Chapter 825
As soon as Dad's voice came, Tang Tang hung up the call at lightning speed.

Fu Jingan's handsome face disappeared instantly.

Tang Tang doesn't dare to announce the news of Fu Jingan and her falling in love now. In the eyes of her father, Tang Tang will always be a pure and lovely little girl, not yet at the age of falling in love.

If it was known that she was in love with Fu Jingan, Fu Jingan would probably be assassinated by a mysterious killer tomorrow...

"No, it's nothing, the insurance seller called, there are so many fraudulent calls these days..." Tang Tang smiled obediently, without the slightest disguise.

Gu Yanting clearly heard a strange male voice coming from his daughter's mobile phone, and said "I miss you", in an instant, the father radar was beeping.

"It turns out that they sell insurance..." Gu Yanting seemed to believe it, and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, "The kitchen made your favorite crab cakes, and I'll ask someone to bring them to you."

Tang Tang frowned: "Thank you dad~"

Gu Yanting nodded slightly, turned and left.

Leaving from the deck of the cruise ship, the loving smile on Gu Yanting's face disappeared instantly.Dear dad's hunch, there are dogs outside trying to get close to my daughter.

Must be on guard!

After Fu Jingan and Tang Tang rescued Wang Kehao, they temporarily separated.Fu Jingan wanted to go back to his family, and then went back to Huaguo to find Tang Tang.

Tang Tang hung up the phone suddenly, the screen turned black, Fu Jingan lowered his eyes sullenly, his eyes couldn't hide a bit of loneliness.

The appearance of this resentful woman in a boudoir is really amazing. The little Chinese doctor who was reading medical books next to her glanced over and complained: "Isn't it just being hung up on the phone, as for being full of resentment?"

The little Chinese doctor applied for graduation ahead of schedule with excellent grades, and left Boke Academy with Fu Jingan.

However, on the return ship, the little Chinese doctor observed that Fu Jingan was always looking at his mobile phone every now and then, as if he was waiting for Tang Tang to call.Fu Jingan will be shrouded in sadness if he does not hear from Tang Tang for a certain period of time.

A look of worrying about gains and losses.

The little Chinese doctor advised him: "It's only a few days apart, we will meet sooner or later."

Fu Jingan sighed quietly, and looked at the distant port: "Sister-in-law, you don't understand. There are so many flowers and plants around Tang Xiaoer. If you don't pay attention, she may be hooked away by others."

The little Chinese doctor frowned, "I can't."

Generally, when young couples fall in love, it is the woman who is prone to worry about gains and losses.However, Fu Jingan and Tang Tang are the opposite pair, and it is Fu Jingan who worries about his wife's change of heart all day long.

Fu Jingan was even more worried: "Tang Xiaoer was born lacking in the nerves of love. Let's put it this way, my love for Tang Tang is [-]%, and her love for me is at most [-]%. The reason why Tang Tang agreed to be with me Together, not because she loves me so much, but because she thinks [Fu Jingan is quite suitable]."

"If one day I break up with her, I will definitely die in pain, and I will not be able to get out of it for the rest of my life. Tang Tang, this girl, will let go of this relationship for a few minutes at most. For her, break up and break up, and the next one will be better. .”

If you love someone, why don't you take the initiative to text and call him?
If you love someone deeply, how can you feel no sense of separation in a different place?

Fu Jingan was very worried.

The little Chinese doctor was confused: "I think Tang Tang likes you very much——"

"Tang Tang likes me, not because he loves me deeply. Forget it, you don't understand." Fu Jingan scratched his hair irritably, lying on the chair and looking up at the blue sky, his thoughts drifted to the distance.

 Tang Tang's love for Fu Jing'an is only ten percent,
  Fu Jingan's love for Tang Tang is [-]%~~
(End of this chapter)

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