Chapter 900 Investigation
But look at this Tang Tang, except for a better family background, it is useless!
The sixth elder secretly inquired, and heard that Tang Tang dropped out of school at a young age, often wandered abroad, and was favored by the Gu family to be lawless.How could such an arrogant and savage girl deserve to marry into the Fu family?
In the heart of the Sixth Elder, he prefers the kind and virtuous Bai Xue.Although Bai Xue came from a poor background, she has good character, appearance and talent, not inferior to Tang Tang.

"You gave the wine. Besides you, who else can poison the Patriarch?" The Sixth Elder snorted coldly, "Maybe you are afraid that the Patriarch will not allow you to marry into the Fu family, so you have a wrong mind."

Tang Tang gave a thumbs up: "Six elders, it's a pity that you don't want to be a screenwriter with such a brain."

Fu Jingan still stood 100% on Tang Tang's side, hugged Tang Tang's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Elders, don't worry about my marriage. Tang Tang doesn't have to marry into the Fu family without grievances. I will take the initiative to marry into the Gu family. The door-to-door son-in-law."

A group of elders present:
The Sixth Elder was about to have an attack, when the little Chinese doctor over there said impatiently, "I'm in a hurry, so I'll tell you about the poison first. This is a rare volatile poison, viscous and transparent, and looks a bit like glue. It will slowly volatilize at room temperature and cannot be stored in plastic bottles. It is usually stored in glass bottles.

I have already proposed to keep the temperature at the crime scene at 0 degrees. The poison must not have evaporated completely. Just check the scene to see if the poison remains.Well I'm done talking, I have to go—"

The little Chinese doctor was about to run away with the medicine box on his back, but the inspection team walked in in a hurry, blocking the little Chinese doctor's way.

The person in charge of testing the wine handed over the report to Fu Jingan: "Master, several items in the master's study have been tested.

No toxins were found inside or outside the wine bottles.

The wine in the decanter contained toxins, and toxin residues were also found in the tall glasses from which the owner drank the wine.In addition, we also tested the glasses in the glass cabinets and found no toxin residues. "

In other words, there is no problem with the wine Tang Tang sent.

The problematic one is the vessel that holds the wine—the glass decanter.

"So, someone poisoned the decanter. My dad poured the wine into the decanter. The toxins in the decanter mixed with the wine, and my dad drank it at last." Fu Jingan speculated in his mind, and the The housekeeper, "Go and find out who is responsible for cleaning the decanter in my dad's study. Or who has been in and out of the study in the last day."

The decanter and glasses in the study room are all cleaned every day.

Those who poisoned must have entered the study within one day.If you want to frame Tang Tang, the time frame can be narrowed even more.

The housekeeper hurriedly adjusted the monitoring and asked a servant to check the situation.

Bai Xue returned to the corner of the house, and after hearing Fu Jingan's words, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.Fu Jingan couldn't find out, she handled this matter very carefully.

She found someone to cover up the surveillance outside the study for 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes, she sneaked into the study and poured the poison she had prepared into the only decanter.


Fu Jingan don't even try to find her!

"Oh, how can it be so troublesome, I have an idea!" The door was blocked by bodyguards, and the little Chinese doctor couldn't get out for a while, feeling so anxious that he stomped his feet and gave advice, "This poison has a strong volatile Sex, although it will volatilize into a gas, it will quietly stick to people's skin and clothes, and will remain on the surface of the skin for a period of time, which cannot be washed off."

(End of this chapter)

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