Chapter 565
From the time Tang Tang got on the bus, she was keenly aware of several exploration sights from the outside world.

One is from the queen Wansi and Bai Yueyue, and Tang Tang doesn't care much about these two people.The Bai family has no room to stand up, Wan Si and Bai Yueyue dare not attack her openly.

The other is from the guest magician and the little boy, especially the little boy named "Nuo Nuo". When he saw Tang Tang, he seemed to see a freshly baked toy, and his eyes were shining with the dark light of a hunter.

"Hello, my name is Tangtang, what's your name?" Tang Tang put on a friendly and kind side, and took the initiative to find the little kid. She was full of curiosity about the Wilde family.I'm even more curious about the relationship between Jon Snow, the magician and Assistant Wang.

The little boy looked at Tang Tang, Gao Leng replied: "Xue Nuo."

The program team gave him the nickname "Nuo Nuo".

Probably due to receiving a competitive education since childhood, Snow Wilde always has a natural hostility towards children from other families, and has already regarded Tang Tang as his competitor.

"Nonuo, hello, please give me your advice. We can cooperate more when we reach the destination." Tang Tang's beautiful eyes bent into crescent moons, exuding goodwill again.

Xue Nuo played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and said perfunctorily, "Oh."

It can be said that words are like gold.

He didn't want to be friends with Tang Tang. When he arrived at the destination, the program team would have a lot of small competitions.Xue Nuo's goal is to win Tang Tang in various competitions and win glory for the Wilde family.

But obviously, Tang Tang is not an easy child to dismiss. She made up her mind to get in touch with Xue Nuo, chattering non-stop: "By the way, do you eat buns? Uncle Shen made a lot of buns, half of which were taken by Uncle Hetu Let’s go, I brought two before I set off and put them in an insulated bucket, they are still hot now.”

The space in the bus is limited, and there is only a narrow corridor between Tang Tang and Xue Nuo.

Tang Tang handed the buns over, Xue Nuo looked at her with disgust: "Don't eat."

"Okay, don't eat it if you don't eat it." Tang Tang bit the bun by himself, and continued to babble vaguely, "I see that you are very good at playing Rubik's Cube, can you teach me? Hey, the one you wear around your neck It's a cross necklace, I heard that your family seems to be loyal believers, this cross is really beautiful."

Snow: .
Ear hurts.

Why does she talk so much!
Xue Nuo originally wanted to continue playing the role of a cold kid in front of Tang Tang, but Tang Tang's nagging was comparable to Tang Seng's, and he was pervasive.Xue Nuoqi's cheeks are bulging, as if fighting with her!
"Nonuo, don't be irritable." Keane Wilde sat next to him, holding his brother's shoulders, "You haven't reached your destination yet, don't bully Sister Tangtang."

Xue Nuo gritted his teeth and nodded silently.

Over there, Tang Tang was still chattering non-stop, Xue Nuo turned to stare at her: "Tang Tang, can you be quiet!"

Tang Tang raised the corners of his mouth, counted with his fingers, and joked: "One, two, three, four, five, eleven words. Hey, so you can say so many words, I thought you could only say two at a time. A word."

Xue Nuo was so angry that he had nothing to say, I don't talk much, my name is Gao Leng, and my name is called to show you off, okay!

Are you members of the Gu family all mentally ill!

I really don't know why my eldest brother wants to work for the Gu family, the Gu family are a bunch of monsters and fools!

"Why did you come to participate in the variety show?" Tang Tang continued to ask.

Xue Nuo gave her a white look, folded his hands on his chest, and was still the aloof young lady: "Accompany my brother."

To be a cool boy, never speak more than three words.

(End of this chapter)

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