's sight, and said eccentrically, "Saidi, you not only fell in love with Zhang Qiaoer, but also fell in love with my sister Qingtian at first sight? Fatty, you are too hardworking."

In the morning, the program was carried out beside the beautiful fields.

It was as if "purification" had been turned on, purifying her abilities completely.

As soon as Tianbao came home, she stepped on her chubby legs and couldn't wait to find Gu Xiaoying, took his arm and kept asking: "Brother, are you looking for Sister Wen Qingtian? Is she good? The voice is gentle." Do you like children?"

After finishing speaking, he took big strides and returned to the gazebo to pour water for the little Chinese doctor.

Is my "charismatic" ability invalid again?
Zhang Qiaoer quickly looked at the other staff members in the living room. The cameraman and record staff who were obsessed with her just a few minutes ago all had clear eyes.

There are many beautiful aunts who want to get close to Dad, but they are all dragged away by Dad's assistant with a cold face.Tianbao couldn't help thinking, doesn't daddy really care about mommy?Is Dad a naturally cold and unsympathetic person?
Gu Xiaoying clumsily held his younger sister's hand, and comforted her softly: "Don't think about it, sweet baby. Maybe Dad has his own difficulties."

All the guests have arrived, and the filming of the love variety show is in full swing.

The two little cute babies were next to each other's heads, chattering and plotting a plan.

The little Chinese doctor is not interested in painting, she is squatting on the edge of the field looking for herbs.Jin Dou ran over to help with a small basket. Fu Jun narrowed his eyes and stepped forward to help.

But there are too many bodyguards around her, and grandpa is worried about her safety, so he usually won't let her run around at will.Tianbao had no choice but to find Gu Xiaoying to inquire about the situation.

Zhang Qiaoer, who has good hearing: .
 Today, when I was using Douyin, I got the brain hole of an ancient Chinese novel.

  The protagonist was bullied miserably by his family, and after he became black, he decided to take revenge on the whole family.

  Do you think it will be hundreds of sheets of Zhai Dou Wen?

  No, he chose to assassinate the emperor, and he was directly punished by the nine clans, and the whole family who bullied him was directly finished. (via network)

(End of this chapter)

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