Chapter 897 Tang Tang Becomes a Suspect

Tang Tang and Fu Jingan's expressions changed instantly, and they looked at each other.


After some chaos, Tang Tang was politely invited back to the manor.The doctor team of the Fu family is already busy inducing vomiting and gastric lavage, and the bodyguards of the Fu family are checking the source of the poison.

The source of the poison - the bottle of wine - was quickly located.

It was still the wine that Tang Tang gave to Master Fu.

According to the butler, the owner only drank this bottle of wine in the last two hours.The team of inspectors detected the same toxin in the wine in the decanter.

This is serious!

Tang Tang suddenly turned into a suspect, and the target of poisoning was still the high-ranking Master Fu.If it gets out, it will bring the two families into direct confrontation.

"Miss Tang Tang, the medicine can't remove the toxin in the family's body for the time being. I wonder if you can disclose the formula of the antidote? Or hand over the antidote in between." The family doctor's face is not very good, this kind of poison occurs quickly, short Time cannot be cleared.

Can only be cured by antidote.

Can antidote, only the murderer has.

Master Fu's health is deteriorating day by day, and he can barely maintain it with medical equipment, but he will definitely not be able to survive tonight.

The elders of the family who came in a hurry glared at each other.

Especially the sixth elder, who had a feud with Tang Tang before, was even more sharp in his words: "You are so young, your heart is so vicious! Hurry up and hand over the antidote! Otherwise, you don't want to walk out of the door of the Fu family today!"

"My Fu family treats you with courtesy, and the Patriarch trusts you even more! It's good for you to poison the Patriarch in the wine!"

A group of elders were furious.

The sixth elder clamored to send Tang Tang to the torture hall, torture her, and force her to hand over the antidote.

Tang Tang's face was gloomy, Fu Jingan held her hand, and said coldly: "Elders, don't jump to conclusions before the investigation is clear."

In any case, Fu Jingan believed in Tang Tang.

Tang Tang will not move such a crooked mind.

The sixth elder was so angry that he hated the iron and said: "The servant at home has said that this bottle of wine was opened by the owner himself, and he poured it into the glass to drink. No one else touched it. Except for the Gu family who delivered the wine , who else can change their minds?"

Fu Jingan glared at the Sixth Elder: "Shut up, and if you say another word, I will throw you downstairs."

The Sixth Elder was at a loss for words for a moment, and his heart was overwhelmed.

In the eyes of the sixth elder, the young master must have been confused by Tang Tang!Your own father's life or death is uncertain, yet you actually favor an outsider!
For a while, the elders of the Fu family looked at Tang Tang with hatred in their eyes.

No one noticed that in the corner, Bai Xue stood quietly, hiding the treacherous emotion in her eyes, lowered the corners of her lips, and flashed a smile.

Fu Jingan quickly cut through the mess: "The top priority is to save my father. The medical team immediately analyzed the composition of the poison and developed an antidote in the shortest possible time. The gate of the manor is sealed off, and no one is allowed to leave tonight."

"Whoever dares to act recklessly will be killed immediately."

"Contact elder brother and ask him to come back immediately."

Fu Jingan had reason to suspect that the real poisoner was hiding in the dark.

Some methods were used to blame Tang Tang.

Fu Jingan gave the order, and all the bodyguards in the family were ordered to take action, and the entire manor was like an iron bucket without a single fly flying out.

But the biggest problem now is that the family's medical team can't analyze the type of poison and have no way to start.Tang Tang thought for a while, and secretly pulled Fu Jingan's sleeve:

"You transfer the helicopter to pick up the little Chinese doctor, she will definitely save uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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