Chapter 300 Father and Daughter
The hospital knew Gu Yanting's terrible origin, and no one dared to slack off, and tried their best to treat Tang Tang and Ruan Meng.

Gu Yanting warned: "The matter of the child's blood type must not be revealed."

The doctors nodded hurriedly and left anxiously.

Tang Tang learned from Fu Jingan that he was in a coma for three days.

Tang Tang's stomach was the most injured. The sharp glass pierced into his stomach. It took several operations to remove the glass slag inside.

In addition, there were wounds on the arms and the back of the head. After suturing, there were no serious problems.

"Mummy, I'm hungry." Tang Tang had a stomachache and was still hungry.

Tang Wanru hurriedly fetched some gruel and liquid food, Tang Tang couldn't eat rice as a regular meal for the time being.

Tang Tang ate slowly in small bites, thinking of Ruan Meng: "Sister Ruan Meng, how are you?"

"It's not very good. She's still in the ICU. She's injured too badly, and she's not out of danger yet." Thinking of Ruan Meng, Tang Wanru felt extremely uncomfortable.

According to the monitoring at the scene, it was Ruan Meng who protected Tang Tang and resisted most of the damage.

But now Ruan Meng's situation is extremely bad, and the critical illness notice has been issued seven or eight times.An operation is needed today, and if the operation is successful, Ruan Meng may be truly out of danger.

"Tangtang, don't worry, your father has found the best doctor from abroad, and he will rescue Ruan Meng." Tang Wanru wiped the corner of Tang Tang's mouth.

Tang Tang frowned and nodded absently.

Then he blinked his eyes suddenly, and asked in doubt, "My dad?"

Tang Wanru: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, this is actually your biological father." Tang Wanru pointed to Gu Yanting beside him.

Tang Tang:! ! !
Then, Tang Wanru explained the cause and effect of the incident one by one, and Tang Tang opened her mouth into a round O shape.

What?My biological father is actually Gu Yanting, the head of the Gu family, one of the four major families!
Tang Tang looked at Gu Yanting.

Gu Yanting glanced at him.

The father and daughter stared wide-eyed.

"I thought your father was a duck before, so I never dared to tell you the truth." Tang Wanru scratched her head embarrassedly, "But I don't plan to keep him from knowing his true identity. It's Gu Yanting."

Tang Tang's face was dull.

Tang Tang has always thought that her own father was a low-ranking gangster, and secretly accepted that she had a terrible father.In the end, when things turned around, the real father was actually Uncle Gu!

Uncle Gu. He is handsome and smart!
The key is. The family property is super large.

"My mother is coming, I'll go downstairs to pick them up first." Tang Wanru handed the millet porridge to Gu Yanting, "You feed Tangtang, don't feed too much, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Gu Yanting: "Okay."

Tang Wanru left the ward in a hurry, Gu Yanting walked to the bed with stiff steps, and sat down with a small bowl.After stirring in the bowl with a small ceramic spoon, Gu Yanting said, "Open your mouth."

Tang Tang opened her mouth obediently.

Gu Yanting had never served anyone with porridge and dinner, this was the first time he did it, and his movements were extremely stiff.

The first formal encounter between father and daughter was a bit embarrassing.

The surroundings are quiet, only the rustling of the leaves brought by the autumn wind blowing outside the window.Gu Yanting looked at his own daughter who was close at hand, and seeing Tang Tang's pale and cute face, warm currents rushed through his heart.

Family affection is a very delicate connection, connecting one big and one small, this child is so delicate, like a beautiful rose blooming in the morning.

Gu Yanting couldn't describe that subtle feeling.

But he clearly knew that he wanted to hold his daughter in the palm of his hand, protect her from growing up, and wanted to give his daughter the best in the world.

"Yeah—" Tang Tang called out.

Only then did Gu Yanting realize that he accidentally spilled the porridge on Tang Tang's collar.

(End of this chapter)

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