The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 519 He wants to push the optimistic sun into the dirty black mud

Chapter 519 He wants to push the optimistic sun into the dirty black mud

Although the old Patriarch has retreated behind the scenes and handed over family affairs to the current Patriarch, the old Patriarch still has absolute authority in the entire Ming family.

The old patriarch suddenly paid attention to the humble illegitimate son Ming Sichen, took him by his side all the time, and taught him carefully.

This can't help but make people suspect that Ming Sichen, a little boy less than ten years old, is the next Patriarch chosen by the old Patriarch.

"Oh, grandpa is waiting for me?" Ming Si tilted his head slightly, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

The old housekeeper nodded embarrassingly: "Yes, I have been with the old master for many years, young master, you are the only child who has received the old master's care."

Ming Sichen had a half-smile but not a smile: "That would be my honor."

His flat tone, without the slightest joy, seemed to be mocking instead.

On the dinner table.

The long white candle burned slowly, and the wax oil dripped on the black iron pan seat. The flickering candlelight made the old Patriarch Ming's face look even older, and wrinkles that could not be concealed covered his dry old face.

"Si Chen, where did you go this afternoon?" The bloody beef was stabbed by a knife and fork, and sent into the old mouth that was opened.The old Patriarch of the Ming Dynasty still seemed to be kind and caring, caring about the life of the younger generation all the time.

The old Patriarch of Ming admired Ming Sichen very much.

He didn't expect that among the new generation of clansmen, there would be such a smart, cute and cunning child, who looked very much like him when he was young.The old Patriarch Ming did not hide his preference for Ming Sichen, he cared for the young Ming Sichen, as if he was reminiscing about himself in his youth.

Ming Sichen took a bite of the steak, chewed it, and swallowed it.

Finally, he said slowly: "Grandpa, I met an interesting girl in the garden today."

Patriarch Ming narrowed his eyes: "Who?"

Ming Sichen: "Tang Tang. I heard that you are very interested in her blood."

In the cloudy eyeballs of old Patriarch Ming, a greedy light quickly emerged: "Son, are you reading right?"

"That's right, Tang Tang is with the little prince of Kru. They are very good friends." Ming Sichen didn't miss the greed in the old Patriarch's eyes.

He finds it boring. Human beings are greedy and profit-seeking creatures, and there is no one without desires and desires.

Even if you are the old patriarch of one of the four major families in the world, even if you have a high position and authority, you still have endless greed in your heart.Ming Sichen always felt dull and boring watching these mortal beings chasing fame and fortune.

The only thing in his life that interests him is Tang Tang.

He likes to see Tang Tang's carefree smile, but he wants to see her crying in despair when she falls to the bottom.Tang Tang looked so optimistic and cheerful, as if he could always emerge from adversity to the sun, which made Ming Sichen, who was born in the dark, jealous and envious.

So, he wanted to push the optimistic sun into the dirty black mud.

What fun.

The time came to the wedding day in a blink of an eye.

Ming Ruowei suffered from insomnia all night, and was woken up by the maids in the morning to put on makeup and a wedding dress. She was irritable and frequently looked at the time on the clock on the wall.

Where did Gong Ming go?
I'm about to get married, and you're still fucking here!do you love me or not?
The maids bowed and left after putting on Ming Ruowei's make-up, leaving only Ming Ruowei in the wedding dress in the big and spacious dressing room.Seeing that there was still an hour before the wedding ceremony, Ming Ruowei really couldn't wait any longer, so she simply gritted her teeth and walked to the window with her skirt in her hand, and slammed the window open.

It is absolutely impossible for her to marry King Crewe.

She would rather jump out of the window.

The castle is extremely tall, Ming Ruo opened the window slightly, and the cool sea breeze blows in, blowing the white veil and making her eyes slightly moist.

Although she doesn't want to marry, but to be honest——

It was so high that she dared not jump.

 Ming Sichen has a bit of BT on him
(End of this chapter)

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