Chapter 183: Being Counted (2)

She has paid off the waiter.

After a while, the waiter will bring the silver plate and deliver the delicious snacks that Tang Wanru likes.Mustard was added to this pastry, Tang Wanru would feel spicy after eating it, the first thing she did was find water to drink.

When the waiter handed over a glass of water, Tang Wanru would not hesitate to drink it to relieve the spiciness.Something had been added to the water, and Tang Wanru would appear drunk after drinking it. Everyone thought she was drunk and would send Tang Wanru back to her room to rest.

And the man Uncle Tang Ya arranged in advance is already waiting for Tang Wanru in the room
"Tang Wanru, you will lose face tonight." Tang Ya held a delicate wine glass and waited for the good show to start in the corner with a smile on her face.

After tonight, the news, photos and videos of Tang Wanru's indiscriminate private life will definitely spread throughout the capital.

Drinks area.

Tang Wanru was looking for something to eat in the drink area while lowering her head to play with her mobile phone.She brought a plate of soft and delicious chestnut cakes, and played with her mobile phone while eating, as if she was addicted to the mobile phone.

"Miss Tang, do you want to try the hotel's newly developed dishes?" The young waiter in a tuxedo walked over enthusiastically carrying a plate. There were three delicious-looking coconut milk cakes on the silver plate.

Tang Wanru's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to pick up one of the snacks: "Newly developed by the hotel?"

The waiter nodded without changing his face.

Tang Wanru said with a smile, "I happen to be hungry, so I'll try it."

Swallow the dessert in one gulp.

After chewing a couple of bites, Tang Wanru's pretty face immediately contorted.

That's how much mustard is added!

Seeing her expression, the waiter also seemed to be taken aback, and hurriedly handed over the water glass on the plate: "Does it taste bad? Hurry up and drink two sips of water to press it down."

Tang Wanru's face was twisted by the heat.

Gulu Gulu drank more than half a glass of water, and the spiciness in his mouth was relieved.

"The chef in your hotel came from Japan, right? Add so much wasabi." Tang Wanru looked disgusted, "Don't develop this new dish, or all the hotel guests will run away."

Probably guilty, the waiter was sweating profusely, bowed and apologized, and then ran away dejectedly holding the dinner plate.

Tang Wanru watched his leaving back, shook her head silently, lowered her head and turned on the phone to continue playing.
As she played, Tang Wanru gradually felt dizzy and uncomfortable, her eyes darkened.

"Strange. I didn't drink much, why am I drunk?" Tang Wanru muttered to herself, shaking her head vigorously.

In the corner, Tang Ya has been silently watching Tang Wanru's movements.Seeing the medicine, Tang Ya's lips curled up into a determined smile, she hurriedly stepped forward to support the "drunk" Tang Wanru, walked into the elevator next to her and went upstairs.

Tang Wanru was unconscious, and did not recognize that the person supporting her was Tang Ya.

Stumbled and was sent to the hotel room.

Tang Ya found out the room card, opened the door of the luxury hotel with ease, and threw Tang Wanru onto the bed.This is a VIP suite with gorgeous decoration, floor-to-ceiling windows and a moonlit sea in the distance.

There was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, as if someone was taking a bath in it.

Tang Ya raised the corners of her lips, and knocked on the bathroom door to remind: "You are the man my uncle found, right? I have already brought her. Take good care of her tonight."

Tang Ya thought to herself, this man is quite particular, and he even knows how to take a bath.

Tang Wanru was still lying unconscious on the bed, her long hair was slightly disheveled, and her knee-length light red gauze skirt was slightly parted, revealing a pair of straight and white legs.

Tang Ya looked at Tang Wanru, who looked like a sleeping beauty, and said jealously: "Sister, you deserve it."

(End of this chapter)

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