Chapter 353 Your Mom Is Still Your Mom (1)

Mr. Gu babbled and gave instructions, and happily ran towards the Tang family.

He really wanted to kowtow to his ancestors in the ancestral hall!
Bless the ancestors, my brat is really promising, Wanru has a second child!
Tang Wanru's physical condition is not very good. Running around during pregnancy caused a heavy burden on her body, and she needed to stay in bed for half a month to protect her pregnancy.

Tang Wanru was born with an active personality, so it was a torment for her to stay in bed every day, moldy from boredom, doing nothing at home all day long, watching TV dramas, reading novels, reading materials and doing college homework.

The tonics sent by Mr. Gu were so continuous that they almost filled the warehouse of the Tang family.

Mrs. Zhou also came to the Tang family often, and the relationship between Zhou Shulan and the Zhou family quickly eased.

Zhou Shulan was completely rude this time, ignoring any blood ties, and directly used her relationship to send Zhou Xianzong to prison for at least half a year for the crime of intentional injury.

Wang Qiuxiang was in a state of desperation, ran to the gate of Tang's house and cried, poked Zhou Shulan's nose and cursed: "You are a scourge! I already knew that you had evil intentions, and now that Zhou Xianzong is sent to prison, you can monopolize our family's property right!"

Wang Qiuxiang lost a lot of weight during this period, was busy with her husband's affairs, and pleaded hard with Mrs. Zhou.But no one paid attention to her, and Zhou Xianzong was still in prison.

"Water poured out by a married woman, I have worked hard to take care of those two old people for more than 20 years, and you have done nothing! Now you still want to be a white wolf and take away the Zhou family's property! Zhou Shulan, you are too Vicious!" Wang Qiuxiang cried out of breath.

Zhou Shulan didn't argue with her and asked Steward Li to hand over a document.

Wang Qiuxiang: "What kind of crap is this?"

Zhou Shulan: "The agreement to renounce the inheritance. I don't want any property of the Zhou family."

Wang Qiuxiang quickly opened the thin document, and Zhou Shulan's name was clearly written at the end—Zhou Shulan signed to waive the Zhou family's inheritance rights.

Now, Wang Qiuxiang didn't say anything.

Only then did she realize that in Zhou Shulan's eyes, the tens of millions of property that she regarded as her life were worthless.

Wang Qiuxiang stared blankly at Zhou Shulan's back, feeling dazed, feeling jealous, unwilling, and at a loss.Wang Qiuxiang looked at the resplendent gate of the Tang family, which was in sharp contrast with the dilapidated gate of the Zhou family. For the first time, she realized that she was a clown.

Sad and ridiculous.

Wang Qiuxiang told her husband in prison about Zhou Shulan's abandonment of family property inheritance, and Zhou Xianzong was also silent for a long time. Zhou Xianzong, in his fifties and with gray temples, covered his face and wept silently.

In order to pursue family property, he personally administered chronic poison to his parents, and his parents died soon.
In the end, it was discovered that no one wanted to compete with him for the family property.

On this day, Mrs. Zhou came to the Tang family again.

Zhou Shulan looked at her white-haired mother, sighed and said, "Mom, you don't have to come here all the time, I will take Tang Tang to Zhou's house to visit you and Dad."

The misunderstanding was eliminated, Zhou Shulan and Mrs. Zhou settled down, and the relationship gradually recovered.

The old lady Zhou stared at her daughter reproachfully: "I come here whenever I want, but you still dislike me? I don't have a few days to live, and I want to see you and the children more before I die."

Zhou Shulan thought that Mrs. Zhou was joking, and pretended to be angry and said: "Mom, you and Dad will surely live a long life, don't say such unlucky things. It's cold outside, so I'll push you into the house."

(End of this chapter)

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