Chapter 513 Ming Si Shen Comes

Kaya: .
I don't really understand your adult's view of love.

But Kaia secretly swears that when she grows up, she will not follow the way of her father.In his life, he only liked Tiantian, a girl, and he would never change his mind.

On the second day, Ming Ruowei saw His Majesty the King with dark circles under his eyes.

His Majesty the King seemed to have been crying all night, his eyes were swollen into thin slits, and the old man in his 40s looked like a young man who had just lost his love, looking extremely pitiful.

Ming Ruowei was speechless.

"Miss Ming, you don't need to be pressured. Due to the pressure from your family, I can only marry you. But please rest assured, once the pressure from the Ming family is over, I will let you go free." His Majesty the King said sincerely, "Although I love you You're like loving life, but I don't want to trap you in my country."

Ming Ruowei: "Many, thank you for your understanding."

To be honest, Ming Ruowei couldn't understand His Majesty the King more and more.

Is it possible that being a king seems to have no intentions?
On the other side, the Sun family's fleet has already docked on the coast of Creu Island.The bodyguards sent by the Gu family lurk secretly, waiting for the opportunity to rescue.

Gong Ming was in a villa by the sea, drinking distractedly.

"Old Wang, I'm very worried about Ming Ruowei right now." Gong Ming rubbed his temples wearily, "Last night I had a dream, dreaming that King Crewe was a bully with a brutal face and forced Ming Ruowei to marry him. King Crewe It must be a bastard, poor Ming Ruowei."

Gong Ming couldn't eat well these few days, and couldn't sleep well, his mind was full of Ming Ruowei's miserable state.

In his imagination, Ming Ruowei must now be "too thin to be human" and "wash his face in tears all day long".

Assistant Wang was quite calm. He made a cup of famous tea from Crewe Island and took a few sips: "The weather is going to change on Crewe Island. You and I are both pawns, just follow our duty."

On the surface, this rescue operation was to save Tang Tang and Ming Ruowei, but it was actually another confrontation between the Ming family and the Gu family.Two super big families are fighting for the ownership of this island in the sea.

Destined to be bloody.

"By the way, there is one more thing, Tang Wanru—cough, I mean, the mistress has also come to Kru Island." Gong Ming, one head and two big, rubbed his temples tiredly, "You said she came to join her?" What excitement, we have to put our minds to protecting her."

Tang Wanru couldn't stay idle, and was actually planning to come to Crewe Island.

Assistant Wang glanced at him: "Speak carefully."

Gong Ming shrugged, sipped two sips of tea, and his movements were quite brisk: "Chengba, but to be honest, our mistress's force value is too strong, and we don't need to protect it too much."

Tang Wanru was born with supernatural power, her martial strength was beyond the charts, and she was born to be a fighting machine.

Even if she is a mother now, the belligerent factor still exists in her bones, and even the bodyguards carefully trained by the palace family are not sure that she can win against Tang Wanru.

Now that all parties have gathered, the undercurrent is raging.

Everything is ready and the only thing is the east wind - just wait for King Crewe and Miss Ming's wedding, and all the grievances will burst out.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and the day when King Crewe married the Ming family was getting closer.

The king's big wedding invited many international friends, and the scene was extremely grand.Before the big wedding, these distinguished guests who participated in the wedding arrived at the Krewe Palace one after another.

The Ming family also came, which was beyond everyone's expectations—it was not the elders who came from the Ming family, but the most honorable old head of the Ming family!
Moreover, the old Patriarch brought a handsome seven-year-old child with him.

After some inquiring, everyone found out that Patriarch Ming brought his little grandson named Sichen Ming.

 Traveling abroad, the rest will be updated tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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