Chapter 928 is my dear little ancestor
In case the fat man recognized him, where would he put his face?
Jin Dou's eyes rolled wildly, she held her skirt, and hummed angrily, "Who knows you well, stinky, stinky rascal, stay away from me~~"

Saying that, Jin Dou lowered his head and hurried away.

The fat man stayed where he was, and after a while, the bases of his ears slowly turned red. He scratched his head and said, "This little girl is as cute as a coquettish when she is angry."

"Fatty, what are you doing in Yinlun Country instead of investigating at the Berke Academy?" The fourth child and Fatty trained in the same place, and later became Fu Jingan's right-hand man, so they were naturally familiar with each other.

The fat man waved his hand: "I searched all over the Berk Islands, but I couldn't find that thing. I'd better come back and listen to the boss's other arrangements—I'll keep watch with you. By the way, what's the girl's name just now? Is there a date?"

Fourth child: "I don't know!"

Fatty: "Fuck, you don't know who she is, and you even pull her skirt, you rascal!"

Fourth child: "."



The next day, Tang Tang and Fu Jingan entered Yinlun Palace.

The palace was guarded up and down, and it was very quiet.Even if His Majesty the Emperor was suddenly assassinated, the entire state organization still carried out its daily work in an orderly manner without confusion.

"It's all thanks to Xue Nuo. He cut through the mess quickly and stabilized the situation." Fu Jing'an told Tang Tang in a low voice.

Tang Tang: "As expected of a royal child."

Xue Nuo was busy with his elder brother handling state affairs, so he couldn't personally receive the daughter of the Gu family and the young master of the Fu family.The work of receiving the two was temporarily handed over to Princess Charlotte.

Little princess Charlotte is 20 years old, beautiful like an elf, looking over with big watery eyes, full of youthful vitality.Tang Tang met her at the concert. At that time, Princess Charlotte was sitting in the VIP seat of the concert, next to the emperor, which shows the respect of her status.

"Welcome, welcome! Brother Fu, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Charlotte made court etiquette towards Fu Jing'an, her knees were slightly bent, her hands were crossed on her lower abdomen, and her salute was extremely beautiful and elegant.

After saluting, Princess Charlotte glanced at Fu Jing'an as if she hadn't seen anything, her fair little face blushed.

Then he looked at Tang Tang next to him.

Tang Tang changed into women's clothes today, without makeup, her eyebrows and eyes were clean like little white flowers in clear water, and she crushed Princess Charlotte, who was in full dress, to death.

Princess Charlotte frowned, and smiled: "Brother Fu, my brother is already awake, I can take you to see my brother. However, your servant has to wait outside the door. She is humble, so where is she?" fit to step into the palace."

The implication is that Tang Tang is regarded as a servant.

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, this faint tea flavor.
Fu Jingan took Tang Tang's shoulders and said sincerely: "She is not my servant, but my dear little ancestor."

Princess Charlotte's pretty face showed momentary unwillingness, and the corners of Fenrun's mouth curled slightly, implying disdain: "Okay. Since Brother Fu has spoken, let's bring her in.

His elder brother was assassinated last night. He was in a critical situation, but fortunately, the special traveling doctor of the royal family was in Yinlun Kingdom and brought his elder brother back from the critical moment. "

"Your doctor?" Tang Tang thought about these two words, "Which one is you doctor?"

But Princess Charlotte didn't seem to hear Tang Tang's inquiry, and she still walked on her own.

Fu Jingan answered for Tang Tang: "Of course they are acquaintances."

Tang Tang suddenly realized: "It turned out to be her, thank you Brother Fu for answering."

The words "Brother Fu's family" were specially emphasized.

Fu Jingan's neck felt chilly.

 Fu Jingan: Dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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