Chapter 902

Others were equally shocked. In everyone's impression, Bai Xue was a persevering, kind-hearted Lotus of the Snow Mountain. She had a gentle and soft personality, and was quite talented in music. She was a model for all the girls in the family to learn from.

But such a flawless Bai Xue actually poisoned the Patriarch?
Why did she poison the Patriarch?The head of the family treats her very well on weekdays, knowing that she has no father or mother, and specially sends her to the side of the branch to foster her, so that she has no worries about food and clothing.

The other family members present questioned one after another:

"Have you been secretly instructed?"

"Hurry up and confess, or you will really go to the torture hall."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be such a person. No matter what, you shouldn't poison the Patriarch."

Bai Xue stared blankly at the rash that appeared on her arm. Small red rashes popped out, causing bursts of itching.

She never expected that alcohol would actually have a chemical reaction with poison!
When she bought poison at a high price on the black market, the seller didn't tell her at all!

"The evidence is here. If you have anything to argue with, go to the punishment hall to argue." The little Chinese doctor looked at his watch frequently, anxiously turning around, "Fu Jing'an, hurry up and get the helicopter over, I want to get out of here!"

Fu Jingan didn't seem to have heard what the little Chinese doctor said, and cast his eyes coldly at Bai Xue: "The evidence is convincing, I don't want to hear your explanation—fourth, tie him up and throw him into the execution hall."

The fourth child obeyed, picked up a bundle of ropes and walked towards Bai Xue.

The steps were heavy, stepping heavily on Bai Xue's heart.

She opened her mouth to try to explain, when the bodyguard's voice came from outside the house: "Boss, I found a small glass bottle, sent it for inspection and found poison, and Bai Xue's fingerprints were found outside the glass bottle."

The explanation that Bai Xue blurted out got stuck in her throat.

Did you find a glass bottle?
She bought the poison on the black market, only a few milliliters, in tiny glass bottles.After secretly poisoning tonight, she threw the glass bottle into the trash can.

I didn't expect to find it so soon
At that moment, the gentle camouflage on Bai Xue's face was torn, revealing her true face.She looked at Tang Tang viciously: "Why, are you so lucky?"

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, yo, stop pretending?

Bai Xue knew that she had come to an end, and the charge of murdering the head of the family was suppressed, so she was doomed to die.When a person is about to die, Bai Xue simply no longer hides it, and looks gloomyly at the group of gorgeously dressed people present.

These people who once cast admiring glances at her now all looked at her with hatred.

It's like looking at a down and out wild dog.

Bai Xue hated this kind of look. When she was very young, her family was poor, and those "high-class people" wearing gold and silver looked at her with such pity and hatred.Bai Xue always wanted to become a master in her dreams, so she didn't want to be a poor dog.

Bai Xue's eyes were crazy: "I didn't expect to be planted today, haha, it's an unfair fate."

She is always used to blaming everything on fate.

At this moment, Bai Xue is not as clean as a fairy in normal times, but more like a lunatic who has fallen into a desperate situation.

The Sixth Elder was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. How much he admired Bai Xue before, but now he hated it. The Sixth Elder gritted his teeth: "Drag her into the torture hall! I want to interrogate her myself!"

Bai Xue ridiculed expressionlessly: "The trial will be judged, you think I'm afraid? If it weren't for a little Chinese doctor who suddenly appeared, I would be the winner tonight—"

Tang Tang shook his head and interrupted Bai Xue's crazy words: "What are you winning? You can't win with your brain and IQ."

 update update update

(End of this chapter)

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