Chapter 860 One wrong step, one wrong step
Fu's father didn't think so, you are a poor boy, you are not even worthy of being a servant of the Fu family, how can you still have an invitation letter?

On the face, he was kind: "Brother Gu, stop joking, I know you want to go in with Wanwan. But the birthday party of the Patriarch is extremely important, so Brother Gu should wait in the back hall first."

"Dad, is it true that you can't bring Gu Mingfei in?" Fu Wanwan suddenly felt discouraged. She thought that as long as she asked, her parents would help Gu Mingfei get the admission qualification.

Father Fu glanced at the stupid Fu Wanwan. The patriarch's status is so honorable. You, Fu Wanwan, are just a child from a remote family. Strangers can bring you in if they say so?
Do you really think the earth revolves around you alone?
Contemptuous in his heart, he acted like a loving father on his face, and whispered in Fu Wanwan's ear, "Wanwan, don't worry, Dad will find a way to bring Gu Mingfei into the main hall."

Fu Wanwan's eyes lit up instantly, and she rushed over to hug her father, "Thank you dad, dad is the best person in the world to Wanwan!"

Father Fu smiled and said nothing.

Fu's mother and the others behind him even hid the coldness in their eyes.

In the end, Tang Tang went to the back hall to wait under the guidance of the staff.The back hall is the place where the attendants and bodyguards rest temporarily, and the security of Patriarch Fu's birthday banquet is extremely strict.

Unless it is a very high-status guest, it is allowed to bring a secretary or bodyguard.The entourage of other ordinary guests must wait in the back hall.

Obviously, Fu's family regarded Tang Tang as a "follower" and temporarily placed them in the back hall.

Tang Tang was playing games in the lounge to kill time, and the birthday banquet was at least three hours long, so it was really hard to wait.After two hours, Tang Tang's shoulder was suddenly patted.

"Brother Gu." The man in a suit and leather shoes has a handsome face and is Fu Wanwan's eldest brother.

Tang Tang smiled gently: "It turned out to be the eldest brother of the Fu family, is the banquet over?"

The eldest brother of the Fu family seems to be a decent type of person, well-dressed, with the air of aristocrats all over his body.He said in a low voice: "This girl, Wanwan, is making noise to let you in, saying that she wants to let you see the world. You know, our family has always loved Wanwan very much, and we will respond to her every request.

Brother Gu, come with me secretly, and I will take you into the main hall. "

Brother Fu's family has a convincing face.

If Tang Tang didn't come from the Gu family, he would have been deceived by the elder brother of the Fu family in all likelihood.Tang Tang pretended to be distressed, and said embarrassedly: "Brother Fu, I am a foreigner after all, and I have not yet received the invitation letter from Master Fu. If I rush in rashly, what if I cause trouble?"

The eldest brother of the Fu family took a look and found that he was actually very considerate.

However, the eldest brother of the Fu family secretly checked the information of "Gu Mingfei" and learned that he was just a small boss of a coffee shop in Huaguo.Fu Wanwan probably took a fancy to Gu Mingfei's face, so she shamelessly took him home.

A mere small boss, who has seen the big scene of the aristocratic family, how can he know the muddy water of the big family?
The big brother of the Fu family patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, little brother Gu. After all, my surname is Fu, and the blood of the Fu family is flowing on my body. I can usually talk in front of the head of the family. Bring someone to the birthday banquet It's not a problem to see the scene."

Tang Tang hesitated.

The eldest brother of the Fu family continued his efforts: "Besides, Wanwan is clamoring to see you. As the eldest brother, of course everything depends on my sister's wishes."

Between the lines, the image of a "sister-loving madman" who "will not hesitate to offend the patriarch for the sake of his sister" emerges vividly on the paper.

Tang Tang seemed to be moved by the words, and couldn't help feeling: "Having a big brother like you is a blessing that Wanwan cultivated in her previous life. It's just that there are some things, one step is wrong, one step is wrong, and I'm afraid it will be too late to recover."

(End of this chapter)

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