Chapter 500 Tang Tang and the Little Prince
Tang Tang turned his head and saw a six or seven-year-old boy standing under the shade of green trees not far away.

The young boy was wearing the traditional clothing of the Kru country, his curly chestnut hair was tied into a long and thin braid, and he wore colorful rings on his wrists and ankles, holding a closed ceramic jar in his hand.

He looks pretty good, but his face is full of arrogance.

Get a batch.

Tang Tang ignored him and continued to soak his feet and hum.

"Hello! Are you dumb or deaf? Can't hear me?" The young boy was pampered since he was a child, and everyone in the palace respected him and obeyed his orders.

How could this yellow-haired girl dare to ignore the prince!
The little boy became more and more angry as he thought about it, and ran over aggressively holding the clay pot, raised his foot and kicked Tang Tang: "Ignore me, you are courting death!"

Tang Tang turned sideways flexibly, avoiding the boy's feet, and frowned her cute little eyebrows: "If you lack the beatings of the society, I can help you gain experience."

The little boy looked confused: "What?"

Then, the little boy saw Tang Tang Maliu'er stand up and put on his shoes and socks.As Tang Tang stood up, he saw Tang Tang's appearance clearly - how to put it, it was white and tender, with a round face and bright eyes, especially like a white cat he raised.

But the little girl is prettier than the white cat.

Especially that face, white and tender, the little boy stared at Tang Tang's fair little face and wanted to pinch it.

Tang Tang moved away from him: "Do you have something to do with the princess?"

The little boy froze for a moment, hugged the pot tightly in his hand, and said in an arrogant tone, "I'm going to kill her! I don't want an annoying stepmother. bullying children."

Tang Tang:.
Oh, it turns out that this kid is the little prince of the Kingdom of Kru.

Tang Tang checked the information of Krugok before.Two years ago, Tang Tang and Fu Jingan accidentally fell into the river, and her father mistook Tang Tang for being abducted to Kru Island.At that time, the king of Kru Island joined forces with the Ming family to obstruct the investigation of the Gu family in various ways.

Then, the old king was killed by Tang Tang's father.

When the new king took office, the new king was quite obedient to the Gu family at first, but he didn't know what benefits he received from the Ming family, so he started to make troubles against the Gu family.The new king was flamboyant but not very fertile, with only one young son, Kaia.

The kid in front of him is the little prince Kaiya.

"Princess-to-be is protected by bodyguards. You are still young, and you will never be able to kill her." Tang Tang approached slowly.

Children are easily provoked, so Kaiya immediately raised the clay pot in her hand: "There is a centipede in my pot! I secretly put it under the bed of the queen-to-be and killed her! Hmph!"

"Centipede?" Tang Tang pretended to be curious, "Can I have a look? I've never seen a centipede before."

Children have a tendency to show off, so Kaiya raised her chin proudly: "Looking at your rustic appearance, you must be the child of some gardener, and you have never seen the world."

Tang Tang nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I have never seen the world~ Brother, can you let me see the clay pot."

Her voice was sweet, soft and cute, and when she said "Brother", Kaiya felt itchy, and proudly handed over the clay pot in her hand: "Here, I put it in the clay pot and sealed it tightly .”

Tang Tang took the pot and suddenly asked: "Ask, you must know how to swim."

Kaiya didn't know why, so she replied subconsciously: "Of course, the people of our country are all good swimmers."

Tang Tang nodded, and then lifted the little kid into the hot spring pool with lightning speed.

Holding the clay pot, he ran away in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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