Chapter 207

"These days when I'm away, remember to take good care of yourself." He Chen still smiled gently, "Tsinghua University is a good university, you will surely succeed in your studies. Don't be afraid when you encounter troubles, analyze the cause and effect, there is always a solution."

Tang Wanru nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

The steady voice of a female announcer at the airport reminded passengers to queue up for ticket check.

"Wanru, take care." He Chen stretched out his arms to gently wrap her around her, and hugged her gently.

Tang Wanru's nose was sore, tears almost fell down: "Well, take care of yourself too."

Parting always hurts.

Tang Wanru watched his back in tall clothes gradually disappear at the ticket gate, recalling in a daze the first time when he met He Chen, the thin and small He Chen curled up in a corner and was beaten.

Time flies, and the thin boy in memory has grown into a big boy, who no longer needs her protection, but protects her everywhere.

The tears finally couldn't be held back, and slid down the eye sockets, falling to the ground and splashing crystal water.

Tang Wanru's heart felt empty, sore and uncomfortable.

Silently wiping the corners of her eyes, she folded her arms, maybe because the air conditioner at the airport was turned on low, Tang Wanru always felt chilly all over.

Without thinking too much, she turned around and went to the small restaurant to find the two children.

The other side of the airport.

Just after getting off the plane, Gu Yanting, who was accompanied by several black-clothed secretaries and assistants, saw the scene of Tang Wanru and a tall man "yiyi saying goodbye" from a distance.

Watch her hug him.

Seeing Tang Wanru wiping tears secretly, her eyes were full of reluctance.

These two people, the handsome man and the beautiful woman, are a beautiful scenery in the eyes of passers-by. Everyone thinks that this is a couple who is reluctant to say goodbye, and they secretly feel sorry for the separation of lovers.

Gu Yanting stopped for a moment, squinting his cold eyes to watch this special emotional scene, until Tang Wanru's back disappeared into the hall.

He has always had a good memory, and he recognized the man who hugged Tang Wanru. This person is He Chen, the heir of the He family in Kyoto, a well-known university lecturer with first-class scientific research ability.

"Mr. Gu, there will be an investment meeting for the golf course development project in the eastern suburbs in the afternoon." Assistant Wang said in a formulaic tone, reminding him as he walked, "I have an appointment with the boss of X Group for dinner tonight, and Mr. Gu will also be there."

As an assistant, he can keenly detect what is wrong with Gu Yanting.

The aura is wrong!
The secretaries in suits behind them all felt the pressure and shrunk their necks, wondering why their boss suddenly stopped walking.

"The meeting in the afternoon will be handled by the project department, and the dinner in the evening will be cancelled." Gu Yanting took a step forward, and his shiny black leather boots were like sharp knives, stepping heavily on the marble floor of the airport.

The other secretaries behind him looked at each other in blank dismay. What does the boss mean, the project boss won't participate this afternoon?
This is a project meeting worth over [-] million yuan. Although you can get it done without your elderly being present, the efficiency of your meeting will be greatly improved!

Why not go now!
Our model workers always go on strike?
Gu Yanting has his own plans, since he has been "encumbered", he should perform the duties of being entrusted regularly.

So, Tang Wanru, who had just brought her two babies home, suddenly received a WeChat message:
[Yan Gu]: "At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, meet at XX restaurant."

【Miss Tang】: "Meet. Why meet?"

[Yan Gu]: "Fulfill your duties."

Tang Wanru's head was full of question marks.

But in the afternoon, Tang Wanru still arrived at this rather stylish restaurant on time.

After a long distance, Tang Wanru saw "Yan Gu" who was full of aura. He was sitting in the corner by the window. Outside the window was the beautiful view of the river in Kyoto. The bright summer sun shone down, outlining his extremely handsome profile .

He was wearing the most casual summer suit shirt, light gray, the collar button was slightly unbuttoned, and his sexy neck could be vaguely seen.

Tang Wanru swallowed dissatisfied, Nima, this duck is really handsome, so what's better.
Fortunately, he is in good health now.

"You're here." Sensing the overly fiery gaze, Gu Yanting nodded lightly at her.

Tang Wanru felt uncomfortable all over, and secretly complained:
This duck is too ignorant of current affairs. Didn't you see that the father of the gold master is carrying a heavy thing in his hand?
Seeing me coming, I didn't know to stand up to greet me. Instead, I stood here like a big boss, waiting for the employees to come to worship.

"I'm here." Tang Wanru restrained her expression and sat down in the empty seat opposite him, "Did you quit your job?"

Gu Yanting slightly nodded: "I resigned, I have already gone to the IT class to study, and I have attended the class for two days."

In terms of the ability to talk nonsense, it is Gu Zongqiang.

His face remained unchanged, full of concentration.

He noticed the black bag Tang Wanru was carrying: "What is this?"

The boxy black bag was tightly sealed and looked quite heavy.

Tang Wanru raised the corner of her mouth and handed over the black bag: "I gave you something, open it and have a look."

Gu Yanting opened the zipper of the black bag in front of her, and the gap opened, revealing a cold and sharp metallic light.Inside is a high-end alien computer.

Boots up smoothly and performs great, if a little dated.

"Of course you need a good computer for your IT class. I just bought a new one, so I'll give you the old one." After Tang Wanru was admitted to university, Zhou Shulan rewarded her with many good things.

Designer bags, top cosmetics, nice clothes and a brand new computer.Tang Wanru saw that the performance of the original computer was quite good, so she simply gave it to her little canary.

Gu Yanting has lived for more than 20 years, this is the cheapest gift he has ever received, but it also hides her warm heart.Gu Yanting's mood improved slightly, his cold and thin lips slightly raised, and he smiled at Tang Wanru: "Thank you."

Tang Wanru secretly gasped.

Fuck, this guy looks so pretty when he smiles!

She blushed subconsciously and touched her nose subconsciously: "You're welcome, try using it and get familiar with the performance."

Gu Yanting turned on the laptop, the computer screen flickered, and then the computer screensaver appeared - the computer screensaver was a photo of a handsome guy in a swimsuit, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, with his upper body bare, and sexy drops of water slowly slid into the triangle along the collarbone .

Gu Yanting:
He knew the man who was the computer screen saver, the famous actor Shen Yunsu.

How much does this woman like Shen Yunsu?
Suppressing the irritability in her heart, Gu Yanting casually opened the C drive of her computer. The C drive hadn't been cleared yet, and it was densely packed with a lot of things.More than half of them are videos——

【Steam Game】【League of Legends】【World of Warcraft】;
【Shen Yunsu's Movies and TV Series Collection】, 45G
【Photograph of Shen Yunsu】, 10G
【Learning materials】50G
[The collection of novels I read in those years] 14G.

Gu Yanting's eyelids twitched.

"I didn't have time to delete some things in it. Remember to format it yourself." On the opposite side, Tang Wanru ordered two cups of iced coffee, and sipped slowly while holding the glasses.

Tang Wanru has already made a backup of the files in the computer, and he can delete them at will.

Gu Yanting tapped the keyboard and opened [The Collection of Novels I Read in Those Years].

Mr. Gu opened his eyes instantly, there are no less than a thousand online novels in the collection.
"Four-year-old cute baby blows up the audience", "One Birth and Two Treasures: The Overlord's Wife Runs with the Ball", "The Golden Master's Dad's Little Canary BL", "The Erha Devil and His Handsome Master", "The Demonic Dao Ancestor" ""President Gu, your little wife ran away again (Gao H)".

(Drip, check in on weekends)
 update update update update

(End of this chapter)

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