The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 910 Do you have a problem with Miss Gu's family?

Chapter 910 Do you have a problem with Miss Gu's family?

"Hmph, I was almost seen by others, Tang Xiaoer, you still laugh." Fu Jingan rubbed Tang Tang's face angrily, Tang Tang rubbed it away, Fu Jingan was puzzled and continued to pinch, Tang Tang beat him with the music score.

Jin Dou came out after changing clothes, just in time to see Brother Gu forcefully pressing Fu Jingan on the sofa.

Jindou: "Hit, interrupt!"

Going back to the bedroom, he slammed the door shut.

Jin Dou leaned back against the door, breathing heavily, thinking do not see evil.He rubbed his flushed little face. If he had known these two were there, he would rather sleep on the main road than be a light bulb.

The scene he had just encountered appeared in his mind, and Jin Dou blushed even more.


Jin Dou suddenly realized that something was wrong, and played back the scene he saw just now in his mind.The temperature in the presidential suite is moderate. Brother Gu didn’t wear that big windbreaker just now, revealing the thin white lace shirt underneath.
It was a beautiful white lace aristocratic shirt with silver carved buttons and rows of white lace dotted around the neckline and cuffs.The key is - chest!

He seemed to see Brother Gu's slightly undulating chest?
"Not sure, let's take another look?" Jin Dou was full of suspicion, and opened the bedroom door secretly.The two people on the sofa had stopped fighting, Fu Jingan was making coffee, and "Brother Gu" was flipping through a blue sheet music.

Brother Gu was still wearing the white lace shirt.

Brother Gu
"What are you peeping at?" Fu Jingan keenly spotted Jindou who was peeping, and waved at him, "The food will be delivered right away, you go and wash your hands first."

Jin Dou slipped out gently, and his suspicious eyes fell on Tang Tang for a long time. The light of the crystal lamp in the room was charming and warm yellow. In Jin Dou's eyes, Brother Gu actually had a kind of "femininity"?
But even with the evidence in front of him, Jin Dou still couldn't believe that Brother Gu was a woman, after all, Jin Dou had never seen such a manly woman.So he automatically made up his mind, and decided that Gu Ge was addicted to exercising recently, so his pectoralis major muscles were particularly developed.

Tsk, as expected of my brother Gu with outstanding force!
This guess was very reasonable, and Jin Dou heaved a sigh of relief, and his admiration for Brother Gu increased to a higher level.

Just at this time, the door of the suite opened, and the butler walked in pushing a silver dining car: "Mr. Fu, dinner is served."

The butler put the delicate dishes on the dining table, bowed to the two of them, and turned to leave.The table is full of traditional food from Yinlun Kingdom, such as barbecue, pies, mashed potatoes, puddings, Eaton Max desserts, Jindou hungry all day, working hard and eating like crazy.

Tang Tang ate and drank enough, and licked the bowls and plates clean.

The sky outside the window had already darkened, and the bright night of the city became the beautiful scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Jin Dou hiccupped and watched TV with Tang Tang.

Matters related to Ms. S's concert were broadcast on the TV, and then it was shown that the royal family of Yinlun Kingdom and Gu's Group had signed a contract for a large project worth tens of billions.

"Wow, the Gu family~ This top chaebol family is really too rich." Jin Dou was amazed when he saw the signing scene flashed by on TV.

Then, Jin Dou leaned next to Tang Tang, gossiping: "I heard from Grandpa Zhao in our village that the daughter of the Gu family is the apprentice of Mr. Wang Kehao. Oh, Mr. Wang Kehao is getting old. , The vision of choosing apprentices is as bad as hell, and it is a waste of resources to actually choose a young music rookie as an apprentice."

Tang Tang stopped turning over the score, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and glanced at Jindou:

"Do you have a problem with Miss Gu's family?"

 update update

  Jin Dou probably didn't know that Tang Tang was a woman, I forgot what I wrote before.
(End of this chapter)

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