Chapter 892 The Key and the Box

Probably aware of the sight that fell on him, Tang Tang raised his head, with a smile that was not a smile: "Why are you staring at me?"

Fu Jingan's Adam's apple rolled: "My Tangtang looks good."

Don't let Tang Tang go downstairs tonight, Fu Jing'an doesn't want those stinky men outside staring at his wife.

Tang Tang smiled: "Does it look good with Bai Xue?"

Fu Jingan was puzzled, and sat down next to Tang Tang: "Tang Xiaoer, what do you always mention about Bai Xue? I don't care if she looks good or not."

Tang Tang narrowed her eyes: "If Bai Xue doesn't look good, can you take the risk of being burned to death and poke her into the flames to save her?"

Thinking of the lovely and pitiful Bai Xue, Tang Tang's heart trembled for a while.

What's so good about this woman? Fu Jingan's brain had a convulsion, and he rushed into the flames to save her.

After all, Fu Jingan is smart, based on Tang Tang's indifference to her during this period of time, and guessing her words, Fu Jingan immediately reacted.

Oh, so Tang Xiaoer was jealous?
Fu Jingan's heart seemed to be full of roses, and he was overjoyed. He just liked to see Tang Tang's awkward appearance, it was so cute.She was so cute that Fu Jingan wished she could put her in her pocket and watch it by herself every day, so that those stinky men outside wouldn't even bother to take a look.

There was light in Fu Jingan's eyes, and he deliberately said, "Bai Xue is pretty."

Tang Tang's complexion instantly turned bad.

Fu Jingan continued to die: "The voice is nice, and the face is also pale."

Tang Tang's eyes began to look murderous.

Fu Jingan seemed to have more than enough to say: "And the name is quite nice."

Tang Tang said quietly: "Praise her again, I will send you to undergo sterilization."

I didn't feel it before, but Tang Tang gradually discovered that she had a unique possessive desire for Fu Jingan.Especially after the two established a relationship in the Berk Islands, Tang Tang found that she was getting more and more interested in Fu Jingan.

For a potential love rival Bai Xue, she even traveled all the way to country B.

Hearing Fu Jingan praise Baixue, Tang Tang felt sore.

Fu Jing'an immediately shut up, and he must be careful when joking, Tang Tang is the one who suffers in the end when he is in a hurry.But seeing Tang Tang's cute little expression, Fu Jing'an felt relaxed and happy: "I have nothing to do with Bai Xue. I rushed into the sea of ​​fire to find something, and I saved her by the way."

Comrade Xiaoan knew that any misunderstanding must be resolved as soon as possible.

Once there is a estrangement between rivals in love, the estrangement will accumulate over time in the future, and sooner or later it will lead to a tragic breakup.He had worked so hard to get Tang Tang's heart, but he couldn't fall short because of a misunderstanding.

"Saving people is by the way? You really are by the way." Tang Tang sneered, "I heard that after you woke up, the first thing you said was to ask Bai Xue if she was okay."

Fu Jingan hurriedly said: "I rushed into the flames to find something! Really, I was looking for this—"

Fu Jing'an opened the safe in the corner of the room, took out a delicate black box and handed it to Tang Tang.Tang Tang didn't know why, so when he opened the box, it turned out to be a black key with a complicated shape and structure.

The key is heavy in my hand.

The material of the key cannot be seen directly at a glance.

Tang Tang didn't know why: "You rushed into the sea of ​​fire for a key?"

Fu Jingan explained: "Tangtang, do you still remember the little black box I gave you when I left the Gu family? This key can open that little black box."

Of course Tang Tang remembered.

Both of them were still children back then, and Fu Jingan was taken back by the Fu family.Before leaving, Fu Jingan solemnly handed over a small black box to Tang Tang.

Thinking about it carefully, the material of the small black box seems to be the same as this key.

(End of this chapter)

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