Chapter 327

But who can blame this?
She asked for it all on her own, she chose a dead end, and she didn't want to turn back after hitting her head badly.

The engagement dinner was finally over, and the guests left one after another.

The hustle and bustle fell into silence.

Ruan Meng was so sad that she fell asleep in Tang Wanru's bedroom.Ruan Meng's parents came after hearing the news, and when they saw their daughter who was sleeping with black eyes, they both shook their heads in unison, distressed and helpless.

"Miss Tang, please take care of Mengmeng, thanks for your hard work." Ruan Meng's father bent down, trying to wake up the sleeping Ruan Meng.

"Don't wake her up." The gentle voice interrupted Ruan Meng's father's movements.

Gong Ming's younger brother Gong Shichu is also on the list of guests attending the dinner tonight.

He was wearing a black tuxedo, tall and long-legged, with handsome features like jade, Gong Shichu asked Tang Wanru politely: "Miss Tang, I am Gong Ming's younger brother, Gong Shichu, can you arrange a guest room for Ruan Meng to stay tonight? She hasn't had a good night's sleep in a long time."

Tang Waru took a look at this man, he looked familiar.

Oh, isn't this the chef of the restaurant?The one who gave Ruan Meng hangover soup?
He is actually the younger brother of the palace team?
Tang Wanru murmured: "That's fine, there is a guest room downstairs—"

Before he finished speaking, Gong Shichu had already bent down and gently hugged the sleeping Ruan Meng, as if he was caring for a treasure, he turned and left the room. Ruan Meng's parents looked at each other and followed.

Tang Wanru stayed where she was, a little speechless: "...Actually, you can let Ruan Meng sleep in my room."

Tang Wanru rubbed her stomach and went back to the bed, playing the scene of Princess Gong Shichu hugging Ruan Meng just now in a loop in her mind. She always felt that the second young master of Gong Shichu had a little affection for Ruan Meng?
"Forget it, ask my duck tomorrow."

Tang Wanru yawned, a tide of sleepiness seemed to flood her heart, and a faint snoring sound soon came from the bedroom.

The next day, Tang Wanru slept until noon before slowly getting up.Since the beginning of winter, she has become more and more lazy, and her sleep quality is excellent. Tang Tang came to knock on the door at [-] o'clock in the morning, and Tang Wanru was still able to fall asleep soundly.

The family had already finished their lunch, and Tang Tang and Fu Jingan were watching TV and competing for the remote control board.

Hearing the movement of the stairs, Tang Tang turned her head and saw her own mother walking out with an afro head and slippers without any image.Tang Tang covered her face: "Mom, why do I think you've been getting lazy lately?"

Tang Wanru took two sips of the hot water handed by Aunt Wang: "I've been busy recently, and when you get engaged and married in the future, you will know how troublesome the process is—by the way, where is Ruan Meng?"

Ruan Meng stayed at home last night, Tang Wanru was quite worried about her mental health.

It's pitiful to pay water with affection for many years.

Tang Tang snatched the remote control panel from Fu Jingan's hand: "Sister Ruan Meng left in the morning, Uncle Gong came to pick her up in person."

Early this morning, Gong Shichu drove to Tang Zhai and picked up Ruan Meng.Not long after the two left, Assistant Wang also drove to Tang's house, wanting to take Ruan Meng home.

But Assistant Wang came a step late.

When Tang Tang told him that Ruan Meng had been picked up by Gong Shichu, Tang Tang clearly saw a flash of bewilderment and loss on Assistant Wang's face.Assistant Wang didn't say anything, came and left silently.

"I hope Ruan Meng can think about it." Tang Wanru sat down on the sofa, pinching Tang Tang's chubby face, "When my Tangtang grows up, she must keep her eyes open and never look for a scumbag." . One wrong step, one wrong step.”

Love makes people blind, and Ruan Meng is a lesson from the past.

Tang Tang nodded seriously: "Mum, don't worry, I'm not a three-year-old child, my eyes are sharp, and I can tell at a glance whether a man really likes me."

Fu Jingan next to him sneered.

You can see that there are ghosts.

(Singer, handsome and sent to the entertainment industry, but he was promoted all the way because of his appearance)
(End of this chapter)

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