Chapter 561 Variety Live Streaming
Shen Yunsu on the big screen of the movie, or the handsome noble son, or the little guy running around at the bottom, and countless roles in life, have all been vividly played by him.

But it was the first time for the audience to see Shen Yunsu who lives at home.

Wearing simple white home clothes, a pink apron around his waist, and white flour on his hands, he looks like a good husband and a good father.Facing the sudden camera, he only smiled slightly.

[I'm sorry, our Yun Su Zai Zai's plain makeup is too good to fight!There is no difference between before and after makeup! ]
[He actually steamed the buns himself!I call the gods down to earth]
[Another day I want to marry a male god]
[Is there anything else the film king can't do?Is he capable of anything other than having children? ! ]
[I'm the only one who is silently cracking candy, I envy director Hetu, I can see the movie king who cooks in the kitchen every day]
Of course, there are also a lot of black fans mixed in the billowing barrage.

[Here it is again, the film king is here again, the perfect man is set up, sooner or later he will overturn]
[It's just you dream girls who fantasize about the perfect partner every day, who knows what kind of scum the film king is in private]
[The characters are all deceptive, ha ha.If he is capable, he will make a steamed stuffed bun in front of the camera, so why pretend in the last variety show?]
The hostess is not only responsible for the heat, but also always pays attention to the situation in the live broadcast room.

She asked politely: "Mr. Shen Yunsu, many viewers are very curious about your cooking skills - can we shoot a scene where you only cook breakfast?"

Shen Yunsu didn't say anything, but nodded happily.

The photographer entered the actor's kitchen. Shen Yunsu's kitchen was quite large, and the kitchen utensils were neatly arranged.Shen Yunsu didn't have any airs of a big star in private, so he glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "There's still time, I'll make a few more buns."

He kneaded the dough skillfully, kneading the dough into round and flat bun skins.

There are three bowls on the table, which contain three kinds of steamed stuffed buns - pork stuffed with mushrooms, stuffed with tofu and bacon, and sugar buns.

Under the dumbfounded eyes of the audience, Mr. Shen Yunsu, who is like a god in everyone's heart, is skillfully making buns—he is very skilled in making buns. Press the edge of the bun skin with your thumb, rotate gently, and press to create perfect folds.

A circle of pleats comes down to form a perfect bun.

That method, without three to five years of experience, can't be done at all.

The hostess was stunned, unable to hide her admiration: "Who did you learn how to make buns from?"

Shen Yunsu smiled: "I used to act as a chef when I was playing tricks."

The hostess had admiration written all over her face.

Not all actors were film kings at the beginning, and Shen Yunsu played small supporting roles when he first debuted.But even if the role of the little chef appears in the camera for a second or two, he will think carefully.

He even went to a restaurant as an apprentice, observed the chefs' daily life, and learned superb cooking skills by the way.

Later, when he became famous, there were fewer opportunities to cook—but after he cooperated with Director Hetu, Director Hetu often came to his house to study the script, and sometimes he was hungry and too lazy to order takeaway, so Shen Yunsu started cooking again.

"Uncle Yunsu, I'm here to help too." Tang Tang ran to the kitchen, she didn't want to eat free food, but also wanted to create more opportunities to be with idols.

After a brief wash, Hetu also barged in, and said heartily, "Come, come, let's help and steam the buns together."

(End of this chapter)

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