Chapter 321 Beautiful me, you can't afford it
Tang Tang stared blankly.

Fu Jingan looked at Tang Tang from the corner of his eye, tsk, I don't know much.

Fu Jingan said: "The Gu family is a big family with a history of nearly a thousand years. The head of the direct line is engaged, so the etiquette is naturally thoughtful."

When I grow up and I marry you, the betrothal gift will definitely be more than what I have in front of me.

Tang Tang sighed endlessly: "Fu Jing'an, I still can't believe it now, I am actually the child of the Gu family."

I was used to being poor in my previous life, and I feel that the greatest happiness in life is to ask the boss to add an egg when buying finger cakes, and to drink pearl milk tea with pearls.

Now that I saw the dowry gift of the Gu family, I realized how big the gap between the rich and the poor was.

Seeing the mountain of dowry gifts, Zhou Shulan was secretly worried, grabbed Tang Guozheng and muttered in a low voice, "Husband, so many dowry gifts have exceeded the market value of our company. Do you think Wanru will suffer if she marries in the future?"

Zhou Shulan knows her daughter's bad temper best.

What if I marry into the Gu family and suffer a loss?
Girls, it is easy to suffer from high marriages and low marriages. Generally speaking, the right family is the most suitable.

However, Tang Wanru's marriage is not just a high marriage, it is a super high marriage that flies to outer space on a rocket launcher!
Zhou Shulan was afraid that the child would suffer in the future, and that Wanru would really be bullied at her in-laws' family. The Tang family was so soft-spoken that they couldn't help Wanru at all.

"Don't worry, Wanru and Mr. Gu have a very good relationship." Tang Guozheng reassured his wife.

People like Gu Yanting are not easily tempted, and once tempted, they will never let go.

Zhou Shulan was still frowning, and secretly tightened the handkerchief.

The Tang family accepted the betrothal gift and returned it to the Gu family. The engagement ceremony was considered complete.

Then the elders of the two parties met, and the Feng Shui master was invited to choose an auspicious day to get married. After a busy day, the lively engagement finally came to an end.

The Tang family held a small dinner and dance, inviting guests to participate, and the melodious sound of the violin spread throughout the Tang residence.

Just as Tang Tang picked up a piece of milk cake, a brisk calling came: "Tangtang~ where is your mother? I want to find her for beauty."

Ming Ruowei is like a dancing blue butterfly, flying over with all its splendor.

She dressed up specially today, wearing a dark blue fantasy evening dress and long skirt, her long hair was lightly tied with a crystal hairpin, and her makeup was exquisite and beautiful.

The reason is to shine at tonight's dance party!
"They are dancing on the dance floor." Tang Tang took a bite of the milk cake, and looked at the bright and charming Miss Ming Ruowei with her dark eyes.

"Success, then I'll go find your parents." Ming Ruowei took two steps with her skirt in her arms, then turned back suddenly.

Ming Ruo smiled and asked Tang Tang: "Tang Tang, do you think my sister and I are beautiful?"

Tang Tang: ".beautiful."

Mingruo raised the corners of her mouth slightly: "Look, even children know my beauty. Tangtang, when your father sees my beauty in the prosperous age, he will definitely regret it! Hmph, let Gu Yanting regret it In the past, he just ignored me, but now I am so beautiful that he can't afford it!"

After finishing speaking, Ming Ruowei walked away with her skirt in her hand.

Tang Tang took a bite of the milk cake, originally Tang Tang thought Ming Ruowei was taking the female villain's script.

But after getting in touch with Tang Tang recently, Tang Tang discovered that Ming Ruowei is actually a naive and optimistic young lady, with a silly temperament in her pride-in short, her personality is quite cute.

The moonlight is hazy, and the brisk waltz music flows slowly.

As tonight's much-anticipated guests, Tang Wanru and Gu Yanting will of course dance a dance to open the show.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause from all around. After leaving the stage, the smile on Tang Wanru's face disappeared completely. She was so tired that she couldn't open her eyelids. She grabbed Gu Yanting's sleeve and acted coquettishly: "I'm sleepy, let me go first!" Go back to the room and sleep for a while"

"Sleepy again?" Gu Yanting held her hand, feeling puzzled.

Recently, Tang Wanru was extremely sleepy every day.

Sometimes I can sleep for twelve hours a day, and even fall asleep lying on the table in the middle of a meal.

(End of this chapter)

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