Chapter 865 Who dares to touch my daughter!

The two Fu brothers were equally smart, and hurriedly put on expressions of concern.

Fu Wanwan's mood went through ups and downs, and she always felt that the truth was about to be revealed. She subconsciously refused the pulling of her two brothers: "Big Brother, Second Brother, I..."

"Stupid child, you were deceived by Gu Mingfei. My brother won't harm you. Let's go home first." The two brothers of the Fu family fetched their coats and wanted to take Fu Wanwan away from the scene.

Tang Tang secretly said that something is wrong, this family is really shameless!

Tang Tang tried to stop her, but was stopped by Fu's father's cold face, narrowing her eyes and said: "Gu Mingfei, you deliberately approached my daughter, and even got involved in the birthday banquet of the Patriarch, what is your purpose?"

Bai Xue, who was always gentle and gentle over there, added softly: "Maybe it's for tonight's family inheritance."

It was about family inheritance, and everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

No one cared about Fu Wanwan anymore, and the gloomy eyes of the clansmen fell on Tang Tang.

That's right, a girl with a strange identity who disguised herself as a man and entered the owner's birthday banquet, it is absolutely impossible to say that she is innocent!If it is a spy/spy sent by another family, one can imagine the seriousness of the matter.

Tang Tang: Tsk, this ability to beat back is really good.

Father Fu cupped his hands towards the Sixth Elder, and solemnly reminded: "Sixth Elder, I doubt Gu Mingfei's identity very much. Our family went to find the missing Wanwan tonight, and found out about this woman's problem by accident. Sixth Elder, I Take her directly to the execution hall and use some tricks, she will definitely reveal her true identity."

The four major families have thousands of years of history, and each has its own execution hall.

This kind of place has no exit, and everyone is afraid.

"Gu Mingfei" with thin arms and legs, couldn't withstand punches and kicks, and probably died soon.

"I'm not a bad person. I received an invitation letter from Master Fu, so I came here." Tang Tang jumped out of bed, found a light white coat from the closet and put it on, "You broke into the women's lounge , you must make amends to me, or I will sue Master Fu."

Father Fu sneered: "Young girl, you are talking nonsense!"

Fu's mother over there wiped away her tears and said, "You clearly used my family Wanwan to sneak into our Fu family's birthday banquet with evil intentions."

Patriarch Fu's birthday banquet invitation is so precious, only families with respected status are eligible to receive it.The girl in front of her was only seventeen or eighteen years old, she looked like a country girl, without the demeanor of a young lady.

Who would believe that she has an invitation letter from the head of the house?

Tang Tang spread out his palms and said frankly: "I really have an invitation letter, but I put it in my mother's place. I came to Fu Patriarch's birthday banquet for Fu Jingan—maybe Fu Jingan will be my family's son-in-law in the future .”

Bai Xue, who was silent in the corner, raised her eyes suddenly, her eyes were like a knife cutting, and she scraped Tang Tang's face vaguely.

The sixth elder dissatisfied: "Don't talk nonsense here, take him down and lock him up, and find out his identity. If you really have ulterior motives, kill him directly."

The Sixth Elder was decisive and decisive. He had no interest in listening to the sophistry of these people. He cut through the mess quickly and ordered Tang Tang to be taken down for investigation.

An unknown person sneaked in rashly, talking nonsense, and there must be an ulterior secret behind it.

Two tall and burly bodyguards walked in, carrying handcuffs, and walked towards Tang Tang.

At this time, a threatening female voice suddenly came from outside:
"Who dares to touch my daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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