The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 315 Ruan Meng Gives Him a Sense of Belonging to "Home"

Chapter 315 Ruan Meng Gives Him a Sense of Belonging to "Home"

Ruan Meng's voice was hoarse: "Tangtang, how old are you, why do you talk like an old man?"

Tang Tang raised the corner of his mouth: "I learned it by watching TV, and I have memorized it for a long time."

Tang Tang noticed that Ruan Meng's condition was particularly bad, and she almost wrote the four characters "Living without love" on her face. It must be that Ye Bai's attitude gave Ruan Meng a fatal blow when the car accident happened.

Ruan Meng was completely disappointed in this relationship.

A lifetime is very long, and you can't be blinded by the pain in front of you, so Tang Tang wants to persuade Ruan Meng.

Ruan Meng smiled wryly: "I know, thank you Tangtang."

Ye Bai is like a candy wrapped in beautiful plastic paper, Ruan Meng wants to eat this candy.She desperately chased after this candy for 18 years, and finally she was able to tear open the package of the candy and taste the taste of the candy.

But later found that the candy was not as delicious as she thought.

Tang Tang stayed in the ward for a long time, chatting with Ruan Meng on twitter, until the doctor came to make rounds, Tang Tang reluctantly left.

After Tang Tang left, another visitor came - Gong Shichu.

Ruan Meng didn't have a deep impression of this young man. She had been eating at the restaurant in the film and television city a few days ago and met the boss.

Unexpectedly, after the car accident, Boss Gong would come to visit every day.

Nutritious meals are brought every time.

"I cooked scallop porridge today, and I brought you some." Gong Shichu put the lunch box on the bedside table, and turned to Ruan Meng, "Miss Ruan, do you want some? I heard from the doctor that you can eat some porridge now." gone."

Ruan Meng was too embarrassed to refuse, and reluctantly nodded: "Thank you."

The ward is bright, with bright sunlight pouring in from the windows.


In the distant country A, Ye Bai had just finished an important medical meeting, rubbing his temples tiredly and returning to the apartment.

He has been working abroad for a month, and he is so tired that he hangs his head and feet every day, and he doesn't even have time to go to the bar to dance and drink at night.Every day when he came back to the empty apartment, his heart was always empty.

He thought of Ruan Meng.

Ruan Meng didn't take the initiative to contact him for a month, Ye Bai fell on the bed and thought for a while, then took the initiative to open the phone to find Ruan Meng's phone number, and dialed it.

He can already imagine Ruan Meng's happy appearance after answering the phone. This girl has a bad temper and is easy to get angry, but as long as he lowers his body and coaxes her casually, Ruan Meng will still return to him obediently.



【The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable】

"Strange, can't get through?" Ye Bai sat up from the bed wonderingly, his handsome eyebrows were slightly frowned and he was lost in thought.

But he quickly found a reasonable explanation. He had quarreled with Ruan Meng before, and Ruan Meng often blocked his mobile phone number, and then secretly restored the number after a while.

Ye Bai smiled and shook his head: "It looks like you're still angry with me. Isn't it because you didn't attend Lao Gu's engagement ceremony, why are you so angry?"

Ye Bai casually threw the phone aside.

Lying on the big soft bed, outside the window is the bright and blurred night of country A.

Far away in a foreign country, Ye Bai misses Ruan Meng, the dishes she cooks by herself, and her bright smile after returning home every day.

Ruan Meng gave him a sense of belonging to "home".

No matter how tired and crazy Ye Bai is outside, he knows that he always has a place to return to.

Ye Bai closed his eyes and thought casually: "Forget it, I will buy her some presents to make amends when I go back to China next month."

Ye Bai quickly fell asleep.

What he didn't know was that not all kite flyers would stick to the spot and pull the kite line. If the kite flew too high and too far, the kite flyer would have an unbearable day and choose to take out the scissors and cut the kite line.


Author's Note: Good night~
 If the CP I'm drinking can get on board tonight, I'll add more! !Aww! Duck rushing in Vegas~~Remember to vote

(End of this chapter)

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