Chapter 932 Complicated Plot

She managed to escape from Fu Jingyi's clutches, and she didn't want to be caught back yet.

In the evening, the four of them watched TV and chatted on the sofa. The lights were warm and yellow. The popular TV series "Warm Love Song" was playing on the TV, and Jin Dou couldn't take his eyes off it.It's a cool night outside, and the interior is warm and harmonious, and there is a sense of family warmth.

The little Chinese doctor peeled a tangerine, the tangerine was sour and sweet, and it was very delicious.

The little Chinese doctor didn't like to eat sugar oranges in the past, but recently she couldn't leave her hand every day. She peeled off the orange petals and chatted lazily with Tang Tang: "A few days ago, Fu Wanwan sent me a message saying that she didn't plan to go back to her original home. .She now works as a violinist in Orchestra A, and tours with the band in various countries. Her family is persistent, and has been sending people to secretly protect her, lest something happen to her—tsk, belated concern is useless."

Fu Wanwan was unfortunate in the first half of her life. Fortunately, she met Tang Tang. In the end, she struggled out of the suffering and found a new direction for her life.

Maybe the next time we meet, she has become an excellent violinist.

"This child, Wanwan, is quite pitiful. Fortunately, she can take it easy." Tang Tang took a bite of the Tangerine that Fu Jingan handed over, it was so sweet, and rewarded Fu Jingan with a kiss.

Tang Tang has been seeing Fu Jingan more and more pleasing to the eye recently.

Seeing the young couple kissing, the little Chinese doctor raised his eyebrows and took a big pot of rations.

The little Chinese doctor clicked his tongue: "Tangtang, you are only 19 years old, and sometimes you talk old-fashionedly. Wanwan is about the same age as you. You have one child at a time. Those who don't know think you are seventy or eighty years old."

Tang Tang touched the bridge of his nose and smiled embarrassingly.

I have experienced too much in the previous life, and my mentality is old, and I have not changed after many years of rebirth.

"By the way, Fu Jing'an, your family interrogated Bai Xue. Did the interrogation come up with any results?" The little Chinese doctor thought of Bai Xue who poisoned the patriarch. After tearing off her disguise for many years, Bai Xue was taken to the Fu family's punishment hall for treatment.

After so many days, no matter how hard the mouth is, it can be pried open.

Fu Jingan peeled another sugar orange for Tang Tang, and said casually: "The Sixth Elder did it himself, and Bai Xue vomited a lot of things. In a few days, he will be sent to prison—"

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Jin Dou's cry.

The little Chinese doctor glared at Jindou angrily: "Little guy, just watch TV in peace and cry! If you cry again, I'll sew your mouth with a needle!"

Jin Dou burst into tears, obsessed with watching dramas, unable to hide her pain, choked up and wailed, "The heroine is so miserable! Woohoo, this drama is actually a tragedy!"

Everyone: .
Jin Dou has been chasing this popular idol drama "Warm Love Song" recently. Both the male and female leading actors are online.

Faced with the threat of the little Chinese doctor, Jindou, who was heartbroken, didn't care at all, but cried tearfully, choked up and began to tell the plot:

"Let me tell you, the plot is really good. The female lead is really miserable. The female lead likes the male lead, and the female lead framed the female lead to sleep with the male lead in order to destroy the protagonist. The male lead originally loved the female lead. He was moved by the female lead and fell in love with the female lead. The male lead misunderstood the female lead and got together with the female lead, but the female lead fell in love with the male lead again. When the male lead learned that the female lead loved the male lead, he got angry with the female lead again The main character fell asleep, and the male lead saw that the male lead and the female lead slept together, and misunderstood again. In the end, the misunderstanding between the female lead and the female lead was resolved, and the female lead was killed by the female lead again, blah blah."

Everyone: .
Tang Tang rubbed his temples: "Little Chinese doctor, you should sew his mouth up."

 No doubt, that paragraph is just to make up the word count~
(End of this chapter)

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