Chapter 348 Mother and Daughter Meet
She dared to push her daughter, causing her to almost lose her little grandson!

Zhou Shulan stepped on high heels and walked towards the security room aggressively.

Tang Tang and Tang Guozheng followed behind, Tang Tang looked at her grandmother's murderous back, and secretly lit a candle for Zhou Xianzong.

It was terrible when my grandma got angry.

Assistant Wang was considerate in handling matters, Assistant Wang and Mrs. Zhou were temporarily placed in the security room, and there were security guards outside the door.


Zhou Shulan kicked open the door of the security room. Zhou Xianzong and the old lady Zhou seemed to be arguing inside. When they heard the movement at the door, they both looked up.

Zhou Shulan scolded angrily: "Brother, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I will personally send you to the police station!"

There was an angry shout, and the whole room was silent.

When Zhou Xianzong saw Zhou Shulan for the first time, there was only one thought in his head - it was over.

The ancient book in Mrs. Zhou's hand fell to the ground with a slap: "Shu Shulan"

Zhou Shulan also noticed her mother in a wheelchair.

The four eyes met, and the heart was ups and downs.

They hadn't seen each other for 25 years.

The past is vivid, and after a long river of time, the memory has been covered with dust, and at this moment it is blown by the strong wind, revealing the scarred past.

The corners of Mrs. Zhou's mouth murmured, and her eyes turned red instantly: "Shulan, it really is you."

Zhou Shulan's expression was slightly stiff. When she saw her mother, Zhou Shulan was extremely aggrieved, and she said bluntly, "You Zhou family, don't go too far, you almost caused my family's Wanru to have a miscarriage. Brother, I have tolerated you time and time again out of respect, but it doesn't mean I'm so bullied."

For more than 20 years, Zhou Shulan tried to curry favor with Zhou's family repeatedly, but was rejected every time.

The heart has long been hurt by the ruthless Zhou family.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Zhou Xianzong was still talking stubbornly, "Besides, I'm your eldest brother, do you still want to send your eldest brother to prison? Zhou Shulan, don't go too far, I want to take my mother home."

Zhou Shulan's eyes were red: "If you really think of me as a younger sister, why did you stand on the sidelines when the Tang family was almost bankrupt? Tang Tang went to your house to play, and you kicked the child out! You even hurt my daughter just now!"

Zhou Xianzong felt even more guilty.

The old lady Zhou frowned, and said puzzledly: "When Shulan Tang's family went bankrupt, I didn't stand idly by. I asked Xianzong to send 50 million funds to the Tang family—"

Zhou Xianzong hurriedly stopped Mrs. Zhou from speaking, and was about to rush out of the room pushing Mrs. Zhou's wheelchair: "Mom, you, you are so confused, I will take you home!"

In the end, Tang Guozheng stopped him.

Tang Guozheng closed the door of the security room calmly, and there were only Zhou Shulan, Tang Guozheng, Tang Tang, Zhou Xianzong, Mrs. Zhou and Assistant Wang in the room.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhou Xianzong wanted to make a scene, and Tang Guozheng took a deep look at him: "Mr. Zhou, you keep yelling, are you really thinking of your mother-in-law, or are you afraid that the scandal will be exposed?"

Tang Guozheng's tone was calm, like the calm of a lake, but it caused great damage. Zhou Xianzong's face became paler, and cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

Tang Guozheng looked directly at the old lady Zhou, this old lady had brought Tang Guozheng indelible harm back then.In order to prevent Tang Guozheng and Zhou Shulan from being together, the old lady Zhou tried all kinds of evil tricks, and finally forced Zhou Shulan and the Zhou family to break off completely.

"I sent people to investigate the Zhou family a few days ago, and found some interesting things." Tang Guozheng said indifferently, "For the past 25 years, Shulan has given gifts to the Zhou family every year and festival, and they were rejected every time. Shulan gave it to the Zhou family. All the presents from Zhou Xianzong and his wife were embezzled by Zhou Xianzong and his wife."

Zhou Xianzong was obviously going crazy: "You, you are talking nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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