Chapter 250 Tangtang's Life Experience (2)

Today is the weekend, Zhou Shulan took Tang Tang and Fu Jingan out for dinner, and happened to come to this newly opened restaurant.

Tang Tang looked around, accidentally saw her mother, and raised her voice to say hello: "Mum, why are you here? Aren't you going to film today?"

Tang Tang ran over and saw two plates of steak on the dining table.

Tang Tang was thoughtful.

"Today, today, there is a problem with the crew equipment, and we will be filming tomorrow. I was just hungry, so I just found a restaurant to eat." Tang Wanru felt guilty, and didn't dare to watch Tang Tang, so she hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, Tangtang, Mommy tomorrow There is a plot of Diao Weiya's filming scene, do you want to come and watch it? It's very handsome."

Tang Tang's eyes fell on the thick white tablecloth: "Okay."

Who is my mother's boyfriend?
It's really well hidden.

Zhou Shulan brought Fu Jingan over, frowned and complained: "Tangtang, there are too many people in this restaurant, let's change to another one."

Tang Tang's paws have already touched the tablecloth, and with a light lift, he can know who is hiding under the table.

But Tang Tang saw the cold sweat on Mummy's forehead and gave up.

Mommy wants to have an underground relationship, so let's not expose it.
"Yeah, let's eat at another family." Tang Tang took Zhou Shulan's hand, turned around and said goodbye to Tang Wanru, "Goodbye, Mommy, eat less beef, you ate two plates by yourself."

Tang Wanru: My daughter seems to have discovered something.

Tang Wanru breathed a sigh of relief when Tang Tang's figure disappeared.

Bending down, lifted the white tablecloth: "Come out."

Gu Yanting's face was colder than an Antarctic iceberg.

He, Gu Yanting, the boss of the dignified Gu Group, the top richest man in China worth hundreds of billions, has actually been reduced to the fate of cheating on the table!
"Oh, don't blame me, who told you that you were a duck before." Tang Wanru dragged him out, rubbing the swollen bump on his forehead affectionately, "If my mother knew that I was dating a male duck, she would definitely Will break my legs and castrate you."

Gu Yanting was too angry to speak.


After lunch, Tang Wanru wanted to take Gu Yanting to the Internet cafe to play games, but this dog man didn't know what kind of gunpowder he had eaten, and instead of going to the Internet cafe, he dragged her to the five-star hotel next door.

This guy is terrible!

It is worthy of being the top male duck.

After coming out of the hotel, it was already dark, Tang Wanru blushed and felt uncomfortable, so she hailed a taxi and prepared to leave.

"Good night." Before leaving, Gu Yanting said goodbye in a low voice.

Tang Wanru blushed and her heart beat, Nima, don't talk to me with such a sexy voice!
The taxi carried Tang Wanru, whose head was full of yellow waste, and quickly disappeared into the hazy night.

Gu Yanting parked on the side of the road for about ten minutes, a black Rolls Royce parked slowly, and Gu Yanting got on the car.

Assistant Wang drove on the road, and saw the swollen bump on the boss's head through the rearview mirror, and was a little surprised: "Mr. Gu, your forehead"

At this moment, Gu Yanting has resumed his domineering demeanor: "No problem."

He has two things to do now.

First, contact Mr. Gu, the screenwriter of "Ruan Menghua", and delete the kiss scene.

Second, the little girl named Tang Tang actually called Tang Wanru Mommy.
Gu Yanting had some impressions of Tang Tang, the little girl's voice was like the sound of nature, but he didn't expect Tang Wanru and Tang Tang to be mother and daughter.

Who is the father of that child?Could it be.
With dark eyes in Gu Yanting's eyes, a bold guess slowly came to mind.


(Author's words: Dragon Boat Festival Ankang)

 update update update update...

  The background of the system is under maintenance recently, so I can't see everyone's comments T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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