The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 154 A well-known director begged her to act, but she still refused!

Chapter 154 A well-known director begged her to act, but she still refused!
Bai Yueyue nodded quickly, and proudly raised the corners of her mouth: "Yeah, Mom, I will work hard."

She, Bai Yueyue, will definitely become a famous star when she grows up!

Tang Tang is not as good as her!

Mother Bai was proud of winning the round, when suddenly, a slender figure ran across the lawn.

"Tang Tang, Mrs. Zhou, oh, there's a traffic jam on the road, I'm not late!" He Tu was out of breath, his curly yellow hair was running messily in the wind, and He Tu ran to Tang Tang covered in sweat, "Tang Tang! There is still time to lose weight! The role in my movie is so suitable for you! Can you just act it?"

Due to Tan Meng's accident, the starring team of the movie "Ruan Menghua" changed a lot, and all the actors with problems were replaced.

During these days, Hetu was extremely busy trying to cast a role.

The other roles are basically settled, except for the heroine and the little heroine!After much deliberation, Hetu felt that Tang Tang, who was still skinny, was suitable to play the role of the heroine!

So Pidianpidian ran over and sincerely invited Tang Tang to lose weight and act.

"No!" Tang Tang shook his head, "I don't want to act, and I haven't acted before."

In order to act on camera, she has to lose weight!

She's not fat, just baby fat!
Hetu clasped his hands together, and almost kowtowed to beg her: "Little ancestor Tangtang, Uncle Hetu, please, no one is more suitable for this role than you! Act, act, act! It doesn't matter if you haven't acted before. , as long as you learn a little, you will be able to enter the play immediately!"

Tang Tang shook her head resolutely, don't open the chubby face: "No acting!"

He Tu was about to cry, and looked at Zhou Shulan pleadingly: "Mrs. Zhou, why don't you persuade Tangtang? This film has invested hundreds of millions of dollars. If Tangtang acts, maybe she can win the best newcomer award." .”

Zhou Shulan showed embarrassment: "I still respect Tangtang's idea. If Tangtang doesn't want to, I can't help it."

Some parents have sharp eyes and recognized this yellow-haired young man as the well-known young director Hetu!
He Tu is really amazing. He is an extremely rare gifted director who was born for the camera.Hetu started to play with cameras when he was a teenager, and every movie works can win awards. The top star Shen Yunsu also won the title of best actor because of his movie.

But now, a well-known young director actually begged a child to act!
And that kid actually refused! !
The parents' eyes were red with jealousy, Tang Tang, if you don't act, give up the opportunity to my children.This kind of opportunity for a young man to become famous must have a bright future!
Bai Yueyue bit the corner of her mouth lightly, and grabbed the corner of Baimu's clothes: "Mom, I also want to act in a movie directed by Hetu, is it possible? Tang Tang can act, and I want to act too."

She Bai Yueyue is no worse than Tang Tang!

Mother Bai showed hesitation, and looked at Mrs. Bai for help.The old lady Bai snorted coldly and dismissed it: "It's not just a well-known director, what's there to be proud of. There are more famous directors in the circle than him, such as that director Fang Mingze, who is also young and promising, no worse than this Hetu. "

Mrs. Bai was unwilling to beg Hetu with a broken face. How could a young director have the right to ask her to beg in a low voice.

Mother Bai hesitated to speak, but Bai Yueyue pouted dissatisfiedly.

The principal's deep voice reached everyone's ears: "Parents, please take the children back to their seats. Now the kindergarten children's graduation farewell ceremony will be held."

(End of this chapter)

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