Chapter 245 The Little Boy

With a stern face, Fu Jingan resolutely denied: "If I were a direct descendant, I would have lived in a golden nest and a silver nest, would I go to the capital?" His tone was three points cold, three points disdainful, and three points cold, which was convincing.

Tang Tang was dubious, and sighed like a little adult, pretending to be extremely regretful:

"Hey, it would be great if you were the direct line of the Fu family. Tang Ya has the big backing of the Ming family, and she will definitely attack the Tang family in the future. The Tang family does not have a strong backer. If you want to keep the Tang family, unless my mother marries the four The direct line of the big family, or I marry into the four big families."

Fu Jing'an: I suddenly want to admit that I am a direct descendant.

Tang Tang stopped teasing him, and fell into worry. The Tang family is an upstart selling furniture. They have money but no power.

Grandma's natal Zhou family has the right, but unfortunately the Zhou family has always rejected the Tang family.

Tang Tang is very worried about the future of the Tang family, so he has to make early plans.

Outside the Tang residence, the movers moved things in an orderly manner.

The heaviest among them is Tang Wanru's collection of books—thousands of physical romance novels, piled up in several large boxes.

Aunt Wang rolled up her sleeves and took down a cardboard box herself.Inside were kitchen utensils. She was afraid of being smashed by the movers, so she hugged the cardboard box herself.

The box was very heavy, and Aunt Wang was out of breath after holding it for a while, so she had to put the box on the ground to catch her breath.

"It's heavy, let me do it." A gentle voice sounded.

The tall and burly Butler Li came over and easily picked up the cardboard box on the ground.

Aunt Wang glanced at him, a little embarrassed: "Ma, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, you have a good rest in the house, I will help with the work of moving things." Li Butler carried the box, walked towards the house with Aunt Wang, and said honestly, "Missy and Missy are finally home. I'm happy with it."

Aunt Wang joked, "Just happy for Wanru and Tangtang?"

Butler Li, a man in his thirties, quietly blushed his ears, and stammered, "Gui Fen, you can come back, I, I am happier."

Aunt Wang laughed out loud.

The afternoon sun was shining brightly, and the shadows of the two of them were stretched very long by the sunlight, passing by the complex and blooming pink rose bushes, as if a string of happy bubbles popped out.

The afternoon sun was shining, Tang Tang and Fu Jingan's movie scenes had been filmed.

The two children also don't like to go out to play, and they are busy with their own things in the Tang's house every day.

Fu Jingan is busy playing with computers and researching computer technology. He is slowly recovering the computer technology from his previous life.Tang Tang was very bored, and happened to see the romance novels in the study, most of which were Zhou Shulan and Tang Wanru's collections.

Tang Tang was bored and took out a novel to pass the time.
Fu Jingan just finished writing a computer program, stretched his waist, and caught a glimpse of Tang Tang on the small sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window from the corner of his eye, holding a book with a colorful cover and reading——

The name of the book is "The Overlord Prisoner's Love: Where does the xx's beautiful wife escape".

Tang Tang watched with relish.

Fu Jingan's handsome little eyebrows slightly raised, and he approached lightly, peeking from behind Tang Tang.
After reading the contents of the book, Fu Jingan's face changed suddenly, and he took the book away from Tang Tang's hand: "Don't read it."

Tang Tang was fascinated by it, the book was suddenly robbed, and angrily stretched out his fat paws to grab the book: "Return the book to me!"

"You are only four years old, should children read this kind of book?" Fu Jingan scolded like a little adult, "This kind of book is not suitable for children to read."

Tang Tang was about to laugh angrily, and poked his finger on the bridge of his nose: "Old Dog Fu, I only look four years old, but my actual age is in my 20s!"

This guy lives by the sea, so he can manage well.

Tang Tang liked reading this book quite a bit, and even had the idea of ​​writing.

Fu Jingan was determined not to give it.

The content in the book is really not suitable for children to read!

Tang Tang was so angry that his cheeks bulged, he rushed over with a howl, and wrestled with Fu Jingan, his fat paws pinched Fu Jingan's face and rubbed it vigorously.

Feather pillows on the sofa flew wildly and smashed the vase on the coffee table.

Clang clang clang clang clang clang clang—

Zhou Shulan hurried downstairs when she heard the commotion, saw two cute babies kicking around, and thought helplessly: "This is raising two little erhas, tearing down the house all day long."

But with two children, the whole Tang family seemed to come alive, and Zhou Shulan was smiling every day.

In the south of China, a mansion of the Ming family.

Tang Ya followed her uncle and walked into the Ming family's real estate in China for the first time. Even if she had seen the world, she couldn't help being dumbfounded when she saw such a magnificent building.

It is at least twice as big as the Tang residence, and there are more than 20 servants alone.

"During this period, you will live with uncle first." Ming Zhangde led Tang Ya into the door, and ordered the servants to take Tang Ya's luggage upstairs.

Tang Ya: "Thank you, Uncle."

"You are my niece, you are welcome." Ming Zhangde sat down, sipping two sips of hot tea, "You should know that the Ming family, although I am not a direct descendant, is quite influential in the side branch. The Tang family bullied you , Uncle will find a suitable time to avenge you."

Tang Ya nodded emphatically.

With my uncle around, it's easy to kill the mere Tang family.

Tang Ya noticed a little blond boy in the garden outside the window, dressed luxuriously, squatting in the garden and playing with mud, while a gardener not far away was busy pruning roses.

Tang Ya asked curiously, "Uncle, who is that child?"

It doesn't look like a servant's child.

Ming Zhangde glanced at the garden, showing disdain on his face: "He is a child of the direct line of the Ming family. The family threw it here and asked me to raise it for a while before sending it to Shenghua Primary School."

Tang Ya was curious: "Since he is a direct descendant, why did he send him to study in Huaguo?"

The Ming family is a big family, and there are differences in the status of the direct descendants. The important direct descendants should be sent to the Boke Academy
"This child is an illegitimate child and is not taken seriously." Ming Zhangde told Tang Ya, "Xiaoya, don't approach him if you have nothing to do, this child is very evil."

Tang Ya seemed to understand but nodded.

There are always many unsightly things in the big family. It is inconvenient for Tang Ya to ask more questions. Now she only cares about one thing - when the Tang family will fall!

Tang Ya couldn't wait to see the Tang family's jokes.

In the warm windy garden, clusters of fan roses bloomed in clusters of flowers.

The gardener is a newcomer. After pruning the flower branches, he saw the blond child squatting on the gravel road.

Knowing that he is the young master of the house, the gardener hurriedly smiled and sent a bunch of bright flowers: "Master Ming, this bunch of flowers is very beautiful, I give it to you."

The little blond boy squatted halfway on the stone path in the garden, raised his light blue eyes, revealing a pair of cold and calm eyes like an ancient well, lifeless.Seeing the words handed over by the gardener, the little boy suddenly smiled cutely: "Thank you uncle."

The gardener was dazzled by the child's cute smile, thinking that this is obviously a very sensible child, why did the housekeeper want me to stay away from him?

The gardener saw that the little boy still had a small knife in his hand, so he smiled and said, "Master, don't play with the knife, it's easy to cut your hands."

The little boy smiled: "I didn't cut my hand, I cut it."

The gardener froze for a moment.

Subconsciously looking at the ground, there was a blood-stained white kitten beside the little boy's feet. The kitten was already dead.

 Damn, there was an earthquake in Chengdu today T﹏T. I was lying on the sofa playing with my phone when the alarm system on my phone suddenly started beeping. I looked at the screen and it was a magnitude 6.1 earthquake warning!The city earthquake system outside the window also started to sound the alarm countdown. After a while, the house began to shake. The two cats shrank under the sofa in fright, and the chandelier in the living room was shaking. At that moment, everyone was scared and numb. It felt like the end of the world. T﹏T It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered such a shaking earthquake T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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