Chapter 275 Tangtang Is His Favorite Toy Right Now

Out of the study, Tang Tang grabbed Tang Wanru's hand: "Mum, you didn't tell me about your secret relationship!"

My mother is actually with that super handsome and rich Uncle Gu, and they are still very much in love!

Tang Tang will wake up with a smile in his dreams!

When I woke up, I was delighted to have a CEO's stepdad~
Tang Wanru forced a smile, and touched Tang Tang's little head: "I'm afraid you won't be able to accept his identity."

Tang Tang might be very angry with the dignified daughter who secretly dated a male duck.

Tang Tang raised the corner of his mouth: "I won't be angry, I think uncle's career is very good, and I want to work in his career in the future."

To be a rich female rich woman, life is a dream!
Tang Wanru was stunned for a moment, and pinched Tang Tang's chubby face angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, study hard! Learn music from Mr. Wang! How can a girl like you do that kind of job!"

Tang Tang shrugged and stuck out his tongue playfully: "I know, I'm just kidding."

Uncle Gu is the president among the presidents, and Tang Tang is not yet confident to reach his height.

Before going to bed at night, Tang Guozheng told Zhou Shulan every detail of Wanru's meeting with Mr. Gu.

Zhou Shulan's jaw dropped in shock, and she recalled belatedly: "No wonder, Wanru sneaks out every weekend, and she always hesitates when asked. It turns out that she is dating Mr. Gu. The fate of these two people, It's amazing."

Before Wanru kept saying that she didn't want to marry Mr. Gu, she didn't expect the two to fall in love secretly.

Zhou Shulan couldn't help laughing, and leaned into Tang Guozheng's arms: "If Wanru can marry the person she loves, our family's crisis can also be resolved. It's the best of both worlds. Whoever said that Zhou Shulan's life is not good, fate is still on my side."

Tang Guozheng smiled and hugged his wife tightly in his arms.

With the huge investment of the Gu family, the Tang family's bankruptcy crisis was easily resolved.

The broken capital chain of the company was repaired. During the bankruptcy crisis, the company exposed a lot of internal traitors. Tang Guozheng cut the mess quickly and directly fired all the employees who were not right-minded, and recruited a group of elite employees.

Tang's Furniture Factory seems to have encountered a thin camel in an oasis, with a bright future.

Tang Guozheng has a very high business acumen, and his sword is not old. Using this shareholder style, he once again pushed the Tang family's financial resources to a new height.


Kyoto, a villa.

Tang Ya's jaw dropped when she learned from the news that the Tang family had survived a desperate situation.

She quickly collected information, only to find out that the Tang family and the Gu family were actually married!Mr. Gu invested a large sum of money to save the Tang family!
"Tang Wanru and Mr. Gu. How did they get married?" Tang Ya seemed to be exhausted, and sat down on the bed.

Gu Yanting is very mysterious and rarely shows up in public.

But Tang Ya knew that this was an extremely outstanding man who stood at the top of the food chain. Tang Ya wanted to marry into the Gu family even in her dreams.

For many years, she has been hinting in Tang Wanru's ears the false impression that "Gu Yanting is an ugly old man", and successfully made Tang Wanru reject this marriage.

But after countless calculations, Tang Wanru actually planned to marry Gu Yanting for the sake of the Tang family.

For a moment, jealousy flooded into my heart like a flood.

"Why!" Tang Ya was extremely unwilling. Tang Wanru married into the Gu family and became the mistress of one of the four major families!
Those are the four big families, most of the world's wealth is controlled by these four terrifying and huge families
Tang Ya gritted her teeth jealously, her eyes were red!Why is Tang Wanru so lucky?
Fly on the branches and become a phoenix, and come back to life every time!

"No, I have to find a way to prevent the Tang family from marrying the Gu family." Tang Ya clenched the corner of her mouth, her brain spinning rapidly.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to her mind, and she remembered that her uncle had told her that Miss Ming Ruowei, a branch of the Ming family, had always liked Gu Yanting, and even the elders of Gu's family had tacitly agreed that she would become Gu Yanting's marriage partner.

Tang Ya sneered, I have black information about Tang Wanru sleeping with an ugly man in my hand, I will give this black information to Miss Ming.

Someone will disturb this marriage for me.

Tang Ya quickly contacted Ming Ruowei and told her about it.After finishing all this, Tang Ya stretched her waist, ready to take a bath to relax.

knock --

She heard a slight knock on the door, Tang Ya hurriedly collected her emotions and opened the door, thinking that it was her uncle who came, but there was a five or six-year-old boy outside the door.

Ming Sichen, the illegitimate son of the Ming family who can't stand on the stage.

Although he was not taken seriously, all the servants in the villa did not dare to underestimate this child and took care of him conscientiously.

"Master Ming, what do you want from me?" Tang Ya tried her best to maintain an elegant state, squatting down halfway, her smile was as bright as a spring breeze.

Tenderness is her mask, which she needs to wear at all times.

Ming Sichen was wearing a black and white children's gentleman's suit, with slightly curly blond hair, and a pair of clean and clear blue eyes, which seemed harmless at first glance.

Ming Si raised his head slightly, showing a cute smile: "Tang Ya, spread your hands, I have something for you."

The little boy's smile was too confusing.

Without thinking too much, Tang Ya stretched out her left hand.

The smile on Ming Sichen's face disappeared in an instant, and he quickly raised his little hand——

A cold light flashed, and the next moment there was a red bloody gash on Tang Ya's wrist.

The bloody knife fell to the ground.

Tang Ya's wrist felt a stabbing pain, and blood splattered.

Ming Si Shen's small face was gloomy, the corners of Fen Run's mouth opened and closed, and he spit out two words: "Trash."

It was this scheming woman who colluded with Ming Zhangde to deal with the Tang family, and almost caused his favorite doll to transfer to another school.

Tang Tang is currently his favorite toy, and he will make life difficult for anyone who dares to hurt his toy!

Ming Sichen turned around expressionlessly, facing the bright sunlight, and disappeared into Tang Ya's terrified sight.

The servants came after hearing the news and hurriedly bandaged the injured Tang Ya, causing the whole villa to be in a panic.

Country A, the exclusive area of ​​the Ming family.


The vase was smashed to the ground, alarming the maids in the manor.

The housekeeper hurried in and saw Miss Ming who lost her temper, and hurriedly asked, "Oh, my little ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

The blond girl smashed her phone to the ground and gritted her teeth angrily: "Butler Jenny, arrange a private jet! I'm going to China!"

She never expected that when she was ready to marry Gu Yanting, some kind of Wanru suddenly appeared on the way!
The young lady who was pampered and pampered since she was a child, would not be willing to suffer this kind of grievance.

What's more, she also received a text message from Tang Ya, saying that this Tang Wanru's private life is extremely disorderly, and she sleeps with men!

How can such an ugly, uneducated, and poor character woman be worthy of Gu Yanting?

"Arrange the plane immediately!" Ming Ruo put her hips on her hips, her pretty face turned cold, "I'm going to tear this Tang Wanru up personally!"

Gu Yanting was the best-looking and outstanding man she had ever seen, how could he give it up to a poor furniture seller?
The housekeeper nodded helplessly: "Okay, I'll arrange it now, miss, don't smash things."

Ming Ruowei clasped his hands in front of his chest, looked out of the window with his beautiful eyes at the large tulip fields, and hummed softly, his eyes flashed with determination.

 Almost out of archives...

  In the next chapter, Mama Tang knows the identity of the duck... There are so few comments recently, am I cold T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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