Chapter 869 Despair to the Extreme (1)

"The document also speculates that you have ulterior motives for raising me."

"is this real?"

Fu Wanwan's eyes were slightly red, she obviously didn't want to believe that her parents and brother had lied to her for 18 years.Fu Wanwan looked at the crowd as if asking for help, hoping to get their response.

I hope that my family can be like usual, my mother hugs me tenderly, my father looks at me lovingly, and my brothers surround her to tell new things about the business trip, and I hope that the contents described in the documents are all fabricated out of thin air.

Fu Wanwan murmured: "That document must be fake, right? Today you misunderstood my relationship with Gu Mingfei, and it's definitely not your conspiracy, right?"

But this time, the family did not cast a caring light on her.

The Fu family finally stopped pretending.

They are like hungry wolves taking off their gentle sheepskin, extremely indifferent.

Father Fu said cruelly: "Our family has raised you for 18 years with good food and drink. You should go back to where you should go. Don't worry, our family will not collect your body for you."

The eldest brother of the Fu family sneered coldly: "Every time you call me brother happily, I feel sick and want to vomit. Jiaojiao should have a beautiful life, but you ruined it!"

"You deserve it! Your mother almost killed me, your two older brothers, and your sister! You should wash away the sins on her!"

Fu Wanwan swayed, her legs were limp and she slumped on the carpet, with big tears rolling down her face, she crawled over to grab Fu's mother's ankle, and murmured: "No, no, you must be lying. Mine! Mom, dad, brother, stop joking. I am Wanwan, I. I am just Wanwan."

For the first time, this normally bright and innocent girl showed pain and separation on her face.

The bloody reality tore away all her liveliness and innocence, and the cruel reality pressed her into the abyss.

"What is Fu Wanwan? It's just my dog ​​wearing gold and silver." Mother Fu felt an indescribable joy in her heart when she saw the pained expression on Fu Wanwan's face.

Haha, what a poor dog.

Fu's mother wished to see this kind of pain on Ming Qiuyuan's face, but unfortunately Ming Qiuyuan was nowhere to be found, so she had to settle for the next best thing and destroy Ming Qiuyuan's daughter.

Father Fu summoned the housekeeper: "Housekeeper, take her back to the house and lock her up. Someone will take her away tomorrow. Oh, by the way, give Xueer the jewelry in her room and the violin." .Fu Wanwan is not worthy of using such a precious thing."

Butler: "Yes."

Like a dead dog, Fu Wanwan was dragged upstairs by the housekeeper and thrown into the gorgeous and beautiful room.The nannies and servants rushed in one after another, taking out the valuables in the house one by one.

The princess room, which was originally full of jewels, instantly became bleak and desolate.

The movement upstairs was too loud, which disturbed Fu Jiaojiao who was in the next room.Putting on a gray coat, Fu Jiaojiao went downstairs, and asked suspiciously: "Mommy, what's the matter? How did I hear my sister crying?"

When the family saw Fu Jiaojiao coming downstairs, they all surrounded her.

The brothers of the Fu family went to the kitchen to inquire about the situation of the traditional Chinese medicine, Fu's father went to find a blanket, and Fu's mother comforted her distressedly: "It's just a small matter, Jiaojiao, don't take it to heart. Tonight's Chinese medicine is ready, remember to drink it later Finish."

Fu Jiaojiao nodded obediently, and said meekly, "Yes, I see, thank you mom."

Mother Fu looked at her sensible and lovely daughter, her eyes were full of kindness, this is her own daughter, a treasure given to her by God, but it's a pity that Ming Qiuyuan almost ruined her!

(End of this chapter)

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