Chapter 306 Repentance?

Fu Jingan Xiaojun's face petrified, and his smile gradually disappeared.

The clouds are gone, the sunflowers are gone.

Fuck meow godson!
Fu Jingan gritted his teeth and glared at Tang Tang angrily. He really wanted to break the girl's head open and see what brand of bean dregs was inside!

"Tang Xiaoer, do the homework yourself. If I help you with the homework again, I'll be a dog!"

"Not at all. You think I can do my homework?"

"Don't talk to me, I'm very angry now!"


Tang Tang is speechless. Fu Jingan has a strange temper recently and gets angry at every turn. Could it be that children also have "menopause"?

On the weekend, Tang Wanru had just finished filming for a day and was about to drive to the hospital to visit Tang Tang, but she received a call from Butler Zhang on the way.

Butler Zhang said that Mr. Gu had something important to discuss with her.

Butler Zhang's tone was extremely serious, making Tang Wanru feel uneasy.

Why did Mr. Gu suddenly call me over?
Does he regret this marriage?

Tang Wanru rubbed her head, maybe it was because the weather was getting colder, or maybe it was because she was worried about Tang Tang, which caused Tang Wanru to think wildly recently, often couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and her appetite dropped.

"Housekeeper Zhang, can you tell me a little bit what old man Gu wants from me?" Tang Wanru cautiously probed in the car.

Butler Zhang kept a straight face and said in a formulaic tone, "It's about the marriage between Miss Tang and the young master."

Tang Wanru's heart instantly fell into a cold valley.

Start cranky.

Due to Tang Tang's car accident, the engagement ceremony was delayed, and the new engagement date has not yet been determined.Tang Wanru began to diverge her thoughts. Could it be that after careful consideration, Mr. Gu did not intend to marry the Tang family?
"I, can I contact Gu Yanting?" Tang Wanru took out her mobile phone, wanting to secretly ask her little male duck about the situation.

But before the number was dialed, Steward Zhang politely stopped him: "Miss Tang, Mr. Gu doesn't want the young master to know about this meeting, and I hope you keep it a secret."

Tang Wanru's face turned pale.

It's over! It's over!

Meeting in private, I don't want Gu Yanting to know - this must be a Hongmen banquet!Tang Wanru couldn't figure it out, Mr. Gu wasn't kind and kind before, why did he want to divorce after only a few days?
The car arrived at the Gu family's old house in a low-key way. After Tang Wanru got out of the car, she saw the solemn and majestic gate of the house was covered by dark clouds. She couldn't help but hold her heart.

"Miss Tang, you don't look very well, do you need to call a doctor?" Butler Zhang got out of the car, caught a glimpse of Tang Wanru who was pale, and extended a helping hand.

Tang Wanru waved her hand: "It's okay, filming today is too exhausting, and I'm a little motion sick."

Butler Zhang didn't say anything, and led Tang Wanru all the way to the remote old courtyard.This is the remote courtyard of Gu's house. There are various flowers and plants in the courtyard, and the koi swims slowly in the pond.

Tang Wanru took a deep breath and looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

Let the storm come harder
She opened the door and entered the room. There were not only old man Gu, but also several other family elders. Those old men sat in the main room with majestic expressions, and Tang Wanru had the illusion of going to the county government in ancient times.

It seems that if you say a wrong word, you will be brutally executed by the whole family.

"Master, Miss Tang is here." Butler Zhang brought him there and left respectfully.

Tang Wanru was anxious and scolded Gu Yanting all over her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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