The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 370 Every Unmarried Person Hides an Impossible Person in His Heart

Chapter 370 Every Unmarried Person Hides an Impossible Person in His Heart
After several days of hard work, Tang Tang and Wang Kehao have initially finalized the theme song of the TV series "Harem Xiyan Biography", and the next step is to find a singer to sing.

As the news spread, many singers came to recommend themselves, hoping to get the chance to sing the theme song——Wang Kehao is a world-renowned music master, singing songs written and composed by him is a supreme honor and can expand his popularity at the music festival.

There are countless singers who come to Wang Kehao every day.

On this day, Tang Tang and Fu Jingan were drinking milk tea in the recording studio, and Wang Kehao was rendering music in the glass room.

"There are a lot of beauties who come to see the old man recently." Tang Tang drank pearl milk tea, shaking her two chubby legs, with a gossiping face, "It's good for the teacher to choose a wife at random, and I can have more mistresses."

Tang Tang is very regretful. Wang Kehao is over 70 years old, but he is healthy and healthy. He can eat three bowls for a meal, but it is a pity that he is still a bachelor.

Fu Jingan glanced at Tang Tang and said something quite philosophical: "Everyone who is not married hides an impossible person in his heart."

When Mr. Wang Kehao was young, he was also a handsome and romantic musician, and there must be no shortage of beauties around him.

But he was still quietly single for most of his life.

Fu Jing'an felt the same way, and guessed that Wang Kehao must have an old friend in his heart that he couldn't let go of.

Tang Tang chewed the milk tea, his expression became surprised: "Old Dog Fu, you know a lot. You have been single in your last life. Do you still have a girl or a guy you like in your heart?"

Fu Jingan looked at her quietly: "Guess—"

Tang Tang: "So there really is! Who is it? Male or female? Do I know it?"

Fu Jingan was speechless for a while.

Tang Tang was holding a big cup of milk tea, Yingying Yanyan who was next to Fu Jingan in her previous life appeared in her mind.In his previous life, Fu Jing'an was an all-powerful school girl at the university. He received a mountain of love letters every day. He casually went to the basketball court to throw a basketball for fun, which could cause traffic jams on the nearby University Road.

Tang Tang's eyes brightened: "Could it be the flower of the Chinese Department?"

Fu Jingan: "."

Tang Tang: "Could it be that model from the history department, with particularly big breasts—"

Before the words fell, there were rustling footsteps behind her, and then a man's warm voice rang in Tang Tang's ears: "Is Teacher Wang there? I have something to do with him."

Tang Tang turned his head and saw a handsome and gentle face.

Good luck!

Tang Tang's whole body tensed up immediately, and he almost lost his grip on the milk tea in his hand, tremblingly looking at Zhu Shang who was close at hand!
Why is this guy here!The culprit who tried to murder Fu Jingan and me in the previous life has come!

Zhu Shang saw that Tang Tang was stunned, and the chubby face was in a sluggish state. He just thought it was very interesting. He took off his sunglasses and showed a friendly smile: "It turned out to be Junior Sister Tangtang. Long time no see. Do you still remember me?"

Tang Tang didn't say a word, she had a "villain filter" for Zhu Shang.

Zhu Shang smiled, in Tang Tang's eyes, it was an evil smile;

Zhu Shang speaks, in the eyes of Tang Tang, it is the devil who speaks;
I wish the merchants come, and the devil comes.

This duplicity, elegant and handsome excellent singer in front of others is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and a nurse Rong pretending to be gentle Xia Yuhe. Tang Tang hates him.

Fu Jingan next to him said, "Mr. Wang is still debugging the mixing equipment, please wait a moment."

Zhu Shang didn't come alone, there was a young and beautiful female star behind him.Tang Tang recognized her, this female star is called Li Mengyan, the heroine of "Ruan Menghua" auditioned before, Li Mengyan once auditioned with Tang Wanru.

"Okay, I can wait, I just want to chat with Junior Sister Tangtang." Zhu Shang sat down next to Tang Tang, looking like a very gentle big brother.

(End of this chapter)

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