Chapter 477
Ever since Ruan Meng returned to China, Ye Bai has been waiting for Ruan Meng to come to ask for peace.

However, he didn't wait.

As a man and the leader of this love relationship, Ye Bai really couldn't lower his figure to find Ruan Meng in a low voice.

There is no way, he can only take the route of "curve to save the country" and come to Tang Tang to inquire about the situation.

"Sister Ruan Meng, you said, she often comes to me to play, and she brought lotus root pork rib soup to me yesterday." Tang Tang blinked her eyes and looked treacherous.

Ye Bai's eyes lit up: "Then Tangtang, did you, your sister Ruan Meng mention me?"

He will definitely be mentioned, Ye Bai believes that Ruan Meng misses him in the same way at a time that he does not know.

Tang Tang: "Oh, I didn't mention you."

An invisible small knife stabbed fiercely into Ye Bai's heart, bringing out bursts of faint pain that he couldn't control.

Ye Bai didn't believe it: "Really? Think about it more carefully?"

Tang Tang replied seriously: "I really didn't mention you, I think sister Ruan Meng should have forgotten you."

Another small knife pierced Ye Bai's heart.

He would rather Ruan Meng scold him and beat him than Ruan Meng never mentioned him.

Ye Bai didn't dare to ask Tang Tang any more, and left the Tang family with a sullen head.

Tang Tang is like a little adult, with his hands folded in front of his chest, his small face is cold and cruel: "A childish and proud man is not worthy of Ruan Meng's love at all."

When Ruan Meng and Tangtang got into a car accident and their lives were on the line, Ruan Meng called Ye Bai for help covered in blood, but this guy was still hanging out with women!
Fortunately, it's not too late for Ruan Meng to finally give up the love she's held on to for more than ten years.

"When looking for a partner in the future, don't look for a flirtatious person." Tang Tang warned herself.

This happened to be heard by Fu Jingan who was eating watermelon next to him. Fu Jingan had a strange expression on his face, thinking that I am a careless and dedicated man, but some people are blind.

"By the way, Fu Jing'an, what type of partner do you like?" Tang Tang asked casually.

Fu Jingan ate the melon calmly, spitting out the watermelon seeds: "I'm still young, so I don't fall in love early."

His criteria for choosing a spouse are simple: surname Tang, first name Tang.

Only want you, only you.

Tang Tang tsk-tsk twice, leaning over, Bai Nen's chubby face couldn't hide the gossip: "To tell the truth, there was a period of time in my previous life that I suspected that you had someone you liked."

Fu Jingan couldn't hold the little watermelon in his hand anymore.

The wind slightly brought the fragrance of roses in the small garden, and the pink petals swayed in the wind, like a beautiful bridal bouquet in a church...

"Really? Then who do you think I like?" Fu Jingjian pretended to be calm.

Tang Tang smiled slightly: "Beating is pro-cursing is love."

Fu Jing'an remembered that he and Tang Tang often fought and scolded each other...Could it be that this little girl finally got the hang of it?

Tang Tang said with a smile: "I think you have a crush on Ming Sichen."

Fu Jingan: ...

Tang Tang made a reasonable and well-founded analysis, and counted with his fingers: "Look, in your previous life, you were a sports genius Xiaoxiang school grass, and he was a gentle and handsome schoolmaster. You two often dislike each other. After rebirth, every time you When I saw Ming Sichen, I deliberately made things difficult for him—is this not true love? Huh?"

To be honest, Tang Tang in his previous life suspected more than once that there was something tricky between Fu Jingan and Ming Sichen.

Tang Tang frowned, staring into Fu Jingan's eyes: "How is it, am I right?"

Fu Jingan: ...

Fu Jingan stared at Tang Tang quietly.

Tang Tang was puzzled: "Why are you looking at my head?"

 The health code has turned yellow...

  I got motion sickness again today, I vomited so bitterly T﹏T
  Difficult to code with mobile phone

(End of this chapter)

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