Chapter 930 Carrying the Burden of the King

Xue Nuo put on a blue medical mask and worriedly pushed away from the private ward transformed from the bedroom.

I saw my elder brother lying on a gorgeous hospital bed, closing his eyes and resting his mind. His formerly majestic and stern features were covered by a desolate sickness, like a wounded and dormant lion.

The medical equipment in the room made a slight beeping sound, and the lingering smell of blood and disinfectant water in the air made Xue Nuo's nose sore, and he stepped forward and called in a low voice: "Brother"

Probably hearing his younger brother's call, Keen closed his eyes and slowly opened them.

Recovering a life from the moment of death, Kean's eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he was extremely fragile.But when he saw his younger brother, Keane just smiled gently, and forced a smile from the corner of his dry mouth: "Don't worry, brother is fine, cough, Xue Nuo, there is a diplomatic mission from country A coming this afternoon, please help me receive it.

I'm not seriously injured, ahem, later you will ask your assistant to bring over the state affairs for this month, and I will personally approve it.This country cannot live without me for a day."

Even though he was seriously injured, Keane still did not forget his duty as the king of a great country.

Xue Nuo's eyes turned red: "Brother, leave the state affairs to me for the time being. With the help of the Senate, we will not delay the business. The old man of the Ming family was captured alive last night, and the owner of the Ming family has already sent someone to take it. The owner of the family and the old man of the Ming family have a blood feud. This old man will suffer retribution. But you, the doctor said that your heart and lungs have suffered serious damage and you need to rest, you should take good care of your injuries first—”

Keane's eyes changed suddenly, his cough intensified, and he gasped and said, "What kind of injury is it! A little injury! Cough cough, hurry up and bring over the official business! The country cannot live without a king! Xue Nuo cough cough cough, you are still a child, Brother can't temporarily put the burden of the whole family on you! I can still hold on!"

Too excited, coughing profusely.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The little Chinese doctor outside was alarmed, and the little doctor hurried in to take Keane's pulse, and frowned slightly: "Your Majesty, your body needs rest and you should not get angry. If you don't follow the doctor's advice carefully, you won't live for more than a month!"

Keane closed his eyes deeply: "But the country needs me, and the family needs me"

The little Chinese doctor shook his head: "I've never seen such a stubborn patient like you—Prince Xue Nuo, please persuade your brother well. Don't let him ruin his life."

The little Chinese doctor stayed in the ward and treated Keen with acupuncture again.

Xue Nuo secretly clenched his fists and exited the room.

The door of the ward slammed shut, as if his 20 years of free life had also been shut.Xue Nuo felt the burden on his shoulders began to become heavier.

Even though the elder brother is seriously ill, he is still worrying about the whole family and the whole country. Xue Nuo admires such a great elder brother!

In the direct line of the family, the eldest brother joined the ship king's Sun's family, the second brother was shot and seriously ill, and now he is the only one left.Xue Nuo closed his eyes deeply, and decided to temporarily shoulder the burden of the national economy and the people's livelihood for his brother.

Until my brother recovers.

With a heavy heart, Xue Nuo left with a heart full of thoughts, and rushed to the heavy state affairs.For the sake of the family, for the sake of his brother, Xue Nuo can only temporarily put down his beloved chef career.

In the ward.

The little Chinese doctor calmly retracted the needle.

The lifeless, dying, sick and poor Gene Wilde on the hospital bed opened his eyes instantly, sat up rubbing his sore arms, and was alive and well, not at all like a patient who was shot.

The little Chinese doctor opened his eyelids: "You have to lie in bed for a month, pretending to be sick to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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