Chapter 831
The more Fu Wanwan thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

She was the campus goddess in school, and those stinky boys tried endless ways to get her attention.I didn't expect to come to Huaguo and accidentally attract attention.

For one dinner, Fu Wanwan ate absent-mindedly.

She always felt like a light was on her back, that pretty boy seemed to be looking at her through the screen all the time, Fu Wanwan became more and more uncomfortable.After dinner, Fu Wanwan quickly left the restaurant.

When passing by Tang Tang, he did not forget to give her a fierce look.

Tang Tang, who was eating ice cream, was full of question marks.

This little girl has a grudge against me?Why are you staring at me with vicious eyes?

Fu Wanwan and Ren Ping entered the hotel's silver elevator and slowly went upstairs to the VIP suite.

However, as expected, just as Fu Wanwan arrived at the door of the suite, out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of the elevator door opening with a ding, and the little coffee shop owner walking towards her slowly.

He opened the door of the VIP suite next door grandly and walked in.

Fu Wanwan was about to laugh angrily.

"This person must be sick. He will be chasing after him." Fu Wanwan's pretty face was slightly distorted, and a strong sense of disgust emerged spontaneously.She never expected that the owner of the coffee shop would be so insane!
Follow her secretly to the hotel restaurant!

And live in the room next to her openly!
What a stalker!

"Wanwan, this guy probably fell in love with you at first sight." Seeing this, Ren Ping hurriedly opened the door of the suite, "Let's be careful, Huaguo men are wretched at heart, not as qualified as us."

Fu Wanwan snorted coquettishly, and entered the suite door.

Next room.

Tang Tang ate and drank enough, lying on the bed and video chatting with Fu Jingan.

"I'm going to Yinlun Country next month. Let's see you in Yinlun Country." Tang Tang turned over, "I'll stay in the hotel for the time being and deal with the auction. I'm going to buy that bone flute. come down."

It's getting late on Tang Tang's side, but the sun is still shining brightly on Fu Jing'an's side.

Fu Jingan was basking in the sun by the swimming pool, wearing only tight swimming trunks.He obviously cares about his appearance very much, the angle of the phone camera is very subtle, Tang Tang can see the bright sunshine on Fu Jingan's side, see Fu Jingan's smooth chest muscles, abdominal muscles, biceps, Adam's apple and clavicle.
In short
Fu Jingan in the camera is simply a male daji, selling his beauty all the time.

Tang Tang chatted with him, and was blinded by that charming man from time to time.

Sao is still you.
Fu Jingan pointed the phone camera at his face, worried: "We won't meet until next month, Tang Xiaoer, you won't transfer your love during this time, right?"

Tang Tang: ". Do I look like that kind of person?"

Fu Jingan snorted, and then switched the camera to wide-angle mode, revealing her perfect figure again.

The two of you chatting with each other are trivial things, but Tang Tang doesn't feel bored, but has a sense of peace that cannot be described in words.

After chatting for half an hour, Fu Jingan suddenly checked the time on his watch: "Tang Xiaoer, you haven't received anything yet?"

Tang Tang: "What did you receive?"

It turned out that Fu Jingan knew that she was staying in a hotel these few days, so he specially bought a large bouquet of roses at a high price and asked someone to deliver them.But I waited and waited, but I still didn't hear the knock on the door.

Fu Jingan wondered, did the flowers go to the wrong place?
(End of this chapter)

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