Chapter 474 Test Tangtang's IQ

Gu Yanting really doesn't like Fu Jing'an, a little kid who clings to his daughter like chewing gum all day long, and is inseparable from day to night.

Unfortunately, Gu Yanting couldn't send Fu Jingan away.

Mrs. Gu, Tang Wanru, Zhou Shulan and his wife all regard the young Fu Jingan as a family member, and they have everything in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.Mr. Gu even raised Fu Jingan as his future grandson-in-law.

Earlier, Gu Yanting casually mentioned that he wanted to send Fu Jingan away, but was scolded by the whole family.

The dignified Mr. Gu is extremely aggrieved!

"Uncle Gu, I just care about Tangtang." Fu Jingan tried to explain to his future father-in-law.

Gu Yanting glanced over with cold swishing eyes, and Fu Jingan shut up knowingly.Sitting obediently in the corner, he took out a piece of French bread from his schoolbag and gnawed silently.

However, Gu Yanting was still slapping him with killing eyes, so that Fu Jingan felt that what he was eating was not bread, but prison food...

"Father, Fu Jingan didn't do anything wrong." Tang Tang couldn't help laughing, and he especially liked seeing Fu Jingan's embarrassment.

A mountain is higher than a mountain, and my dad is the worst~

Gu Yanting snorted coldly, and then began to popularize Tang Tang's "all kinds of knowledge about girls protecting themselves", and told Tang Tang that whenever he met someone like Xue Zhi in the future, he would call his father directly.

Tang Tang nodded obediently, her eyes were clean and clear: "Okay, I know, thank you Dad."

With a sweet and soft voice, and a cute and cute appearance, Gu Yanting was almost turned into a girl.


On the way back, Gu Yanting began to think about transferring Tangtang to another class.He didn't want Tang Tang to stay in the ordinary class of Shenghua Primary School and be bullied by his classmates.

After much deliberation, it is estimated that only the juvenile class is the most suitable for Tang Tang.

The juvenile class, where geniuses gather, all kinds of wonderful little geniuses gather together.Intelligent and talented.

His daughter is a rare musical genius, and she will definitely be able to enter the youth class—even if she can't, Gu Yanting can still send Tangtang in with a casual sentence.

However, Gu Yanting still wanted to test his daughter's IQ: "Tangtang, Dad will test you with a question."

Tang Tang's brows were curved: "Dad, tell me~"

Gu Yanting thought about the general IQ of five or six-year-old children, and thought of a classic IQ test question: "Tangtang, if there is an empty room, I will give you one hundred yuan and ask you to buy things to fill the room. You What would you buy to fill your house?"

Tang Tang's smile froze.

Dad, do I look stupid for asking such a naive question?
Seeing that my daughter didn't answer for a long time, Gu Yanting had no choice but to be persuasive: "The first classmate spent [-] yuan to buy flour, but unfortunately, the flour could not fill the room. The second classmate went to a farmer to buy a lot of dry straw. , dry straw is fluffy and dry, but it only fills half the room—so what would you buy, Tangtang?"

Tang Tang: ...

Not really interested in answering this naive question.

Gu Yanting saw that his daughter was still in a daze, frowned slightly, and gave the answer: "Actually, you can buy candles. When the candles are lit, they can fill the entire room."

This is a classic IQ question. When Gu Yanting saw that his daughter didn't answer it, she immediately made up her mind that even if my daughter's IQ is not enough, her musical talent can still be used as a stepping stone to enter the junior class.

Tang Tang couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Dad! Put flour in the room, put combustible dry straw, and then light the candle fire source, which will cause a dust explosion. Explosion."

(End of this chapter)

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