Chapter 232 Poor Tangtang
Tang Tang was sick and felt very uncomfortable. He felt that there were heavy weights hanging on his body, and he was heavy and powerless.

His whole body was burning hot, his little face was abnormally red due to the fever, thin beads of sweat hung on his forehead all the time, and he kept babbling strange sleepy words in his mouth.

Tang Wanru was taken aback by this, and immediately called the family doctor.

The doctor came running in the middle of the night with a medicine box on his back, and Tang Tang had a fever of 40 degrees Celsius!This temperature is extremely dangerous for children.

The doctor gave Tang Tang antipyretic injections and infusions. Tang Tang's high fever was still ups and downs at night, and it came down for a while, and then went up again.

"I received a fever-reducing injection, and observe carefully tonight." The doctor told Tang Wanru, "If the fever does not subside tomorrow morning, remember to call me."

Tang Wanru was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes, she nodded sullenly.

Fu Jing'an stood by the bed without moving an inch, and carefully pasted the fever-reducing sticker on Tang Tang's head.

"If you don't wear a coat, you must be sick now." Fu Jingan felt helpless.

In her previous life, Tang Tang's health was also not very good. She was malnourished for a long time in her childhood. When she grew up, she was obsessed with studying and making money. Her diet was extremely irregular, and she refused to go to the doctor when she was sick.

Severe and minor illnesses continued.

Fu Jing'an remembered that one winter night in the second semester of his junior year, he suddenly received a call from Tang Tang's roommate, saying that Tang Tang suddenly had a high fever in the middle of the night.The girls were too weak to send the unconscious Tang Tang downstairs, so they asked Fu Jingan for help.

Fu Jingan rushed to the girls' dormitory overnight, and carried the unconscious Tang Tang to the infirmary for treatment, without closing his eyes all night.

He once asked Tang Tang about her dream, and she always said with a smile: "I want to become a rich man, raise my aunt, eat meat every day, and buy medicine when I'm sick."

The past was vivid in his mind, and Fu Jingan's heart ached.

Tang Wanru sent the doctor away, returned to Tang Tang's small bedroom, and saw Fu Jingan who was still guarding the bed.

Tang Wanru patted him on the shoulder and said softly, "Xiao An, you go to rest first, Aunt Wang and I will take care of you here."

Fu Jingan shook his head: "Auntie, I will stay here to take care of her"

"Be obedient, children, don't stay up late, even if your mental age is not a child." Tang Wanru bent down and easily picked up Fu Jingan, and sent him to the next bedroom, "Have a good rest, the adults are here."

Fu Jingan hesitated to speak, glanced at Tang Wanru, and finally nodded silently.

After rebirth, Tang Tang is no longer alone.

There are many people around her who love her and love her.

One night, Tang Tang's high fever continued to rise and fall, and the temperature did not subside until dawn.

The next day the doctor came to check again, and told Aunt Wang and Tang Wanru: "The child is still young, and his resistance is very weak. The high fever is easy to rebound, so don't relax these days. The weather is unpredictable, and you always have medicine to prevent colds at home."

Aunt Wang and Tang Wanru nodded in unison.

Aunt Wang looked at Tang Tang, who was lying on the small bed with an abnormally red face, and burst into tears: "It's all my fault, Tang Tang didn't wear a coat yesterday, I should have forced her to put it on."

Aunt Wang was extremely regretful, her eyes flushed.

In the morning, Zhou Shulan hurried over when she learned that Tang Tang had a fever.

Bang Dang knocked open the door of the small villa, Zhou Shu asked anxiously: "Aunt Wang! How is Tangtang? Oh, you didn't tell me this kind of thing earlier! I was so anxious! Wanru also had a fever when she was a child. Ten degrees almost made a fool."

Zhou Shulan did not come alone.

Behind him were six pediatric specialists in white coats, rushing in all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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