Chapter 262 Tangtang Starts a Business! !

She stepped forward, took her grandmother's hand and returned to the car. Zhou Shulan seemed unaffected, still optimistic and cheerful, and asked Tang Tang about her study progress today.

But Tang Tang saw the faint dark circles under her grandma's eyes.

Apparently hadn't slept well for days.

"Grandma, it doesn't matter even if our Tang family goes bankrupt." Tang Tang took grandma's hand, "I will definitely support the whole family."

Zhou Shulan chuckled, and hugged Tang Tang with tears in her eyes: "Grandma's grandson."

No matter how difficult life is, as long as children are sensible, the future is sure to be bright.

After Tang Tang returned home, instead of watching TV and playing computer games as usual, he turned on the computer and started researching stocks.

She has the memory of her previous life, knows which stocks will be hot, and which industry will explode.

But there is still a long way to go before making money quickly.

It is very difficult to supplement the capital chain of the Tang family company.

"Tangtang, come out for dinner." Tang Wanru gently pushed the door open, and saw Tang Tang who was at his desk researching stocks, "Honey, are you trading in stocks?"

Tang Tang sighed, with a sad face: "I regret it now, I didn't remember the lottery numbers in my previous life. Otherwise, I could win hundreds of millions of awards in a row, and easily resolve the crisis at home."

Don't ask, you will regret it if you ask.

She reflects!
After she was reborn, she shouldn't be content with pleasure, she shouldn't be a salted fish, she should seize the opportunity of rebirth to do a vigorous career!

What kind of salted fish, does she deserve it?
Doing business is the most important thing.

"Tangtang, it's useless if it's mom." Tang Wanru lowered her eyes.

Tang Wanru knew that Tang Tang in her previous life did not have a good life, so Tang Tang in this life chose an unfettered lifestyle.

Tang Wanru once again spurned her own uselessness. If she had been able to study hard and learn knowledge hard, maybe she could have helped the Tang family so that Tang Tang would not be dragged into a difficult life again.


Time flies by like quicksand in the palm of your hand.

The Tang family was shrouded in gray shadows.

Seeing that Tang Wanru was in a bad mood, Ruan Meng asked her to have dinner at the restaurant next to the film and television base.

This restaurant called [One Dream], every dish is unique and delicious.

This restaurant has become Ruan Meng's favorite restaurant.

"Eat some boiled shrimp, it tastes really good." Ruan Meng picked up a chopstick of shrimp and went over, "Although my family is not particularly rich, I can lend you some money."

Tang Wanru shook her head and said with a wry smile, "Thank you, but the company's capital chain is too broken and cannot be repaired."

Furthermore, even if Ruan Meng is willing to lend tens of millions to Tang Wanru, it must be approved by the Ruan family.The relationship between the Tang family and the Ruan family is average, and it is impossible for Ruan Meng's parents to lend money to the Tang family as working capital.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now." Tang Wanru suppressed the sadness in her heart and buried her head in eating shrimp.

Ruan Meng shook her head helplessly.

At this moment, Ruan Meng's cell phone beeped.

Ruan Meng glanced at the caller ID, it was from her mother, she answered the phone absent-mindedly: "Hey mom, I said no, Ye Bai and I haven't broken up yet. I don't want to go on a blind date."

Ruan Meng talked for a while, then hung up the phone.

"Blind date?" Tang Wanru heard the key words, "Is your family introducing you to a blind date?"

Ruan Meng rested her chin helplessly, and responded absent-mindedly:
"My family doesn't agree with me being with Ye Bai. My mother recently found me a blind date. She also said that the man was a returnee student who opened a restaurant in Kyoto. She also said that the man has always liked me. Hey, Today's elders can find any reason to blind date their children."

 I really want to add more! !It is really not challenging to update [-] words every day! ! !I am a person who can write [-] words a day T﹏T
  If this continues, I can only start a new book for my favorite tan~mei novel~~ Hey, I put on a vest and went to a certain website to write a tan.mei novel. I didn’t expect it to be quite popular. Station b, web, Douyin , there are actually people pushing me to write the Danmei book, as well as the co-operated radio drama ~~ hehe ε(*ω)_/

  Remember to vote, good luck in the college entrance examination~
(End of this chapter)

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