Chapter 480 The Bad Ye Bai

After she stopped loving him, Ruan Meng looked at Ye Bai from the perspective of a bystander. Without the filter of love, Ruan Meng realized how vicious and ridiculous Ye Bai was.

It's ridiculous that I have loved such a man for 18 years, and I was so devoted to him, thinking that I could turn the prodigal son back.

"Break up? I never agreed, it's not a breakup at all!"

Ye Bai was stung by the word "breakup", he never thought that the girl who loved him for more than ten years would actually say the word "breakup".

The heart was caught off guard and was riddled with holes.

The pain made Ye Bai almost unable to straighten his back.

"Ruan Meng, don't be self-willed anymore." Ye Bai rubbed his temples, as if telling Ruan Meng, but also as if comforting himself who could not stabilize his mind, "You love me so much, how could you be willing to leave me..."

How could she be willing.

Ruan Meng opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but found that she had nothing to say to Ye Bai.

What does it feel like to be truly disappointed in someone?I don't want you to know what happened to me anymore. Similarly, I don't want to know anything about you at all.

"I won't come to you again, and you don't come to me either. Goodbye." Ruan Meng hurriedly looked away, not wanting to see Ye Bai's reaction.

The heart still hurts, the love of more than ten years is not fake, but she can suppress it and endure it.

She fell down here countless times at Ye Bai's place, her head was bloodied, there was no need to look back.

"Xiaogong, let's go back first." Ruan Meng glanced at Gong Shichu apologetically.

Gong Shichu said gently: "It's okay, it's cold outside, let's go back to the house—"

"Are you living together?" Ye Bai was suddenly furious, angrily stopped the two of them, his eyes were like blood, staring at them.

At that moment, probably after drinking, Ye Baijiu found an excuse for himself - yes, Ruan Meng suddenly broke up and went abroad, he must have been bewitched by this man!
Otherwise, how could Ruan Meng not love him?

He must have been confused by Gong Shichu!

Ye Bai stepped forward angrily, grabbed Gong Shichu's collar, and punched his handsome face with his fist.


Gong Shichu's glasses were smashed to the ground, the lenses were shattered, and the corners of his mouth were also bloody, and dark red blood dripped down.

"Xiaogong!!" Ruan Meng was startled, and hurried over to support Gong Shichu.

She didn't expect Ye Bai to do it!Why did he do it?
Seeing this, the small vendors who were watching the excitement nearby also stepped forward to hold Ye Bai, trying to persuade him non-stop.

"We broke up, so don't pester your ex-girlfriend."

"Brother, why hang yourself on a tree with a crooked neck, there are many good women in the world."

"Break up with magnanimity, just like a man!"

The small vendors chattered to persuade him, Ye Bai's head was buzzing, and he wanted to grab Ruan Meng's hand.Ruan Meng avoids him, supports Gong Shichu and leaves quickly.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Bai didn't even give Ye Bai an extra look.

Ye Bai wailed a few times weakly, returned to the car, and beat the steering wheel hard.

"She must have been deceived by the surname Gong. The eldest son of the Gong family is scheming and not a good person." Ye Bai muttered to himself, no matter what, he couldn't let go of Ruan Meng again.

He clearly knows how much he loves her, but he is relatively slow and discovers this love too late.

He had to find a chance and find a way to get Ruan Meng back to him.

After thinking about it, Ye Bai had a nasty smile in his eyes, and he called the director of the hospital:
"Dean, I will give up the place of the medical project in country A to Professor Wu—it doesn't matter, I will perform Professor Wu's heart bypass surgery for him."


  Mobile phone code words, typos stamp me
(End of this chapter)

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