Chapter 490 Ye Bai's Condition

Tang Wanru clearly remembered all the bad things Ye Bai did to Ruan Meng back then.

If it wasn't for Ye Bai being Gu Yanting's cousin, Tang Wanru would have had Ye Bai tied up and thrown into the sea long ago.

"Okay, I'll remind Ye Bai." Gu Yanting couldn't see his wife getting angry, and coaxed her repeatedly, until the annoyance on Tang Wanru's face subsided a little.

The next day, Gu Yanting really called Ye Bai over and reprimanded him.

Ye Bai was not too convinced: "I just want her to see my heart. I have changed it. I was the one who felt sorry for her before, and I will not do the worst thing I can do to her in the future."

However, Ruan Meng was very heartless and refused to give him another chance.

Ye Bai had no choice but to take a slant and find a way to drive away Professor Wu, and he acted as the chief surgeon of the operation.But under Tang Wanru's intervention, Ye Bai's method failed.

Gu Yanting knocked on the table and looked at his young and energetic cousin: "A twisted melon is not sweet, she doesn't love you anymore, so why do you force it?"

"She has loved me for more than ten years, how could she not love me suddenly!" Ye Bai retorted.

Gu Yanting raised his eyebrows: "I am extremely disappointed, no matter how strong a love is, it can disappear."

Ye Bai was speechless.

With his head bowed deeply, his heart seemed to be tightly strangled by a pair of big hands, and the pain made him unable to breathe.Everyone around could see that Ruan Meng didn't love him anymore, but he was the only one who didn't believe it.

Probably Gu Yanting's reprimand was very effective, Ye Bai did not exclude Professor Wu, nor did he try to win Ruan Meng's father's right to operate.Time passed in a blink of an eye, and soon it was the day when Ruan Meng's father had an operation.

The operation was internal thoracic artery bypass surgery, which required the patient to be under general anesthesia, and fasted the night before the operation.

"Girl, if Dad fails the operation this time, you and your mother must not be sad." Before the operation, Ruan Meng's father was very optimistic, holding the hands of his wife and daughter, "Our family is rich, even if I'm not here, I will The property left behind is enough for your mother and daughter to live a prosperous life for several lifetimes."

Ruan's mother's eyes were red, and she said in a bad mood: "What time is it, just say some unlucky things. Professor Wu has superb medical skills, and he will definitely be able to perform the operation well."

Ruan's father smiled coyly: "I, I'm not planning for the worst. In fact, think about it, if you can marry such a beautiful old woman and have such a lovely daughter in this life, you will be content for the rest of your life."

Mother Ruan burst into tears.

The operation was scheduled in the morning, and Father Ruan was pushed into the operating room.

Doctors and nurses filed in, while Ruan Meng and Ruan's mother waited anxiously outside the operating room.Heart bypass surgery is a major surgery involving open chest, and the operation takes at least five hours, which puts a great test on the surgical ability of the surgeon.

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, from dawn to dark.

Gong Shichu brought a sumptuous dinner, but Ruan Meng couldn't eat it.

Four hours later, the door of the operating room suddenly opened, and the nurse came out with a notice of critical illness: "Patient's family, unexpected situation, patient."

The nurse briefly explained the unexpected situation during the operation, involving some professional terms that Ruan Meng could not understand. Ruan Meng's head was buzzing, and her hand that signed the critical illness notice was shaking.

"You have to prepare for the worst." The nurse reminded gently.

Ruan's mother, who was next to her, had fainted from fright and was helped away by other nurses.Ruan Meng only felt the boulder pressing down on her heart, and it was Gong Shichu who held her steady: "Don't worry, the operation is not over yet."

Ruan Meng's nose was sore.

The door of the operating room opened, and Ye Bai, who was wearing a surgical gown and a mask, came out, looking deeply at Ruan Meng: "I can save your father, but you have to agree to stay with me."

(End of this chapter)

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